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Dispensador de medicamentos Dosell 3.0


Información do produto

  • Sobre Dosell
    Dosell is a medicine dispenser designed to help users manage and track their medication intake.
  • Funcións
    Dosell dispenses medication sachets as per the user’s configured schedule, providing alerts and reminders.


  • Nome do produto: Dispensador de medicamentos Dosell 3.0
  • Aplicación: iZafe
  • Compatibilidade: Mobile phone (iOS and Android)
  • Instalación: App Store ou Google Play
  • Subscrición: Administrator setup required

Instrucións de uso do produto

Información importante

  • Uso previsto
    Dosell is intended for the dispensing of medication as per the user’s prescribed schedule.
  • Definition of Roles
    An administrator is required to manage the subscription and payment for Dosell.
  • Precaucións
    Follow all safety precautions provided in the manual to ensure proper usage of Dosell.
  • Descrición das alertas
    Dosell provides alerts for medication dosage times to ensure timely intake.
  • Produto rematadoview
    The Dosell device consists of a dispenser unit that can be mounted on a wall or a stand.

Instalación e posta en marcha inicial

  • Montaxe de Dosell na parede
    Follow the instructions provided to securely mount Dosell on a wall.
  • Montaxe de Dosell nun soporte
    If using a stand, place Dosell securely on the stand as per the guidelines.
  • Configuración de Dosell para un novo usuario
    Set up Dosell for a new user by inputting their medication schedule and personal information.

Usando Dosell

Distribución de sobres de medicamentos
Allow Dosell to dispense medication sachets as per the programmed schedule.


  • P: Pódese usar Dosell sen a aplicación iZafe?
    A: No, Dosell requires the iZafe app for configuration and operation.
  • P: Cantas veces se debe encher Dosell con medicamentos?
    A: Dosell should be refilled based on the user’s prescription and usage frequency.

Grazas por escoller Dosell
Este manual de usuario contén información importante sobre Dosell. Lea atentamente todo o manual antes de usar o produto. Mantén o manual facilmente accesible por se o necesitas no futuro.

Antes de usalo por primeira vez
Before Dosell can be installed and configured, the application named “iZafe” must be installed on a mobile phone. You will need this phone to hand for initial start-up. The app is free to download from the App Store and Google Play. If you have any questions concerning the installation of the app, contact technical support.


Rexistro dunha conta

  • Each Dosell must have an administrator who deals with the payment of the subscription.
  • If you received a Dosell from your healthcare provider, they are the administrator and you do not need to register an account.

Contido do paquete

Recomendamos que garde a caixa e o embalaxe nos que entrou orixinalmente Dosell. A caixa ten un asa de transporte para poder reutilizala para transportar o dispositivo.

The following items are supplied in the Dosell packaging. If anything is missing or damaged, please contact your reseller or Dosell AB at email


  • The bracket is supplied already fixed to the stand to allow you to hang your Dosell device up easily. If you would prefer to mount your Dosell on the wall, you will find instructions on how to do this under 5.1 Mounting Dosell on the wall.
  • The mains adapter is supplied loose in the box. The mains adapter needs to be plugged into the Dosell device and into a standard wall socket.

Sobre Dosell

Dosell is an automatic medicine dispenser of dose-packed medication that is supplied as rolls of sachets. The built-in camera reads the exact date and time on each sachet. When it is time for the patient to take the medication, Dosell cuts the sachet and dispenses it. This is accompanied by sound,- or speaking voice together with a light signal, as a reminder that it is time for the user to take their medication. If an external party is the administrator for the Dosell device, a notification can also be sent to a relative or a healthcare provider if anything goes wrong or if the sachet is not taken out within a certain period. Dosell repeats the alarm every ten minutes until the scheduled reminder is sent to a relative or caregiver. Dosell is connected to a regular wall socket using the mains adapter supplied. To ensure that it always works, Dosell is also provided with a built-in rechargeable battery as a backup power system. If the power supply via the mains adapter is lost – for example, if there is a power failure or the device is accidentally unplugged – Dosell automatically switches to battery power and will operate for up to 48h hours without the power cable.

To adjust settings in Dosell and load sachets, the device must be connected to the iZafe Smartphone app, which is free to download from the App Store and Google Play. The person whose medication is dispensed by Dosell (the user) does not need to have access to the app if there is someone else nearby who is managing the medication and can help with settings and refilling sachets.

