Rule Book
Item no.: 307038 TL A170405 1/23
Game Designers: Christos Giannakoulas & Manolis
Zachariadis (Goblins on Board)
Illustration: Maïa Zeidan
Editor: Markus Singer
Adventure Book: Imke Storch
Duration: about 20 min per chapter
Don’t open the treasure chests or the big envelope yet, and don’t look at any of the cards yet!
Ahoy, sailors! I’m Pepe, Captain of the Melody. Are you ready for an adventure?! If so, you’ve come to the right place: right here with me and my animal crew! Have you ever heard of the “Seven Treasures”? No? Well, what are you waiting for? All aboard!
This is no ordinary board game. It’s a cooperative Legacy Game for the whole family. You’ll be going on an amazing 25-chapter adventure with Capt’n Pepe and his crew. Unlike regular board games, this one changes from game to game. You’ll be adding new rules as you go, and even changing the pieces themselves using stickers.
Some of the game materials are still a secret for now, so whatever you do, don’t look at them yet!
Which ones? The Adventure Book, the big envelope, the treasure chests, and the small deck of cards.
For now, put all of those aside. No peeking!
This Rule Book is a bit different, too. It gives you step-by-step instructions for the first game, and it also contains the rules for all 25 chapters of the adventure.
Important: Don’t flip ahead in this Rule Book or in the Adventure Book. Always stop reading when the instructions tell you to.
We also have a video that explains the basic rules and shows you how to play the first game:
Before Your First Game
Carefully punch these pieces out:
2 ship parts (deck and hull), 1 triangular board, 1 ring piece, and 15 thumbs-up pieces.
You’ll need the deck and the hull. Fold the side tabs on the hull up. Carefully thread the turquoise railing on the hull up through the notches in the deck. Start at the stern (the back of the ship) and work your way forward.
You’ll only have to put the ship together once. When you’re not playing, you can store it in the big blue compartment of the game box.
The small deck of cards is your Legacy Deck.
For now, put this deck in the Treasure Chest with the ship symbol on it.
Don’t look at the cards, and don’t shuffle them!
This is your Storage.
Keep all the Legacy Cards you haven’t played yet here.
Open the Adventure Book in the middle.
Carefully tear the double sheet out of the Adventure Book. This little folded sheet is where you’ll stick your treasure stickers. It’s your Treasure Collection.
Treasure Collection
Rule Book Adventure Book (No peeking yet!) Treasure Collection
The Melody (your ship) Treasure Map Triangular board
15 thumbs-up pieces Hourglass timer 5 crew members
5 oars Wooden Ball – Capt’n Pepe Ring piece
Envelope (don’t open it yet!) Treasure Chests including Storage (don’t open them yet!)
Legacy Deck (No peeking yet!) (placed in Storage)
Ready for your first adventure? Let me explain everything you’ll need to know for your first game. Steering the ship quickly and safely will take teamwork and practice. To keep us from going off course, every crew member needs to be next to their oar. With wind and weather, fog and stormy seas, getting everyone in the right place won’t always be easy… but our crew can do it with your help!
STOP! Before you continue, open the Adventure Book and read the first two paragraphs of the Prologue. Come back here once you’re finished.
Introductory Game
Here’s what you’ll need for your first game:
The Melody (your ship) Adventure Book Capt’n Pepe
Charley Bob Oscar Tuga
Put everything else back into the box.
1. Set the Melody in the middle of the table, so that you can all reach it easily.
2. Next, place the crew members on deck, in the positions shown with the color-coded dots.
3. Next, lean the oars against the railing in the correct spots, so that they’re sitting on the ship and the table at an angle.
Note: Later on, the starting positions for the crew members and the oars will be shown on the same cards, using color-coded dots for both.
4. Whichever player was in the water most recently goes first and gets Capt’n Pepe.
Once all the crew members and oars are in position, your ship should look like this:
Move the crew members around on the ship so that they’re all next to the oars of the correct color.
Whoever has Capt’n Pepe goes first, and then play continues clockwise around the table. You can move any crew member you like, according to these rules:
> You can only move a crew member to a space that’s connected and open.
The white lines show which spaces are connected.
> Crew members can’t share spaces.
