- Dear customers, thank you for you purchasing our company’s quadcopter products. In order to operate this quadcopter correctly, skillfully and safely, please read the manual carefully before use, and keep it for future reference.
- This product is suitable for people over 14 years. If you is a beginner, we suggest that you should be guided by someone who has experience in model operation. Any improper operation may result in personal injury and damage to the quadcopter product. This product is a four-axis quad copter the can use gyro technology to fly indoors and outdoors. As long as the weather conditions do not allow the wind to exceed 3 levels, It can meet you flight requirements.
- This product remote control will Sound the alarm when the signal is weak or the battery is low.
Коопсуздук эрежелери
- Please put the smaller part of the quadcopter out of the reach of children to avoid accidents.
- This product is full of power, when the first time flying, the left-joystick should be slowly pushed up to avoid the rapid rise of the quad copter and the collision damage.
- After landing, always turn off the remote control first, than turn off the quad copter switch.
- Do not leave the battery in a hot, hot please(such as the fire or near a heating deceive)
- Take care that the quad copter keeps a distance of 2-3 meters form the user or other person during flight, to avoid crashing into the head, face or body of other people when flying.
- When the child is manipulating the quad copter, it should be guided by the adult and ensure that the quad copter is controlled by the manipulator(or instructor)
- Please pay attention of batteries polarity when you install or change batteries. Don’t mix using old and new or different types batteries.
- When not in use, the remote control and the aircraft power supply should be turned off, and the battery in the remote control should be removed.
- You can not use short circuit battery.
Негизги параметр
Main motor: 716
Батарея: 3.7V
Charge time: about 60 minutes
Flying time: 6 minutes
Operating range: about 30m
Description of ech part of controller
Open the bottom battery cover of the aircraft, and insert the rechargeable battery into the power socket into the battery compartment under the car; Close the he battery cover and lock the screws
Please open the battery cover in the direction of the arrow first, and then load the 3 AAA batteries in turn according to the polarity of the battery box (Batteries need to be purchased separately, and do not mix old and new batteries or different types of batteries).
- Open the battery cover,pull up the battery terminal, and take out the battery.
- Connect the battery power plug to USB.
- Then plug the USB charging port directly into the computer or charging head to charge. (Light off when charging, light on when full)
Install ways of landing gear, blade protector and blade
- Prepare screwdriver, blades, landing gears and blade protectors.
- Insert the landing gears to landing gearing holes on the bottom of quadcopter as Fig 1 show you.
- Insert the 4 units of blade protectors to 4 holes which under quadcopter blades as Fig 2, and lock them tight with 4 pieces of screws.
- Every blades of the quadcopter is not the same. “A” or “B” marks on every blade. Please follow Fig 3 show you to install blades in right place. The quadcopter cannot take off, slant fly and fall down when the blades are not correct installed.
- Insert the quadcopter power plug, turn on the switch, the indicator is shining, Put the quadcopter on the flat ground, then the indicator light is flash fast. In this time, the quadcopter are in matching code status.
- Press the power switch of the controller for 2 seconds and the indicator flashes. In this time, push the left joystick up to top and down to bottom. You will heard DI sound, and indicator keeps on, you can start to play it.
- Every time you turn on or off the quadcopter, it should match code again with controller.
- The controller’s power switch is switched on and off once, and the quadcopter must be re-switched with the controller pair code.
- Quadcopter level calibrstion
When the quadcopter after take-off can not be corrected by fine-turning, lead to the quadcopter hovering is operating difficultly, follow these steps to calibrate the quadcopter.
(1) Pull out the power of quadcopter firstly, then turn off the switch of the controller.
(2) Turn on the quadcopter switch, and put it on the horizontal plane, the lights of fuselage flashing.
(3) To open the controller power switch,push up the throttle stick to peak posotion, then push down to the lowest position(as Fig 1 to Fig 2). About 3 seconds later, you will hear a long sound”di”, it means the quadcopter succeed to match code mand the lights of the fuselage will alway on. At this time the transtimtter get inton level adjustment.
(4) Push down the throttle stick to left bottom, at the same time, push down the rudder stick to right bottom (as Fig 3 show). At this point, the quad copter indicator lights is flashing,it is calibrating. Till the indicator light is alway on, it completed.It will at normal flight.
Tips for low tension
During in flying, the lights of quadcopter are blinking when the battery in low power. Pis return to base immediately. (It cannot flip in low tension.)
