Mụta otu esi ahazi na jikwaa Sistemụ njikwa ọkụ ụlọ RADIORA3 Processors gị site na iji ntuziaka nzọụkwụ ndị a. Chọpụta atụmatụ ya, gụnyere nhazi oge elekere, njikwa ọnọdụ, yana njikọta na Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit na ndị ọzọ. Jikọọ ruo 100 Clear Connect - Ụdị X ngwaọrụ na 95 Clear Connect - Ụdị A ngwaọrụ n'otu processor maka a smart ụlọ ọkụ ahụmahụ.
Akwụkwọ ntuziaka onye ọrụ a bụ maka RadioRA3 Dimmer (P/N 044385 REV A), gụnyere Sunnata LED+ RF Dimmer (RRST-PRO-N) na Companion Dimmer (RRST-RD). Ọ na-enye ozi gbasara ụdị ibu, ibu kacha na nke kacha nta, yana ụdị usoro achọrọ. Agụnyekwara ihe nchekwa dị mkpa.
Learn how to set up and install the RR-PROC3 48 V- 100 mA Wireless Processor with this comprehensive instruction manual. Compatible with RadioRA3 and multiple wireless devices, this processor requires an IEEE 802.3af/802.3at compliant LPS/SELV PoE or PoE+ power supply. Discover installation location requirements and distance parameters for Clear Connect wireless communication. Get your RR-PROC3-KIT or RR-PROC3-CW and all the necessary components for a smooth installation process.