> You can only move crew members one space at a time.
You can’t jump over another crew member.
Once you’ve made your move, your turn is over. Pass Capt’n Pepe to the player on your left.
Note: Even if a crew member is already in the correct spot, you can still move them – if they’re blocking another crew member’s path, for example.
What’s that? Oh… you’re wondering why I’m not helping them row? I’m the captain, that’s why! Only the player who has me is allowed to move a crew member.
Example moves:
1) Anne has Capt’n Pepe, so it’s her turn. She wants to move Oscar toward the purple oar, but she can’t, because all of the connected spaces are occupied. Instead, she moves
Charley one space. Now her turn is over, so she gives Capt’n Pepe to Jasmine.
2) Jasmine moves Oscar to the space that just opened up. Then she passes Capt’n Pepe to Joe.
3) Joe moves Oscar into the space by the purple oar. Now
Oscar is in the correct spot, next to his oar.
Once you have all the crew members next to their oars, you’ve finished the round. Congratulations!
Now play your first game of Capt’n Pepe, Treasure Ahoy! Try to move all of the crew members to the correct oars. When you’ve done that, you can open the Adventure Book and read the rest of the Prologue.
Don’t read any further until you’ve finished playing the Prologue.
The Base Game
Well done, sailors! With Mia here, our crew’s complete. Ready to start your Legacy Adventure? Great! Let me tell you what you’ll need to know.
This section explains the rules for the Legacy Game. Read from here to the end of Page 8 before you continue. Once you’ve finished reading, turn to Chapter 1 of the Adventure Book.
You’ll have the most fun with the Legacy Game if you always play with the same people. Of course, players can come and go whenever they like, but take it from me: nothing beats an experienced crew!
Each chapter is divided into four game phases:
Phase 1: Story Phase
Phase 2: All Aboard!
Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!
Phase 4: Treasure Ahoy!
Open the Adventure Book to whichever chapter you’re on. Read the beginning of the chapter out loud.
Of course, you can also listen to the chapter if you’d prefer.
Just scan the QR code in your Adventure Book.
Do you see this symbol in the Adventure Book?
If so, open up your storage and take out just the Legacy Cards with the numbers shown. The front of each Legacy Card is numbered in the bottom right corner. Make sure you always draw cards starting from the “right” side of the Legacy Deck – the side that shows Capt’n Pepe. Each time you draw Legacy Cards, put the card marked with the number 0 back onto the deck – that way you’ll always remember which side to draw from.
These Legacy Cards are available to you from now on, along with all the other cards you’ve collected in previous chapters.
In Chapter 1, you get Legacy Cards 1 through 5. Each one shows the ship with 5 color-coded markings. These are called Ship Cards. You’ll use these in Phase 2: All Aboard! and Phase 3: Ship Ahoy! to set your starting and goal positions.
Do you see this symbol in the Adventure Book?
You’re ready to move on to Phase 2: All Aboard!. Set the Adventure Book aside for now. Don’t read any of the text after the symbol yet. You won’t need the Adventure Book again until Phase 4: Treasure Ahoy!
I know, I know – you already have one sea voyage under your belts. You’re not wet behind the ears anymore! But now that we’re past the first game, there are a few more things you’ll need to remember, so keep reading!
1. Set the Melody in the middle of the table, so that you can all reach it easily.
2. Put the board and all of the thumbs-up pieces within reach, near the Melody.
3. Insert the hourglass into the big hole in the middle of the Melody.
4. Which of you was in the water most recently? You’re going first! Take the ring piece and Capt’n Pepe.
Note: You can put Capt’n Pepe in the ring piece while you’re setting everything up. If you just finished a chapter, pass the ring piece to the player on your left. That person gets Capt’n Pepe as well.
5. Now shuffle all of your available Ship Cards (it’ll be Cards 1 through 5 when you play the first chapter). Deal out four Ship Cards face-down and set them aside as your draw pile. You can put the rest of your Ship Cards back into the box until the next game.
Note: You’ll be adding more and more Ship Cards to your draw pile throughout your adventure, but you’ll only ever use four of them (drawn at random) for each chapter.
6. Next, set the crew members’ starting positions: Draw the top Ship Card and place it face-up beside the draw pile. Place the crew members aboard the Melody as shown on the card.