Dosell’s functions are shown in the table below.

  • Dispenses medication sachets to the user at the time they are to be taken Yes.
  • Gives sound, light- and speaking signals Yes
  • Managed and set using the app at the device (via Bluetooth) Yes
  • Envía notificacións externas
    Yes, e.g. to a healthcare provider or relative
  • Require inicio de sesión na aplicación
    Si, para recibir notificacións e cambiar a configuración
  • Require inicio de sesión na aplicación
    Si, para recibir notificacións e cambiar a configuración

To find out more about Dosell and its functions, visit ou póñase en contacto co seu revendedor.

Información importante

Uso previsto
Dosell automatically dispenses dose-packed medication sachets to help ensure users take the right medication at the right time.

Definition of roles

  • Usuario
    The person whose medication sachets are dispensed by Dosell. Users who have someone else acting as medication manager (e.g. a relative or healthcare provider) are not expected to do anything more than to take their correctly filled and delivered sachet when dispensed by Dosell.
  • Medication manager
    The person responsible for ensuring that the user receives correctly filled and delivered medication sachets, and for the operation of Dosell (e.g. refilling with sachets and dealing with signals and warnings). This might be a relative or a healthcare provider, for example.
  • Destinatario
    The person who receives notifications (in the app) remotely from a user’s Dosell; for example a healthcare provider, user, or relative.
  • Administrador
    The holder of a Dosell administrator account. This person manages who receives notifications and deals with paying the subscription.
  • Healthcare provider
    Anyone who provides nursing or healthcare, e.g. a municipality, county council private healthcare, or homecare company.
  • Medication prescriber
    The doctor is responsible for the user.

Important information about the different roles

  • Cada Dosell só pode ter un usuario.
  • A user must always be responsible for their medication or have a medication manager.
  • The user and medication manager may be the same person – but do not have to be.
  • The user must be willing to take their medication.
  • The user and administrator for a Dosell may be the same person – but do not have to be; if not, the administrator is typically the user’s healthcare provider or a relative.
  • The Dosell’s notifications can be sent to multiple recipients.

Condicións de uso
To ensure that Dosell is used safely, the following terms of use must always be fulfilled:

  • It is always the user or the medication manager who has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the user receives the right medication at the right time.
  • Dosell is a supplementary dispensing tool for people who have already been prescribed medication in sachets.
  • The user or the medication manager must be capable of determining each time a sachet is dispensed whether Dosell has dispensed the sachet on the date and at the time printed on the sachet label before the medication is taken.
  • The user or medication manager must be capable of identifying any missed doses or dispensing errors by the device, based on the user’s normal medication intervals.
  • Should the user or medication manager be in any doubt concerning how to correct any such error or missed dose, they must be able to request assistance from the prescribing doctor or from the medication manager.

Lea atentamente as seguintes advertencias e precaucións antes de usar Dosell.

  • Dosell must only be used indoors in conditions of normal air pressure (between 500 and 1060 hPa) and normal humidity (between 10% and 65%).
  • Dosell must not be used in environments where the temperature falls below 0°C or exceeds + 35°C. If Dosell is stored at a temperature outside this range before use, it must be unpacked and left at room temperature for at least 2 hours before being started up.
  • Dosell must only be used with medication sachets that are verified and approved by Dosell AB, and where both the sachet and its contents can withstand the indoor environment described above.
  • For a current list of approved medication sachets, contact your reseller.
  • Dosell is intended for the dispensing of medication sachets as prescribed.
  • The medication sachet rolls used with Dosell must be no greater than 160 mm in diameter.
  • Dosell must not be exposed to water or used in damp environments such as bathrooms or close to a sink.
  • Dosell (including the mains adapter) must be placed out of reach of children – the mains adapter cable could be a strangulation risk.
  • Non se debe cubrir Dosell.
  • Dosell must not be dismantled or modified in any way.
  • Dosell must not be connected to any accessories other than those described in the manual.
  • Dosell must only be used with the mains adapter supplied; if the mains adapter is lost or damaged, a new one can be ordered from your supplier or send an email to
  • Dosell should only be used in an upright position on the included table stand, or with the stand’s bracket detached and mounted on the wall.
  • Servicing of Dosell must only be performed by Dosell AB or service technicians approved by Dosell AB.

