neno 2048771 Bella Twin Moon
Műszaki adatok
- Bemeneti teljesítmény: 110-240V 50-60Hz
- Kimeneti teljesítmény: 5V 1A
- Akkumulátor kapacitás: 3.7 V 1400 mAh Li-ion
- Szivattyú méretei: 105×53 mm
- Súly: 733 g
- Szívóerő: Single Mode
- Stimulációs mód: L1 – 25kPa; L2 – 28kPa; L3 – 32kPa; L4 – 34kPa; L5 – 36kPa; L6 Fast – 30kPa; L6 Slow – 54 kPa
A termék használati útmutatója
Első használat előtt:
- Csatlakoztassa a mellszívót az áramforráshoz, és töltse az akkumulátorokat 2 órán keresztül.
- Válassza le a mellszívó azon részeit, amelyek közvetlenül érintkeznek az anyatejjel vagy a tejjel.
- Csavarja le a tejesüveget a csatlakozásról.
- Húzza le a szelepet, hogy leválassza a csatlakozóról.
- Remove the lid from the funnel and pull the funnel off the joint.
- Távolítsa el a tömítés fedelét és a tömítést a csatlakozásról.
- Wash the device components (refer to the Cleaning and Disinfection section).
Tisztítás és fertőtlenítés:
Az eszköz tisztításához és fertőtlenítéséhez kövesse az alábbi lépéseket:
- Soak in warm soapy water for 5 minutes, then wash and rinse.
- Air-dry the components. Store dry parts of the device in a cool and dry place when not in use.
- For disinfection (before first use and once a day), follow these steps:
- Fill a pot with water to cover all device components once placed in it. Bring to a boil.
- Place the breast pump components in boiling water for 10 minutes. Do not boil.
- A szivattyúegység tisztítása:
- Törölje le a szivattyúegységet gyengéd, damp ruhával és enyhe mosogatószerrel.
- When not in use, store the pumping unit in a cool, dry place.
Hosszú távú tárolás
The breast pump has a built-in battery. To prevent damage, the device enters storage mode after a long period of inactivity. To exit storage mode, connect the device to power and charge it for 2 hours. Before storing the pump for an extended period, ensure that all components are clean, the pumping unit is cleaned, and the device’s battery is fully charged.
K: Hogyan tisztítsam meg a mellszívót?
A: To clean the breast pump, soak in warm soapy water for 5 minutes, then wash and rinse. Air-dry the components and store them in a cool, dry place when not in use. For disinfection, follow the provided instructions.
K: Hogyan kell hosszú ideig tárolni a mellszívót?
A: If storing the breast pump for an extended period, ensure all components are clean, clean the pumping unit, and fully charge the device’s battery before storage.
Tisztelt Ügyfelünk!
- Neno Bella Twin Moon device you have purchased is an electronic breast pump with a touch panel for pumping breast milk from a woman’s breast after childbirth. Please read the instructions for use before use.
- Nem use a breast pump during pregnancy – it can cause premature labour.
- Nem use the device if you suffer from chronic illness or hypersensitivity, which would cause you pain when using the breast pump.
- Before each use, make sure that none of the parts are damaged. Do not use the breast pump if any part is visibly damaged.
- Tartsa távol a készüléket gyermekektől és állatoktól.
- For hygiene reasons, only one person should use the breast pump.
- Tartsa távol a készülék szivattyúzó részét a víztől.
- Avoid exposing the device to mechanical damage such as a fall.
- A torzulás elkerülése érdekében tartsa távol a mellszívó szilikon részeit a forró felületektől.
- Clean and disinfect your breast pump first each time you intend to store an extracted milk.
- Nem clean machine parts with abrasive cleaners.
- Nem attempt to repair the breast pump yourself – this will invalidate the warranty.
- Ha a készülék használata fájdalmat vagy súlyos kényelmetlenséget okoz, kapcsolja ki, és távolítsa el a mellszívót a melltől.
- The tube does not require washing. Make sure the tube is dry before each use. The wet tube may damage the device.
- Nem connect the charging device to a voltage magasabb a megadottnál.
- FÜGE. 1
- Csatlakoztassa a mellszívót az áramforráshoz. Töltse fel az akkumulátorokat 2 órán keresztül.
- Disconnect the parts of the breast pump that will be in direct contact with the breast or milk
- Csavarja le a tejesüveget a csatlakozásról.
- Húzza le a szelepet, hogy leválassza a csatlakozóról.
- Remove the lid from the funnel and pull the funnel off the joint.
- Távolítsa el a tömítés fedelét és a tömítést a csatlakozásról.