Unlike in the introductory game, you’ll always play this phase three times.
Next, set your target positions: Draw another card from the draw pile. This time, lean the five oars against the railing of the Melody beside the spaces marked with those colors. Ready? Everybody shout, “Capt’n Pepe, treasure ahoy!” Now flip the hourglass and start playing!
Instead of using the hourglass timer, you can also have Capt’n Pepe himself time you:
Note: It’s no fun if you plan the game in advance, so no talking while you’re placing the oars… but once you’ve started the timer, you can talk and work together on your turns.
Same movement rules as in
the Introductory Game
Whoever has Capt’n Pepe goes first, and then play continues clockwise around the table. On your turn, you can move any crew member you like, as long as you follow these rules:
> You can only move a crew member to a space that’s both connected and open.
The white lines show which spaces are connected.
> Crew members can’t share spaces.
> You can only move crew members one space at a time. You can’t jump over another crew member
Once you’ve made your move, your turn is over. Pass Capt’n Pepe to the player on your left.
Note: Instead of passing Capt’n Pepe to the next player, you can roll him or even throw him. Be careful, though, because you can’t take your turn until Capt’n Pepe’s in your hand!
Keep going around the table taking turns until either you manage to put all of the crew members beside their matching oars or the timer runs out.
Either way, count how many crew members are next to the correct oars. Put that many thumbs-up pieces on the board.
Always fill up the board row by row, starting from the bottom.
Pass the ring piece (and Capt’n Pepe) to the next player (clockwise around the table).
Example of counting thumbs-up pieces:
Anne, Jasmine, and Joe didn’t quite finish in time, but they did get four of the five crew members into the right positions.
They put four thumbs-up pieces on the board, starting from the bottom row.
Repeat this phase two more times:
Turn another Ship Card face-up and move the oars into their new positions.
Remember: No talking about your moves while you’re placing the oars. Once you’ve started the timer, you can start planning your strategy!
By the end of the 3rd round, you’ll have a maximum of 15 thumbs-up pieces on the board.
Note: If you finish repositioning the oars before the timer runs out, let it finish running out before you flip it over to start the next round.
Note: Only reposition the oars for the next round. Leave the crew members wherever they were at the end of the last round.
Note: If you finish all three rounds without getting any thumbs-up pieces on the board, you’ll need to try the chapter again.
Go ahead with Chapter 1 of the Adventure Book.
Once you’ve completed Phase 3: Ship Ahoy! successfully (meaning you’ve played three rounds and earned at least one thumbs-up piece), read the rest of Chapter 1 and then continue from this point in the Rule Book.
At the end of each chapter, you get stickers. The more thumbs-up pieces you collected on your board, the more stickers you earn.
Well, how did you do? Did you manage to navigate the ship quickly and safely? Let’s see what you brought back as booty!
Each chapter of the Adventure Book ends with this symbol:
Instead of the X, it will show a chapter number.
Take out the envelope and flip it so that the side with Capt’n Pepe on it is facing up. Pull the top page out slowly and carefully, but only as far as the chapter number in the symbol shows. Whenever a bar with the next chapter number shows up on the page, stop pulling.
The envelope contains pages full of stickers; you’ll be adding new types of stickers to the game as you go.
Note: This symbol usually appears at the end of the chapter, but in two cases, you’ll see it at the beginning of the chapter.
There are five kinds of stickers:
Chapter Stickers Treasure Stickers Star Stickers
Saber Stickers Seven Treasures Stickers
The board shows when you’ll get which stickers:
If this is the first time you’ve finished the current chapter with at least one thumbs-up piece (there’s at least one thumbs-up piece on the bottom wave of the board), you get the Chapter Sticker for that chapter.
Stick the Chapter Sticker in the corresponding section of the grid on the Treasure Map. Where? The Chapter Stickers are all labeled on the sticker sheets with coordinates.
The Treasure Map is divided up into a 5×5 grid. The letter is the row; the number is the column.
Example: You earn Chapter Sticker A1. Place it in Row A, Column 1 of the Treasure Map – the first row and the first column.
The Chapter Stickers on the Treasure Map will help you remember which chapter to start with next time.