Description of alerts
The following symbols are used in this user manual to draw attention to important information.

  • Atención
    If you see this it means that, if the instruction is not followed, the Dosell may not be able to dispense medicines as intended. The terms of use in section 3.3 must also always be fulfilled.
  • Nota
    If you see this, it means the information is useful to bear in mind.

Every Dosell comes with a service agreement whereby Dosell AB is responsible for the user having a functioning Dosell throughout the subscription period, provided the device is used correctly. Should the Dosell device or one of the included accessories be damaged, contact Dosell AB or the outlet where you purchased it for information on replacement or repair. Contact details and full terms of the service agreement can be found at or are available from Dosell-certified distributors.

Servizo e apoio
Contact Dosell AB or your place of purchase if you have any questions about Dosell or need technical support. Contact details and answers to frequently asked questions can be found at

Produto rematadoview


  1. Sachet compartment
  2. Cuberta
  3. Space for medication sachet roll
  4. Botón multifunción
  5. Luces de estado
  6. Child lock for hatchDosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-4
  7. Input for mains adapter
  8. Etiqueta con número de serie

Instalación e posta en marcha inicial

Desembala o teu Dosell nun lugar onde haxa cobertura de telefonía móbil, xa que a rede móbil úsase para enviar notificacións aos destinatarios.

Conectividade de rede
Dosell 3.0 ofrece varias opcións de conectividade de rede para garantir a conexión máis fiable e segura posible.

  • Dosell is equipped with a built-in eSIM card (4G roaming). It automatically connects to the mobile network operator with the best reception in the area.
  • Dosell is also equipped with Wi-Fi. For instructions on connecting to your own Wi-Fi network, please contact your reseller.

Dosell should be centrally located so that its sound,- speaking, and light signals are always noticed. In a home environment, the bedroom or kitchen are good locations. Dosells recommendation is to avoid placing Dosell in direct sunlight, as this might make it harder to see the light signals.

Mounting Dosell on the wall
If Dosell is going to be screwed to the wall, the stand must be removed before the device is mounted on the wall, as described in the following instructions below:

Ferramentas necesarias para montar Dosell na parede:

  • Broca
  • Screws and, if needed, suitable wall plugs
  • Manual or electric screwdriver
  • Nivel de espírito
  1. Screw the bracket to the wall on which Dosell is to be mounted, using suitable wall plugs if needed. The person installing the device must ensure that the wall is strong enough to bear the weight of the device.
    1. Use a spirit level to check that the bracket is level. The arrow on the bracket should point upwards. You can use the holes or the slots in the bracket depending on what screws you are using.
    2. If preferred, the bracket can be mounted using double-sided mounting tape (not included). If you choose this method, it is very important to choose a tape that will bear Dosell’s weight of 2 kilos with a good margin. Make sure that the surface where you are going to place the tape is smooth and very clean.Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-5 Atención
      If mounting with tape, always follow the tape manufacturer’s instructions and requirements of the underlying surface. Incorrect mounting could cause Dosell to detach from the bracket and get damaged. Dosell AB is not liable for any damage to the device caused by mounting with tape.
  2. Colga Dosell no soporte deslizándoo cara a dentro e despois cara abaixo como se mostra na imaxe.Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-6
  3. Comprobe que o dispositivo foi empuxado completamente cara abaixo na pista do soporte a ambos os dous lados; vexa a imaxe da esquerda. Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-7
  4. Connect the mains adapter to Dosell and a wall socket. Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-8

Mounting Dosell on the stand
Hai un soporte montado no soporte que se inclúe no paquete. Dosell pódese colgar no soporte inmediatamente despois de desembalar.


