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NILFISK CTS22 Industrial Vacuum Cleaner


Stiùireadh airson a chleachdadh

Read the operating instructions and comply with the important safety recommendations identified by the word CAUTION!

Sàbhailteachd gnìomhaiche

Before starting the machine, it is absolutely essential to read these operating instructions and to keep them handy for consultation. The machine can only be used by people who are familiar with the way it works and who have been explicitly authorised and trained for the purpose. Before using the machine, the operators must be informed, instructed and trained on how to work it and for which substances its usage is permitted including the safe method for removing and disposing of the vacuumed material.

The use of the machine by people (including children) with limited physical and mental capacities or lacking in experience and knowledge is strictly forbidden, unless they are supervised by a person who is experienced in the use and safe handling of the machine.
Children must be supervised to make sure they will not play with the machine.

Mus cleachd thu an inneal, dèan cinnteach an-còmhnaidh gu bheil suidheachadh cunnartach sam bith air a chuir às agus cuir fios chun na daoine a tha os cionn locht obrach sam bith. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil a h-uile geàrd agus dìon air an cur suas gu ceart agus gu bheil a h-uile inneal sàbhailteachd air a chuir a-steach agus èifeachdach.
Chan fheumar obair càraidh a dhèanamh ach nuair a tha an inneal air stad agus air a dhì-cheangal bhon phrìomh phìob dealain is adhair. Na dèan obair-càraidh a-riamh gun a bhith air an cead riatanach fhaighinn an-toiseach.

Bidh atharrachaidhean sam bith a nì an neach-cleachdaidh às aonais cead soilleir an Neach-dèanaidh a’ dèanamh a’ bharantas neo-dhligheach agus a’ cumail an Dèanadair gun chron bho uallaichean sam bith agus a h-uile càil airson milleadh air adhbhrachadh le toraidhean lochtach.

Fiosrachadh coitcheann mu bhith a 'cleachdadh an inneal

  • Cleachd an inneal a rèir nan laghan a tha an sàs anns an dùthaich far a bheilear ga chleachdadh.
  • Besides the operating instructions and the laws in force in the country where the device is used, the technical regulations for ensuring safe and correct operation must also be observed (Legislation concerning environmental and labour safety, i.e. European
  • Union Directive 89/391/EC and successive Directives).
  • Na dèan gnìomhachd sam bith a dh’ fhaodadh sàbhailteachd dhaoine, seilbh agus an àrainneachd a chuir an cunnart.
  • Cum ris na comharran sàbhailteachd agus òrdughan anns an leabhar-stiùiridh seo.

Cleachdaidhean iomchaidh

  • Tha an inneal seo freagarrach airson cleachdadh malairteach, ann an taighean-òsta, sgoiltean, ospadalan, factaraidhean, bùthan, oifisean agus taighean-òsta àros airson example, airson fastadh agus co-dhiù airson adhbharan eile seach cleachdadh àbhaisteach dachaigheil.
  • This machine is suitable for cleaning and vacuuming solid materials in indoor and outdoor environments.
  • The machine has been designed to be used by one operator at a time.
  • This machine consists of a vacuum unit, with an upstream filter unit and a container for collecting the vacuumed material.

Cleachdadh neo-iomchaidh

Tha an cleachdadh a leanas den inneal air a thoirmeasg gu cruaidh:

  •  A-muigh air eagal sileadh àile.
  • \When not placed on horizontal level ground.
  • Nuair nach eil an aonad sìoltachain air a chuir a-steach.
  • Nuair a thèid an t-slighe a-steach falamh agus / no an t-sruth-phìoban a thionndadh gu pàirtean de chorp an duine.
  • Cleachd às aonais còmhdach air an aonad falamh.
  • Nuair nach eil an soitheach duslach air a chuir a-steach.
  • Use without the guards, protective covers and safety systems installed by the manufacturer. When the cooling vents are partially or totally clogged.
  • Nuair a tha an inneal air a chòmhdach le siotaichean plastaig no aodach.
  • Cleachd leis an ionad-adhair dùinte gu ìre no gu tur.
  • Nuair a thèid a chleachdadh ann an àiteachan cumhang far nach eil èadhar ùr ann.