Example: There are already four Chapter Stickers on the Treasure Map, so next time you play, you can start with Chapter 5 of the Adventure Book.
If this is the first time you’ve finished the current chapter with at least 8 thumbs-up pieces (there’s at least one thumbs-up piece on the middle wave of the board), you get your choice of two Treasure Stickers. You can only keep one of the two.
Stick it in your Treasure Collection.
Note: These stickers don’t affect the rest of the game – they just change the way your Treasure Collection looks. Feel free to use the rest of the stickers outside of the game. Decorate notebooks, trade them with friends… whatever you like!
If this is the first time you’ve finished the current chapter with at least 8 thumbs-up pieces (there’s at least one thumbs-up piece on the middle wave of the board), you also get a Star Sticker. Like the Chapter Stickers, the Star Stickers are labeled with Treasure Map coordinates. Stick the Star Sticker in the corresponding section of the grid on the Treasure Map. Make sure to leave enough space underneath for a Saber Sticker in that same grid square.
If this is the first time you’ve finished the current chapter with at least 14 thumbs-up pieces (there’s at least one thumbs-up piece on the top wave of the board), you get a Saber Sticker. This symbol is printed on the board to remind you. Like the Chapter and Star Stickers, the Saber Stickers are also labeled with Treasure Map coordinates. Stick the Saber Sticker in the corresponding section of the grid, underneath the Star Sticker.
You can tell the Seven Treasures Stickers apart from regular Treasure Stickers because they’re bigger. Whenever a Seven Treasures Sticker appears on your sticker sheet, stick it on the last page of your Treasure Collection.
What’s that? Oh… you’re not happy with how you did? You want ALL the stickers? No problem! You can always replay an earlier chapter and try to score better. There’s nothing better than a full Treasure Collection and a Treasure Map with stars and sabers in every square!
Note: You can always play Capt’n Pepe, Treasure Ahoy! outside of Legacy Mode if you want. Just use whichever pieces or modules you’ve opened up so far, without reading any further in the Adventure Book or using stickers.
Stick all of the stickers in Chapter 1 on your Treasure Map and in your Treasure Collection. After that, you can move on to Chapter 2. Now you know the basic rules. You can set this Rule Book aside until Chapter 3, when the Adventure Book tells you to come back.
Section A
Wow! A Treasure Chest! But how will we get it open? We don’t have a key. Luckily, we have Bob, the beaver on our crew. He has a tool we can use to break open the chest.
Do you see this Treasure Chest symbol in the Adventure Book? Find the matching Treasure Chest in the game box and open it. Whatever’s inside becomes part of the game from now on.
Beginning in Chapter 3, new pieces and rules will be added to the game in the form of modules. You won’t always use all the modules at the same time. The Adventure Book will tell you which modules to use in that chapter.
Example from Chapter 3:
In Chapter 3, you play using the basic rules plus the Banana Crate Module.
Important: This Rule Book explains the modules one by one, so you can also use it as a reference guide. Each chapter of the Adventure Book will tell you which modules to use when you play that chapter. Make sure to double-check that you’re using the right modules each time. Ignore the other modules during that chapter, even if you’ve “unlocked” them previously.
In Chapter 3, you get a Banana Crate. Punch it out of the sheet. Before drawing your Ship Card and putting your crew members into position for Phase 2: All Aboard!, put the Banana Crate onto the Melody. Choose one of the two possible crate positions. They’re the scratched spots on the Melody:
Banana Crate positions:
Port (the left side of the ship) Starboard (the right side of the ship)
The Banana Crate is an obstacle – it blocks a line between two spaces, which means those two spaces aren’t connected anymore.
On your turn, you can either move a crew member or the Banana Crate.
The Banana Crate can only move along the scratch, to the opposite side of the ship.
Banana Crate example:
1) Joe has Capt’n Pepe. He wants to move |
2) Now the path isn’t blocked anymore, so Anne moves |
3) |
Now you’re ready to play Chapters 3 and 4. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 5 and opened Treasure Chest 2.