Configuring Dosell for a new user

  • Cada dispositivo Dosell está asociado só cun usuario. Na posta en marcha inicial, é necesario configurar un novo Dosell para a persoa que o vai utilizar. Isto só debe facerse unha vez durante a primeira instalación.
  • Follow the instructions below to configure Dosell for a new user. The instructions assume that the iZafe app has been downloaded onto the phone that will be used for configuring Dosell.
  1. Start Dosell by pressing and holding the multifunction button on the left-hand side of the device for at least 3 seconds or until you hear the motors inside Dosell startup. After a few seconds, a sound signal confirms that Dosell is starting up. The start-up takes a couple of minutes.
    • Dosell will automatically start flashing blue when it is ready to be paired with the app. When this happens, go to the app and select “Connect to Dosell” and then immediately click on “OK”. The blue light will flash for 2 minutes. If the device has not paired with the app within 2 minutes, you need to follow the instructions for pairing in the app (see step 2 below).Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-10
      Each time Dosell starts up, it automatically calibrates the sensor that detects whether there is a sachet in the compartment. It is therefore very important that the sachet compartment is empty when Dosell is started.
  2. Open the iZafe app, select “Connect to Dosell”*, and follow the instructions in the app.
    1. If you are using Dosell as a healthcare professional, you need to be logged into the safe application to be able to connect to Dosell if you have the proper authorization. Login details will be given to you by your employer.Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-11

Unha vez que se completen todas as configuracións, aparecerá o menú principal da aplicación e, a continuación, poderás cargar o primeiro rolo de sacos.

Usando Dosell

Algunhas das instrucións deste manual tamén se poden atopar na aplicación no menú "Manuais".

Dispensing medication sachets
Unha vez que se cargue un rolo de sobre en Dosell, pódense dispensar sobres sen necesidade de acceder á aplicación iZafe. Sempre que aínda queden sobres de medicamentos en Dosell, seguirá dispensándoos no momento en que se tomen. Hai tres opcións diferentes para dispensar sobres.


  • Option 1: (Default)
    When it’s time to take medication, Dosell automatically dispenses the dose pouch according to the prescribed time and date. The pouch is placed in the dose compartment, which pulses with a green light, and a melody is played. The user can also choose to receive the reminder via a voice prompt saying, “It’s time to take your medicine.” The reminder is repeated every ten minutes until the medication is removed from the dose compartment.
  • Opción 2:
    When it’s time to take medication, the dosing compartment flashes green, and either a melody plays or a voice announces that it’s time to take the medicine. With a simple press of the multifunction button, the pouch is opened and placed in the dosing compartment. If the multifunction button is not pressed before the designated time, the medication becomes inaccessible to the user, and for safety reasons, the dose roll can also be unloaded.
  • Opción 3:
    Extended dispensing window. Talk to your administrator or medication manager if you want to be able to take your doses earlier than the time stated on the sachet. NOTE this setting must be confirmed and approved by the doctor responsible for the user before this function can be used. Dosell is not liable for the use of this function.

Immediately after the medication has been dispensed, Dosell prepares the next sachet by feeding it forward and photographing it. Lights inside Dosell will be activated so that the camera can get a good enough picture. Since the camera takes multiple photos, the lights will turn on and off several times; this may look like a white flashing light inside Dosell. This is normal and not an indicator of a fault.

If the medication sachet is not delivered as expected

  • In the event of a technical fault, Dosell may not succeed in dispensing a medication sachet when it should. A steady or pulsating red light will then appear in Dosell’s sachet compartment. A notification will then be sent to all the selected recipients. The status lights on the left-hand side can help explain what type of error has occurred. A description of Dosell’s various sound and light signals can be found in section 7. Sound, speech, and light signals.
  • If you are both the user and your medication manager, please follow the instructions in section 8. Troubleshooting and FAQs for help with troubleshooting. If this does not help, contact your reseller or send an email to

Dosell can always be opened if you have the proper authorization, and the sachet roll removed manually, even without access to the app. See section 6.6.3 Ejecting the sachet roll manually for how to remove the sachet roll manually. If an unauthorized person attempts to open Dosell, an alarm is directly sent to the designated alert chain or relative.
The functions described in sections 6.2 to 6.8 are only performed by authorized personnel.

Turning Dosell on and off
To turn on Dosell, press and hold the multifunction button on the left-hand side of the device for at least 3 seconds or until you hear the motors inside Dosell startup. After a few seconds, a sound signal confirms that Dosell is starting up. The start-up takes a couple of minutes. Then wait for the flashing blue light to pair with Dosell via the app.