- Wash the device components (please refer to the CLEANING AND
- FÜGE. 2
- fedél x2
- Funnel (24mm diameter) x2
- Suction bowl cover x2
- Szívótál x2
- Csatlakozó x2
- Szelep x4
- Tejes üveg x2
- Palacktartó x2
- Cső
- Töltő kábel
- Szivattyúzó készülék
- Teat set x2
- Üvegkupak
- FÜGE. 3
- Power button (B) – Hold the button for 2 seconds to turn the device on or off.
- Mode change button (H) – Press this button to change the device operating mode. There are 2 operating modes of the device (stimulation, deep pumping).
- Changing the suction level – Press „+” (I) to increase the suction power or „-” (A) to decrease the suction power. (Pacing (D) mode: L1-L9 levels; Deep Pumping (F) mode: L1-L9 levels.)
- Battery status (C) – The battery icon shows the battery charge status. Connect the device to charge when the battery is low.
- Device operation time (G) – This indicator shows how many minutes have passed since the breast pump was turned on. The device will automatically turn off after 30 minutes.
- Suction Level (E) – Shows the currently selected suction level.
- Washing and sanitizing are two different activities. They must be done separately to protect your baby and to ensure that the breast pump is working properly.
- Washing – washing the surface of the device and removing impurities. Disinfection – killing organisms such as bacteria or viruses that may be present on the surface of the device.
- Funnel and funnel cover, elements of the breast pump (joint, gasket, gasket cover), bottle and nipple:
- Before the first use – washing and disinfection.
- After each use – washing.
- Once a day – disinfection.
- Separate and wash all parts of the appliance that come into contact with milk immediately after using the appliance . Thanks to this, you will remove sediment from milk and prevent the growth of bacteria.
- Use only potable tap water for cleaning . Use bottled water if your tap water does not meet this requirement .
- When cleaning the valves , do not use brushes . Be careful not to pierce the valve straight through.
- Disassemble, wash and rinse all parts of the breast pump that come into contact with milk, except the pumping device .
- Use a mild washing – up liquid or soap when washing the elements of the breast pump.
FIG. 4.A
- Washing (before first use and after use – in a sink ):
- a. Öblítse le az összes leválasztott részt (amely érintkezésbe került az anyatejjel és a tejjel) hideg vízben, hogy öblítse le a tejmaradványokat és az üledéket.
- Soak in warm soapy water for 5 minutes, then wash and rinse .
- Let the elements dry naturally . Store the dry parts of the machine in a cool , dry place when not in use.
FIG. 4.B
- Fertőtlenítés (első használat előtt és naponta egyszer – a tűzhelyen):
- Fill the pot with water so that all items in it are covered when you put them in the water. Bring to a boil. Place the breast pump components in boiling water for 10 minutes. Don’t cook.
- Let the elements dry naturally. Store the dry kit components in a cool, dry place when not in use.
FIG. 4.C
- A szivattyúberendezés tisztítása
- Wipe the pump unit with a soft, wet cloth and a mild washing-up liquid / soap. Other cleaning agents or abrasives may damage the device and its display.
- When you are not using the pumping unit, they store it in a cool, dry place
- FÜGE. 5
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching the breast pump and breasts.
- Attach the funnel, diaphragm and diaphragm cap to the connection.
- Place the valve in the connection .
- Screw the bottle on to the connection by turning it clockwise until it stops .
- Connect the tubing to the diaphragm cover.
- Connect the tubing to the appropriate port on the pumping device.
Tanács:- Before each use, check that the parts of the breast pump are not
damaged . If necessary, replace damaged parts with new ones. - Always check the cleanliness of the components before using the
machine . - To avoid damaging the breast pump, make sure that all its parts are
dry before using it .
- Before each use, check that the parts of the breast pump are not
- Before using it for the first time , charge the breast pump for 2 hours by connecting it to the power supply using the USB cable. The battery icon on the display will be full when charging is complete . Full blinking battery – low battery , plug in charger .
Non – flashing battery – battery connected to charging , current battery charge status . Full on battery – battery fully charged . You can use the breast pump while the device is connected to the charging station . Your device ‚s battery will be charged when you connect it to power. The device battery will not be charged when the pumping device is turned on . Fully charge the battery of the breast pump before storing it if you intend not to use the device for a long period of time . Charge your device ‚s battery before it is completely depleted . It extends battery life . If the breast pump was stored in a hot place , the battery may not work initially . Let the breast pump cool down for an hour before you start using it .