Section B
In Chapter 5, you’ll get crew pieces. Punch them out of the sheets. You’ll use these whenever you play with Event Cards. What are Event Cards? We’ll explain those in a minute. Event Cards are different from Ship Cards – don’t shuffle them together. The Adventure Book will tell you which Event Cards to use in the chapter you’re on. If a card tells you to choose a random crew member, mix the crew pieces together and draw one without looking. If it says to choose several crew members at random, draw them one at a time.
Note: When you’re playing with Event Cards, you’ll need to draw new crew members for each round of Phase 3: Ship Ahoy! Mix the crew pieces around and pick one at random for each event.
In Chapter 5, you’ll get this Event Card from your Legacy Deck in storage. When you reach Phase 3: Ship Ahoy! during the game, put this card next to the ship where everyone can see it, and choose a crew member at random. Put that crew member’s crew piece face-up on top of the card.
When you’re playing the game, if you move that crew member next to their matching oar, immediately make that crew member “go to sleep.” For the rest of the round, nobody can move that crew member. Put the crew member sideways on the space to show that they’re sleeping, and flip the crew piece face-down on the Event Card.
Now you’re ready to play Chapters 5 and 6. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 7 and received Legacy Card 9.
Section C
In Chapter 7, you’ll get this Event Card from the Legacy Deck in storage. Whoever’s going first takes this card at the beginning of Phase 3: Ship Ahoy! Put this Event Card in front of you and choose a crew member at random (as described in Section B). Put the chosen crew member’s piece face-up on the Event Card.
For this round, you (and only you) can’t move that crew member.
Note: Pass the ring piece (and Capt’n Pepe) clockwise after each round. With this module, that means a different person won’t be able to move one crew member in each round.
Now you’re ready to play Chapter 7. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 8 and received Legacy Card 10.
In Chapter 8, you’ll get a Cannon Sticker from the envelope. Stick the Cannon Sticker on the outside railing of the Melody, between two spaces. The white circles in the picture show where you’re allowed to put the Cannon Sticker.
You’ll also get this Event Card from the Legacy Deck in storage during Chapter 8. When you reach Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, put this Event Card beside the Melody where everyone can see it, and choose a crew member at random (as described in Section B). Put that crew member’s crew piece face-up on top of the card.
At some point during Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, one of you will need to move the chosen crew member past the Cannon Sticker on the Melody. Once you do, flip the crew piece on the card face-down. If nobody moves the crew member past the cannon, you’ll have to remove one thumbs-up piece from the board at the end of the round. If there aren’t any thumbs-up pieces on the board, nothing happens.
Mia is the crew member chosen for the “Look out!
Kraken!” event. Jasmine moves Mia one space to the right.
Since Mia moved past the Cannon Sticker, Jasmine turns Mia’s crew piece face-down on the Event Card. Jasmine, Anne, and Joe don’t lose any thumbs-up pieces at the end of the round.
Note: Even though the Cannon Stickers will be on the Melody from now on, you can ignore them when you’re playing chapters that don’t use the “Look out! Kraken!” Event Card.
Now you’re ready to play Chapter 8. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 9 and opened Treasure Chest 3.
Section E
In Chapter 9, you’ll get a crab. Punch it out of the sheet.
Before you start Phase 3: Ship Ahoy! for this chapter, choose a crew member at random (as described in Section B). Put the crab on top of that crew member. Now the crew member has the crab on their head.
Special rules apply to everybody during Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!:
> If the crab is on a crew member’s head, you can’t move that crew member.
> If the crab is on a space, you can’t move a crew member to that space.
Instead of moving a crew member on your turn, you can move the crab in one of two ways:
> If the crab is on a crew member’s head: “Ew, go away!” Move the crab to any connected space. If a different crew member is on that space, put the crab on that crew member’s head.
Otherwise, just put the crab on that space on the Melody.
> If the crab is on a space on the Melody (not on a crew member’s head): “Hey, crab, come here!”
Move the crab to a connected space occupied by a crew member. Put the crab on that crew member’s head.
Note: You can’t move the crab from one free space to another free space. The crab always has to start or end on a crew member’s head.
2) Anne wants to get the |
Now you’re ready to play Chapters 9, 10, and 11. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 12 and opened Treasure Chest 4.
Section F
In Chapter 12, you’ll get fog pieces. Punch them out of the sheet.