  • Each time Dosell starts up it automatically calibrates the sensor that detects whether there is a sachet in the compartment. It is therefore very important that the sachet compartment is empty when Dosell is started.
  • To turn off Dosell, press and hold the multifunction button for at least 8 seconds. When three green flashing signals are given in the dosing compartment, release the button. All three status lights on the side of Dosell will be off when the device is turned off. An audio signal or voice prompt will play to confirm that the unit is shutting down. While Dosell is turned off, it will not dispense dose pouches.
  • If a roll was loaded when Dosell was turned off, the dose roll would be automatically unloaded. This also applies if the machine is turned off for any reason and then turned back on. In such cases, you will need to reload Dosell. Through the periodic test performed at least every other hour, Dosell will alert you if it is not functioning properly or if there is an issue with the new loading. Ensure that Dosell is reloaded correctly according to the instructions for loading the dose roll.
  • When Dosell is turned off, all three status lights on the left-hand side will go out.
  • The mains adapter can then be unplugged to completely disconnect it from the mains.

Connecting to Dosell

  • This instruction assumes that the Dosell device has already been configured for a user. If not, this needs to be done first – see instructions in section 5.3 Configuring Dosell for a new user.
  • When starting up Dosell, you need to wait for the flashing blue light in the sachet compartment to be able to pair.

If Dosell is already on, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the iZafe app on the phone.
  2. Select “Connect to Dosell”* and follow the instructions in the app.Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-11

If you are using Dosell as a healthcare professional, you must be logged into the app in order, if you have the proper authorization, to connect to Dosell. Login details will be given to you by your employer.

Apertura e peche da tapa
To load or remove a sachet roll, you need to open the cover.


The app must always be connected to Dosell before opening the compartment—otherwise, Dosell will alert the caregiver that an unauthorized attempt to access the machine has occurred.

To open the cover, pull the child latch on the back, as shown in the diagram. Lift the cover until it locks in the open position.


Para pechar a tapa, báixaa con coidado e asegúrese de que o pestillo (A) se enganche no orificio (B). Preme a parte exterior cara abaixo na esquina (C) onde está o pestillo ata que escoites un clic.


Loading a new sachet roll
Dosell is designed to take sachet rolls with a diameter of up to 160 mm. If the roll is larger than this, there is a risk that sachets will not be dispensed because the roll cannot rotate freely in its space behind the cover. If this happens, Dosell will give a warning that dispensing has failed.


Para cargar Dosell cun rolo de sobre, siga as instrucións a continuación: 

  1. Connect to Dosell – see section Connecting to Dosell
  2. If a sachet roll is to be loaded into an empty Dosell.
    If Dosell has been loaded previously but needs to be refilled with a new sachet roll.


Cargando un rolo de sobre nun Dosell baleiro
Para cargar un rolo de sobre nun Dosell baleiro (por exemplo, no inicio inicial), seleccione "Cargar rolo de dose" no menú principal da aplicación. Confirme na aplicación que o nome do rolo de sobre coincide co do usuario cuxo Dosell se está cargando. A continuación, seleccione "Cargar novo rolo de sobre" na aplicación e siga as instrucións.

Joining onto an existing sachet roll (refills)
When the sachet roll loaded in Dosell is getting low, it is recommended that a new roll is joined onto it using the tape supplied with Dosell. That way, the person who refills Dosell does not need to be there at the precise time that the first sachet of the new roll is to be dispensed but instead can prepare the new roll one or more days in advance.

Para unirte a un rolo novo nun rolo cargado previamente, selecciona "Cargar rolo de sobre" no menú principal da aplicación. Confirme na aplicación que o nome do rolo de sobre coincide co do usuario cuxo Dosell se está cargando. A continuación, seleccione "Únete ao rolo de sobre existente" na aplicación e siga as instrucións. Teña en conta que é moi importante pegar con cinta na parte traseira do rolo de bolsa.


Only use the tape strips supplied with Dosell to join rolls. If you use a different tape, it cannot be guaranteed that Dosell will work correctly. One strip of tape is needed per roll. If the tape runs out, you can order more from your place of purchase or send an email to

Siga as instrucións coidadosamente ao unir rolos de sobre. Unilos incorrectamente pode provocar que Dosell non poida ler ou dispensar sobres.

Removing medication sachets

Removing the entire roll
Para eliminar un rolo que foi cargado en Dosell, siga as instrucións a continuación:

  1. Connect to Dosell –see section 6.3 Connecting to Dosell
  2. Open the cover – see section 6.4 Opening and closing the cover.
  3. Select “Eject sachet roll” in the app’s main menu and follow the instructions.
  4. Remove the roll from Dosell.
  5. Close the cover – see section 6.4 Opening and closing the cover.