- FÜGE. 6
- Place the funnel on the breast so that the nipple is inside the drainage canal .
- Press the funnel and connect the breast pump to your breast using your thumb and forefinger .
- Support your breast .
- Switch on the breast pump by pressing the power button and select the operating mode that suits you .
- Press the power button to turn off the breast pump after use and place the lid on the funnel to protect it from dust .
- The breast pump starts working in stimulation mode. Set the suction power level convenient for you using the +/- buttons . Stimulation mode – fast pumping that mimics the natural suckling of milk from the breast by the baby, stimulating the flow of milk . After 2 minutes, the breast pump automatically switches to deep expression mode . Use the +/- buttons to adjust the suction power level to find the highest suction level that is comfortable for you. If food begins to flow out of your breast within two minutes, press the Mode Shift Button to manually enter Deep Feed Mode .
- Pumping Mode – Slower pumping that draws milk gently and efficiently from your breasts. In food intake mode, increase the suckling level to the point where you feel a slight discomfort (not pain ) and decrease the suckling rate by one notch .
- Do not thaw frozen milk in the microwave or in boiling water. There is
- a risk of scalding the baby’s face.
- Thaw the milk in the fridge overnight. Do not refreeze once thawed milk. You can thaw milk quickly by holding it under running water with a maximum temperature of 37°C.
- Place the closed bottle/bag in a bowl of warm water for 20 minutes to bring the milk to body temperature.
- Ne adjon frissen lecsepegtetett tejet a korábban lefagyasztott tejhez, ha a friss tej mennyisége meghaladja a korábban lefagyasztott tej mennyiségét.
- It is recommended that you breastfeed before you start feeding your baby with a bottle.
- Always check the bottle, teat and other components before and after
- each feeding. If the teat is damaged, stop using it immediately.
- To avoid the risk of strangulation, test the strength of the soother by pulling gently on its protruding part.
- Do not try to enlarge the opening of the teat.
- Infants should not be bottle fed without adult supervision.
- The teat of the bottle should not be used as a soother for the baby’
- The breast pump has a built-in battery. To protect against damage, the device goes into storage mode after a long period of inactivity. To disable storage mode, connect the device to power and charge it for 2 hours. Before you put the breast pump down for an extended period of time, make sure that:
- A mellszívó minden része tiszta.
- You cleaned the pumping device.
- The device battery is fully charged
- Bemeneti teljesítmény: 110-240V 50-60Hz | Output power: 5V 1A | Battery capacity: 3.7V 1400mAh Li- ion | Pump dimensions: 105×53 mm | Weight: 733 g
- Szívási teljesítmény:
- Stimulation mode : L1 – 25kPa; L2 – 28kPa; L3 – 32kPa; L4 – 34kPa; L5 – 36kPa; L6 fast – 30kPa ; L6 free – 54 kPa ;
- Deep Pull Mode : L1 – 32kPa ; L2 – 36kPa; L3 – 40kPa; L4 – 42kPa; L5 – 45kPa; L6 – 49kPa; L7 – 52kPa; L8 – 53kPa; L9 – 54kPa;
- Stimulation mode : L1 – 16kPa; L2 – 18kPa; L3 – 20-21kPa; L4 – 23kPa; L5 – 24kPa; L6 fast – 19kPa; L6 free – 44-45kPa;
- Deep Pull Mode : L1 – 22kPa ; L2 – 24-25kPa; L3 – 27-28kPa; L4 – 30kPa; L5 – 33kPa; L6 – 36-37kPa; L7 – 40kPa; L8 – 42-43kPa; L9 – 44-45kPa; Permissible difference ± 5 Kpa
The crossed out trash can symbol indicates that unusable electrical or electronic devices, its accessories (such as power ords) or components (for example batteries, if included cannot be disposed of alongside with household waste. In order to dispose of the devices or its components (for example, batteries) deliver the device to the collection point, where it will be accepted free of charge. Disposal is subject to the recast version of the Wett Directive (2012/19/ tU) and the Directive on batteries and accumulators (2006/66 / EC). Proper disposal of the device prevents degradation of the natural environment. Information about the collection points of the facilities is issued by the competent local authorities. Incorrect disposal of waste is subject to penalties provided for by the law in force in the given area.
- A termékre 24 hónap garancia vonatkozik. A garanciális feltételek a következő címen találhatók:
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- Specifications and contents are subject to change without notice. We apologise for any inconvenience
Dokumentumok / Források
neno 2048771 Bella Twin Moon [pdf] Használati útmutató 2048771 Bella Twin Moon, 2048771, Bella Twin Moon, Twin Moon |