Иштөө багыты
When the left joystick(throttle stick) is pushed up or down, the rotor will speed up or slow down, the quadcopter will ascend or descend | During flying the left joystick pushes left or right, the quadcopter turns left or right. |
During flying, the right joystick is pushed up or down, and the quadcopter flies forward or backwards. | During flying, the right joystick pushes left or right, the quadcopter turns left or right side flying. |
When the quad copter in forward or backward flight, multitouch the forward backward fine-tune key, to regulate balance for the quadcopter. | When the quad copter side fight to left or right, multitouch the left/right side flight fine-tune key, to regulate balance for the quadcopter. |
3D flip operation
In the flight state, press the roll button to have the sound of “beep” and “beep”, and then push down the right joystick to do the forward and backward roll.
Башсыз режим
Place the quadcopter in front, after the quadcopter paired with controller, press the headless mode button, at this time, the controller sound “di, di, di… Pres the headless mode button again to exit.
Бир ачкыч кайтаруу
When the quadcopter flying, long press one key return button, the quadcopter will auto return backto take off point( it cannot auto stop). The quadcopter will stop when you push the right joystick to any direction.
Көйгөйлөрдү чечүү боюнча колдонмо
Көйгөй | Себеп | Чечим |
The indicator of transmitter doesn’t work | Install the bartteries but doesn’t follow the right polarity. Batteries are drained. | Батареяны кайра заряддаңыз. |
Quadcopter in the detection state of gyroscope. | Reposition the copter on the ground plane, and retested. | |
Copter’s code with transmitter’s is disaccord. | Copter with the transmitter to restart the code | |
Copter is not flying high enough | Ротор ылдамдыгы өтө жай. | Pushing up the left stick(throttle stick) |
Copter is not fully charged. | Батареяны кайра заряддаңыз. |
Product fitting
Бул аппарат FCC эрежелеринин 15-бөлүгүнө ылайык келет. Иштетүү төмөнкү эки шартка ылайык ишке ашат: (1) Бул аппарат зыяндуу тоскоолдуктарды жаратпашы мүмкүн жана (2) бул аппарат келген тоскоолдуктарды, анын ичинде каалабаган иштөөгө алып келиши мүмкүн болгон тоскоолдуктарды кабыл алышы керек. Сактоо үчүн жооптуу тарап тарабынан ачык бекитилбеген ар кандай өзгөртүүлөр же модификациялар колдонуучунун жабдууларды иштетүү укугун жокко чыгарышы мүмкүн.
Бул жабдуу сыналган жана FCC Эрежелеринин 15-бөлүгүнө ылайык, В классындагы санариптик аппараттын чектөөлөрүнө жооп берери аныкталган. Бул чектөөлөр турак жай орнотулган зыяндуу кийлигишүүлөрдөн акылга сыярлык коргоону камсыз кылуу үчүн иштелип чыккан. Бул жабдуу радио жыштык энергиясын пайда кылат жана нурлантат жана нускамаларга ылайык орнотулбаса жана колдонулбаса, радио байланыштарына зыяндуу тоскоолдуктарды жаратышы мүмкүн. Бирок, кандайдыр бир орнотууда кийлигишүү болбойт деген кепилдик жок. Эгерде бул жабдуу радио же телевизорду кабыл алууда зыяндуу тоскоолдуктарды жаратса, аны өчүрүү жана күйгүзүү аркылуу аныктоого болот, колдонуучуга төмөнкү чаралардын бири же бир нечеси аркылуу тоскоолдукту оңдоого аракет кылуу сунушталат:
– Кабыл алуучу антеннанын багытын өзгөртүңүз же ордун которуңуз.
– Жабдуу менен ресивердин ортосундагы аралыкты көбөйтүңүз.
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected..
– Жардам алуу үчүн дилерге же тажрыйбалуу радио/телевидение техникине кайрылыңыз.
Портативдик аппарат үчүн RF эскертүүсү:
Аппарат RF экспозициясынын жалпы талаптарын канааттандыруу үчүн бааланган. Аппаратты портативдик экспозициялык абалда чектөөсүз колдонсо болот.
Документтер / Ресурстар
SONGYANG X22 Quadcopter [pdf] Instruction Manual 2AEXV-X22, 2AEXVX22 x22, X22 Quadcopter, X22, Quadcopter |