Removing individual medication sachets
If the user is going to be away from home for a lengthy period, one or more sachets can be taken out in advance and taken with them so that doses are not missed. You can reload the remaining sachets on the roll and Dosell with then automatically resume dispensing when it is time for the next sachet on the roll to be taken.

  1. Connect to Dosell – see section 6.3 Connecting to Dosell.
  2. Open the cover – see section 6.4 Opening and closing the cover.
  3. Select “Eject sachet roll” in the app’s main menu and follow the instructions.
  4. Remove the roll from Dosell and tear off the number of sachets needed. Always tear along the sachet perforations.
  5. Reload the remaining sachets on the roll by selecting “Load sachet roll” in the app. Confirm in the app that the name on the sachet roll is that of the user whose Dosell is being loaded. Then select “Load new sachet roll” in the app and follow the instructions.
  6. Once the roll has been properly inserted, Dosell will dispense the next sachet at the right time, even if that is not for another day or more.
  7. Close the cover – see section 6.4 Opening and closing the cover.


Ejecting the sachet roll manually
If the sachet roll needs to be taken out and for some reason, this cannot be done in the usual way using the app, follow the instructions below to remove it manually.

  1. Open the cover – see section 6.4 Opening and closing the cover.
  2. Pulling straight, carefully pull out the inserted loop of sachets. Since the loop of sachets is held in place by the rollers that dispense the sachets, you will need to pull quite hard. This is normal and does not damage the Dosell device.
  3. Teña en conta: neste stage, unha alarma activarase automaticamente e enviarase a un proveedor de atención sanitaria ou a un familiar designado segundo a cadea de alarma establecida, indicando que se está a realizar un intento non autorizado de acceder a Dosell.


Funcionamento con batería
Dosell is equipped with a built-in rechargeable battery that automatically charges up when Dosell is connected to the mains and only runs on the rechargeable battery in exceptional circumstances when the mains power fails, such as in the event of a power failure or if the mains adapter has been unplugged. The current battery level can be read off by connecting to Dosell through the app.


  • Dosell is designed to be able to run on integral, rechargeable batteries for at least 48 hours if the mains adapter has been unplugged and will be able to dispense 4 sachets during this time.
  • When the battery level is low, Dosell will remind you to reconnect to the mains by turning the sachet compartment and status light 1 to red. Connect the Dosell mains adapter to a wall socket.


Cambio de usuario (restablecer a configuración de fábrica)
If a Dosell device is no longer being used it can be reset to factory settings, after which it can be configured for a new user.


  • To delete all user information and reset Dosell to its factory settings, connect to Dosell using the app and select “Configuration” from the main menu.
  • Then select the icon with a trash can in the top right corner. Make sure you empty Dosell of any remaining sachets. If there are still medication sachets in the device during a factory reset, these will be ejected to facilitate emptying. Any leftover medication must always be taken to a pharmacy for disposal.
  • Once reset, the Dosell device can be connected up to a new user.

Sound, speaking- and light signals.

  • Dosell has various sound, speaking- and light signals to attract the user’s attention to different events. All the signals can be silenced by pressing the multifunction button once.
  • If Dosell is giving a signal, you can always get more information by connecting to Dosell with the app.Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-23

Different types of signals
Os sinais que iluminan o compartimento do sobre descríbense a continuación.

Evento Light signal in sachet compartimento

Sinal sonoro

Dosell está comezando. Green – three brief flashes, then Ascending melody.
  after a few minutes turns to  
  Flashing blue – Dosell is ready for  
  Pairing via the app.  
Dosell está pechando. Green – three brief flashes then Melodía descendente.
  Goes out.  
Dosell is available for connection to Blue – flashing. (No sound signal)
the app via Bluetooth.    
Conexión Bluetooth establecida Blue – steady glow for 10 (No sound signal)
á aplicación Seconds then goes out.  
The sachet has been dispensed and is Green – soft and slowly pulsating. “Take medicine”
to be taken (signal stops when   Melodía.
The sachet has been removed from    
Warning: an error has occurred Red – steady glow Monotone beeping,
and Dosell is unable to dispense   repeated every 10
the next sachet until it has been   Actas.
Cleared. Connect to Dosell through    
The app for more information.    

