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K and J Dog Grooming Set


विशेष विवरण

  • प्रोडक्ट का नाम: Grooming Arm
  • इसमें शामिल हैं: Grooming Box, Grooming Arm, Grooming Pad, Screw Set
  • सामग्री: प्लास्टिक और धातु
  • रंग: सफ़ेद

किट में शामिल:

  • Grooming BoxK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-1
  • Grooming ArmK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-2
  • ग्रूमिंग पैडK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-3
  • पेंच सेटK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-4


स्टेप 1:

  • Open the grooming box to take out everythingK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-5

स्टेप 2:

  • Remove one rail from dog crateK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-6

स्टेप 3:

  • Install the grooming box on the crateK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-7

स्टेप 4:

  • Insert the grooming arm into the square hole on the grooming boxK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-8

स्टेप 5:

  • Use the screw set to connect the grooming arm with crate.hold the white plastic washer with the fingers and insert the screw through the holes on the crate,washer and grooming arm.K-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-9

स्टेप 6:

  • Screw the second position in the same wayK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-9

स्टेप 7:

  • Put the grooming pad on the top of the dog crateK-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-fig-11K-3and-J-Dog-Grooming-Set-product

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों

Q: Can the grooming arm be adjusted in height?
A: Yes, the grooming arm can be adjusted to different heights based on your pet’s size.

Q: Is the grooming pad machine washable?
A: Yes, the grooming pad is machine washable for easy cleaning and maintenance.

दस्तावेज़ / संसाधन

K and J Dog Grooming Set [पीडीएफ] स्थापना गाइड
Dog Grooming Set, Dog, Grooming Set, Set


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