Rovan 68023 2wd Oil Power Coupe
- Modela Nombro: A5
- Max Running Speed: 70km/h
- Fuel Type: Gasoline mixed with 2-stroke oil
- Recommended Age: Above 14 years old
Engine Guidelines for Safe Handling
- Please use a mixture of gasoline and 2-stroke oil for fuel.
- Neniam funkciigu vian veturilon proksime de malfermaj flamoj. Neniam fumu dum funkciigado de via veturilo aŭ dum manipulado de fuelo.
- When fueling the vehicle, please be sure to make this vehicle in a well-horizontal site, and away from flame and high-temperature areas.
- Only use a mixture of gasoline and two-cycle oil for fuel in the vehicle engine. Do not use other fuel.
- Please be safe because gasoline is inflammable and poisonous.
- Do not touch the engine and muffler as they can become extremely hot during use.
- Please clean the fuel tank after running this vehicle.
- Please be away from children when running this vehicle.
Pakita Listo
- RC assembled car
- Dissendilo / Ricevilo
- Baterio de ricevilo
- Tool/Instruction
- Ŝargilo
Fitted Tools
Mempreparitaj Iloj
- Don’t use another charger
- Charging time needs about 6 hours
- Don’t allow to use this charger to charge other battery
- Battery should be far away from Children and water
Engine running-in
Please run this vehicle slowly on the ground (about a tank of fuel) to get the engine run.
Prizorgado de Motoroj
- The air filter foam needs to be cleaned very often. After finishing cleaning g, please just let it dry naturally and re-oiled properly.
- The spark plug also needs to be cleaned regularly, and all carbon deposits on the electrode.Pleasee empty the gasoline in the fuel tank, light the engine,e and make it shut down automat I call if you don’t run the vehicle for a very long time.
Veturilo Startanta Kaj Kuranta
- Komenca sekvenco
- Potenco de dissendilo
- Ricevilo potenco
- Motoro
Priming La Motoro
La motoro devas esti preparita antaŭ ol ĝi povas esti sukcese startita. Premu la amorbulbulon ĝis vi povas vidi brulaĵon en la flava reventubo.
Komenca Proceduro: Cold Engine
- Set the hoke lever as shown in Step A
- PPull the art cord in a quick continuous motion(about 3 times)until you hear the engine almost start, then stop.
- Be careful not to flood the engine with fuel. Do not pull more than 50 cm/20inchesh. Or you can damage the pull start assembly.
- Metu la ĉokillevilon kiel montrite en Paŝo B.
- Tiru la startigŝnuron por startigi la motoron.
- The engine should start within 6 pulls.
Komenca Proceduro: Hot Engine
- Metu la ĉokillevilon kiel montrite en Paŝo B.
- Pull the starter cord in a quick continuous motion to start the engine.T he engine should start within 6 pulls.
Oftaj Demandoj
Q: What fuel should I use for the engine?
A: Use a mixture of gasoline and 2-stroke oil for fuel. Do not use other types of fuel.
Q: Can children operate this vehicle?
A: Children under 14 years old are forbidden to operate this vehicle. Adult supervision is recommended.
Q: How fast can the vehicle go?
A: The maximum running speed of the vehicle is 70km/h.
Rovan 68023 2wd Oil Power Coupe [pdf] Instrukcioj 68023, 68016, 68036, 68109, 68022, 172055, 182036, 172092, 65057, 183005, 182038, 182039, 68226, 182042, 68273, 182041, 182033, 182045, 182034, 183003, 182032, 68120, 121051, 68023 2wd Oil Power Coupe, 68023, 2wd Oil Power Coupe, Oil Power Coupe, Power Coupe, Coupe |