Multiple colors may light up simultaneously and this could create other color combinations, such as purple.


Luces de estado
The three status lights (1–3) provide information on Dosell’s status and assist with diagnosing technical faults.


Status light 1 – Power supply

  • Verde
    Dosell is turned on and connected to the mains voltage.
  • Amarelo
    Dosell está acendido, pero non ten rede eléctrica voltage and has switched to battery operation. Dosell has limited battery life – return to mains voltage canto antes.
  • Vermello
    Dosell está acendido, pero non ten rede eléctrica voltage; it has switched to battery operation and the battery level is critically low. Return to mains voltage canto antes.
  • Apagado (sen luz)
    Dosell pechou.

Status light 2 – Connection to the cloud

  • Amarelo
    Dosell está tentando establecer unha conexión coa nube.
  • Verde
    Dosell estableceu correctamente unha conexión coa nube e enviou información. A luz verde apágase despois dun minuto máis ou menos.
  • Vermello
    Dosell has failed to establish a connection to the cloud, probably because there is no mobile coverage. Try changing Dosell’s location. If the problem persists, contact your place of purchase.
  • Apagado (sen luz)
    De forma predeterminada, esta luz está sempre apagada, excepto cando está tentando conectarse ou acaba de poñerse en contacto coa nube.

Status light 3 – Dosell’s current status

  • Verde
    Ready to dispense the next sachet?
  • Amarelo
    Sachets on the roll are running out; a refill is needed soon.
  • Vermello
    An error has occurred. Check which type of error by connecting to Dosell via the app.

Resolución de problemas e preguntas frecuentes

Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-44 Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-45

Coidados e mantemento

Todas as partes exteriores de Dosell están feitas de plástico e pódense limpar limpando cun lixeiro damp cloth and a mild cleaning agent such as dishwashing detergent. Dosell can also be wiped with a 70% ethanol solution. However, since plastics can become brittle when repeatedly cleaned in this way, we recommend that this is done sparingly, such as when changing to a new user. Always wipe with a dry cloth afterward. Clean the device as needed; there is no requirement to do so for Dosell to work. Other than cleaning, Dosell is maintenance-free. No part of Dosell is designed to be repaired.

Transporte e almacenamento

Moving and transporting Dosell
Dosell pódese mover facilmente e levar a outro lugar. Se se move con frecuencia entre os mesmos lugares, sería máis doado ter un soporte montado en cada lugar para que este non teña que desaparafusar e levar tamén. Tamén podes usar un soporte Dosell.

Apague sempre Dosell antes de movelo. Isto significa que os sobres que se atopan dentro do dispositivo deben retirarse e transportarse por separado do xeito habitual. Siga as instrucións a continuación para mover Dosell a outro lugar.


  1. Connect to Dosell – see section 6.3 Connecting to Dosell.
  2. Select “Eject sachet roll” in the app’s main menu and follow the instructions.
  3. Roll up the sachet roll and keep it in hand during the move. Take any doses as usual at the time indicated on the labels.
  4. Close the cover – see section 6.4 Opening and closing the cover.
  5. Shut down Dosell by pressing and holding the multifunction button for at least 8 seconds. A sound,- or voice signal confirms that Dosell has shut down.
  6. Unplug the mains adapter and lift Dosell off the bracket.
  7. Unscrew the bracket from the wall and take it with you so that you can mount it in a new location. This does not apply if a separate bracket is available at the new location or if a stand is used.
  8. Pack up Dosell and its accessories so that they are protected from impact and moisture. It is best to use the original box and its inserts for transporting Dosell.
  9. Unpack Dosell at the new location and hang it on a bracket. If the bracket needs to be installed in the new location, see the instructions in section 5.1 Mounting Dosell on the wall.
  10. Dosell is ready to be connected, started up, and loaded with sachets again.

Almacenamento a longo prazo
Se o Dosell debe almacenarse durante un período prolongado, apague o dispositivo e retire as baterías do compartimento para baterías. O mellor é gardar Dosell na embalaxe orixinal.

Accessories and consumption data

Visite para atopar a información máis recente sobre os accesorios Dosell e onde se poden pedir.