When you’re setting up Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, instead of marking the target positions with the oars, use these fog pieces.
So what’s different this time? In Phase 2: All Aboard!, you start by placing the crew members next to their starting positions – around the outside edges of the Melody. Then, in Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, instead of putting the oars by the target positions shown on the Ship Card, put the fog pieces on those spaces. Once you’ve done that, move the crew members to their start positions.
Note: Some of the crew members may be standing on fog pieces now, so make sure you remember which fog piece is under which crew member.
In Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, spaces with fog pieces on them are considered free spaces. If you’re moving a crew member to a space with a fog piece on it, just put the crew member on top of the fog piece.
Important: You’re not allowed to pick up crew members just to look at the fog pieces they’re standing on.
Instead of moving the crew members to the correct oars, try to move the crew members to the correct fog pieces. After each round, count how many crew members are standing on the fog pieces matching their colors.
Note: The fog pieces make it harder to keep track of what’s happening on the ship, because when a crew member is standing on top of a fog piece, you can’t see what color it is (as a reminder of who needs to move there).
Now you’re ready to play Chapters 12, 13, and 14. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 15 and opened Treasure Chest 5.
Section G
When you open Treasure Chest 5 in Chapter 15, you’ll get a new figurine: Ghosty McBoo!
Before you place the oars in Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, Ghosty McBoo appears on the Melody. Place Ghosty McBoo on any free space in the middle section of the Melody. The picture shows which spaces you can put Ghosty McBoo on.
On your turn, instead of moving a crew member, you can move Ghosty McBoo to a connected free space. The rules for moving crew members also apply when moving Ghosty McBoo.
Now you’re ready to play Chapters 15 and 16. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 17 and received Legacy Card 14.
Section H
In Chapter 17, you’ll get this Event Card from your Legacy Deck in storage. When you reach Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, place this card next to the Melody where everyone can see it, and choose a crew member at random. Put that crew member’s crew piece face-up on top of the card.
Whenever this crew member is standing on a space beside Ghosty McBoo’s, you can’t move them. They’re petrified! Before you can move that crew member again, you’ll need to put at least one space between them and Ghosty McBoo.
Now you’re ready to play Chapters 17 and 18. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 19 and opened Treasure Chest 6.
Section I
In Chapter 19, you’ll get a cannon and a cannonball. Punch them out of the sheet. You’ll also get three Cannon Cards from the Legacy Deck in storage.
In addition to moving the crew members to their oars, you’ll need to move the cannonball to the cannon. Otherwise, you’ll lose thumbs-up pieces.
At the end of Phase 2: All Aboard!, once you’ve placed the crew members on the Melody, Shuffle all the Cannon Cards you have available (it’ll be Legacy Cards 15 through 17 in Chapter 19), and then set three aside face-down. This is your cannon draw pile.
The setup shown on Card 16 should look like this (sectional view).
Note: You’ll get more Cannon Cards in later chapters, but you’ll only ever play with three of them per chapter.
Draw the top card from the cannon draw pile. The Cannon Card shows you where to place the cannon and the cannonball. Use the notch at the bottom of the cannon to hook it onto the turquoise railing beside the space shown on the card. Place the cannonball on the dark-brown outer railing beside the space shown on the card. Once you’ve done that, continue with Phase 3: Ship Ahoy! by placing the oars.
Instead of moving a crew member during Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, you can use your turn to move the cannonball, but only if one crew member is on the space by the cannonball and a second crew member is on a connected space. If so, you can pass the cannonball from one crew member to the other by moving it along the railing.
At the end of each round, check whether you’ve moved the cannonball to the cannon.
If so, great – you fired the cannon! Put the cannonball next to the Melody.
If not, take one thumbs-up piece off the board. If there aren’t any thumbs-up pieces on the board, nothing happens.
Now you’re ready to play Chapters 19, 20, and 21. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 22 and opened Treasure Chest 7.
Section J
When you open Treasure Chest 7 in Chapter 22, you’ll get a new figurine: Madame Goldtooth!
Madame Goldtooth is so mean that she can freeze crew members just by looking in their direction. Can you manage to move everyone to their oars anyway?