Never use Dosell with any accessories other than those included upon purchase or that are available from Dosell AB or a certified distributor.

Tape for joining sachet rolls
The tape is supplied on sheets with 39 strips on each, with one strip being used each time a new roll is joined. One sheet is included with each new Dosell. To order a new tape, contact your supplier or


Stand with bracket
A stand with a bracket is supplied with your purchase of Dosell.

O soporte pódese usar para colgar Dosell nunha superficie completamente plana e plana. Tamén é posible colgar Dosell nunha parede. Se non vas utilizar o teu soporte e prefires colgar Dosell nunha parede, hai información sobre como facelo na sección 5.1 Montaxe de Dosell na parede.


Adaptador de rede

  • Use only the mains adapter that is supplied with Dosell.
  • If damaged, the mains adapter must always be replaced with a new one (original part).


Información técnica

Datos do produto
Modelo D36700C-01
Número de serie See the label on the back of the product
Dimensións (ancho x alto x prof.) 312 x 272 x 132 mm
Peso 2.1 kg
Dimensións do embalaxe 375 x 315 x 185 mm
The expected service life of Dosell and its accessories  

Mínimo 5 anos

Tempo de almacenamento máximo recomendado 1 ano

Transport and storage environment requirements

Temperature: 0°C till +35°C

Humidity: 10% to 65% (non-condensing) Atmospheric pressure: 500 hPa to 1060 hPa



Dosell AB

David Bagares Gata

111 38 Estocolmo, Suecia

Vol. Subministracióntage 15V AC / DC
Adaptador de rede ShenZhen RiHuiDa RHD20W150120
Máx. poder 18 W
Poder en modo de suspensión < 0.5 W
Baterías Rechargeable Lithium-ion 11.1V
App and communication
Bluetooth 4.0

Conexión sen fíos

WLAN: 2.4GHz 802.11 b/g/n wireless LAN Mobil uppkoppling: LTE, 2G
The operating system for iZafe app iOS: 11 or later Android: 6.0 or later

Recycling the product and accessories
Any leftover joining tape should not be returned but should instead be recycled with combustible waste. Any other accessories purchased do not need to be returned. The main adapter should be recycled as electronic waste, the stand as hard plastic, and the bracket as metal. Local regulations may vary and should be followed where the above information is not applicable.

Clasificación e información normativa

Marca CE
Dosell is CE-marked as a medical device (MDR class I). The entire Dosell device is classified as an Applied Part, type BF, under IEC 60601-1.

Explicación dos símbolos

Símbolos nas etiquetas
O número de serie está situado na parte traseira de Dosell. A etiqueta do envase está nun dos lados curtos do envase.

  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-28Le o manual
    Before starting to use Dosell, the user manual must be read and understood in its entirety.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-29Mantéñase seco
    The device should not be exposed to water or damp ambientes.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-30Fráxil
    The device contains sensitive components and may get damaged if not handled with care.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-31Storage temperature restrictions
    Specifies the permissible temperature range during storage.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-32Temperature restrictions when in use
    Specifies the permissible temperature range when the device is in use.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-33Storage humidity restrictions
    Specifies the permissible humidity range during storage.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-34Atmospheric pressure restrictions during storage
    Specifies the permissible atmospheric pressure range during storage.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-35Parte aplicada tipo BF
    This symbol shows that the Dosell device is classified as an Applied Part Type BF, by IEC 60601-1.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-36GTIN-13 number
    Specifies the Dosell device’s unique product identification number.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-37Modelo
    Specifies the model number of the Dosell device.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-38Número de serie
    Especifica o número de serie do dispositivo Dosell.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-39Dispositivo Médico
    Specifies that the Dosell device is a medical product.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-40Data de fabricación
    Specifies the date on which the Dosell device was manufactured.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-41Fabricante
    Specifies the company that has manufactured Dosell.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-42Reciclaxe de residuos electrónicos
    This symbol indicates that Dosell contains electronic equipment and must be recycled as electronic waste.
  • Dosell-3.0-Medicine-Dispenser-Fig-43Marca CE
    This symbol indicates that Dosell is CE-marked.

Dosell AB


Dispensador de medicamentos Dosell 3.0 [pdf] Manual de usuario
3.0 Dispensador de medicamentos, 3.0, Dispensador de medicamentos, Dispensador


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