As soon as you’ve started the timer for Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, put Madame Goldtooth on top of the hourglass and turn her so that she’s facing the bow (the front of the ship). Whichever way the printed side of the figurine is facing, that’s the direction Madame Goldtooth is looking.
You can’t move crew members when Madame Goldtooth is looking in their direction.
Instead of moving a crew member during Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, you can rotate Madame Goldtooth by 90° clockwise on the hourglass.
The pictures below show which spaces Madame Goldtooth “freezes” when she’s facing different directions.
Facing the bow: If Madame Goldtooth is facing the front of the ship, any crew members in the four front spaces on the Melody (marked in red) will be frozen in place. |
Facing starboard: If Madame Goldtooth is facing the right side of the ship, any crew members in the five spaces marked in red will be frozen in place. |
Facing the stern: If Madame Goldtooth is facing the back of the ship, any crew members in the four spaces toward the back of the Melody (marked in red) will be frozen in place. |
Facing port: If Madame Goldtooth is facing the left side of the ship, any crew members in the five spaces marked in red will be frozen in place. |
Now you’re ready to play Chapters 22 and 23. Come back here once you’ve reached Chapter 24 and received Legacy Card 24.
Section K
In Chapter 24, you’ll get two Grappling Hook Stickers from the envelope. Stick them to the back (the stern) of the Melody. The exact positions are circled in white in the picture.
You’ll also get this Event Card from the Legacy Deck in Storage during Chapter 24. When you reach Phase 3: Ship Ahoy!, place this card next to the Melody where everyone can see it, and choose two crew members at random. Put their crew pieces on the card face-up.
Before you finish moving crew members to their oars, you’ll need to move those two crew members to the grappling hooks (the two spaces at the back of the ship). Otherwise, you’ll lose thumbs-up pieces.
Note: Each of the two crew members needs to move to a different grappling hook space. You can’t move both crew members to the same space, or use the same crew member on both spaces.
When you move one of the chosen crew members to a grappling hook space, turn that crew member’s crew piece face-down on the card. When the round ends, take one thumbs-up piece off the board for each crew piece that’s still face-up on the card. If there aren’t any thumbs-up pieces on the board, nothing happens.
Example: Tuga and Oscar are the crew members chosen for the Grappling Hook event.
1) Joe has Capt’n Pepe, and he moves |
2) Next, Anne moves Joe, Anne, and Jasmine don’t lose any thumbs-up pieces at the end of the round. |
Now you know all the rules of the game.
Have fun playing Chapters 24 and 25.
You’re about to find out how the story ends!
So! You finished the adventure?
Your treasure map and treasure collection are all stickered up?
Of course, you can keep on playing Capt’n Pepe, Treasure Ahoy! as much as you like.
Combine whichever modules you like and create your own challenges.
See if you can earn all 15 thumbs-up pieces under your new rules!
Hungry for new adventures?
Right this way:
Goblins on Board would like to say a huge thank you to all game testers:
Yro Zachariadou, Dimitris Zachariadis, Haris Zachariadis, Stergios Giannakoulas, Kostis Giannakoulas, Elisa Toufexidi, Foteini Chorozi, Vasilis Tsavdaridis, Nikos Tsavdaridis, Dimitiris Vlaikidis, Konstantinos Triantafyllides, Kostas Perdikopoulos, Theofilos Koutroubis, Giorgos Koutroubis, Giorgos Eleftheriadis, Antonis Theodosiou, Lia Vachanelidou, Vaggelis Theodosiou, Stelios Theodosiou, Alexandros Theodosiou, Panagiotis Panagiotidis, Anastasia Liakidou, Stelios Panagiotidis, Konstantinos Zachopoulos, Yvonne Stadelmeyer, Dominic Stadelmeyer, Sina Sütterlin.
CHOKING HAZARD – Toy contains a small ball and small parts. Not for children under 3 years.
HABA Sales GmbH & Co. KG
August Grosch Straße 28-38
96476 Bad Rodach, Germany
Documents / Resources
HABA TL A170405 Capt'n Pepe Legacy Board Game [pdf] Instruction Manual TL A170405 Capt n Pepe Legacy Board Game, TL A170405, Capt n Pepe Legacy Board Game, Legacy Board Game, Board Game |