Tha an cleachdadh a leanas den inneal air a thoirmeasg gu cruaidh:

  • Nuair a thèid an càball no am pluga a mhilleadh. Mura h-eil an inneal ag obair mar a bu chòir, air a leigeil sìos, air a mhilleadh, air fhàgail a-muigh no air a leigeil a-steach don uisge, cuir air ais e gu ionad seirbheis ùghdarraichte.
  • A ’falamhachadh lioftaichean le inneal nach eil uidheamaichte le siostaman stad tùsail sònraichte.
  • Na tarraing no giùlan leis a’ chorda, cleachd an sreang cumhachd mar làmh, na dùin doras air sreang, no tarraing corda timcheall oirean biorach no oiseanan. Na ruith an inneal thairis air a’ chorda. Cùm corda air falbh bho uachdar teas.

Vacuuming na stuthan a leanas:

  1. Stuthan losgaidh (embers, luaithre teth, toitean air an lasadh, msaa).
  2. Naked lasraichean.
  3. Gas a ghabhas losgadh.
  4. Flammable liquids, aggressive fuels (gasoline,  solvents, acids, alkaline solutions, etc.).
  5. Duslach / stuthan spreadhaidh agus / no feadhainn a dh’ fhaodadh lasadh ann an dòigh gun spionnadh (leithid magnesium no duslach alùmanum, msaa).
  • Thoir an aire: Fraudulent use is not admitted.

Testing and guarantee

Each machine is subjected to a final test involving its operation and performances. This guarantees maximum efficiency during the work the machine must carry out.

The guarantee clauses are specified in the sales contract.

How to request assistance

In the event of faults or malfunctions requiring the intervention of specialized technicians, contact the Manufacturer or your nearest After-Sales Service Centre. Exclusion of liability The machine was delivered to the user according to the conditions valid at the time of purchase. For no reason what so ever shall the user be authorized to tamper with the machine. Contact your nearest After-Sales Service Centre in the event of faults. All attempts by the user or by unauthorized personnel to demount, modify or, more generally, tamper with any part of the machine shall void the guarantee and relieve the manufacturer of all responsibility for damage to either persons or property caused by such action.

The manufacturer shall also be relieved of liability in the following cases:

  •  Wrong installation.
  • Improper use of the machine by inadequately trained personnel.
  • Utilization contrary to the provisions in force in the country of use.
  • Incorrect or insufficient maintenance.
  • Use of non-genuine spares or use of spares that are not specifically made for the model in question.
  • Total or partial failure to comply with the instructions.
  • Failure to forward the warranty certificate.
  • Exceptional environmental events
  • Tionndaidhean agus caochlaidhean
  • Versions for dust harmful for the health
  • Vacuum cleaners for dust harmful to health are classified according to different dust classification, in compliance with standard EN 60335-2-69 – Annexe AA:
  • L (low risk) suitable for separating dust with an exposure limit value of over 1 mg/m3, depending on the volume\ occupied; retains at least 99% of vacuumed particles;
  • M (medium risk) suitable for separating dust with an exposure limit value not lower than 0.1 mg/m3; retains atleast 99.9% of vacuumed particles;
  • H (high risk) for separating all dust with an exposure limit value lower than 0.1 mg/m3, depending on the volume occupied, including carcinogenic and pathogenic dusts, such as asbestos; retains at least 99.995% of the vacuumed particles.


  • A thaobh duslach a tha cronail do shlàinte, cuir fios gu na h-ùghdarrasan slàinte is sàbhailteachd ionadail, agus cùm ris na riaghailtean nàiseanta a tha an sàs an dà chuid aig àm cleachdaidh agus faighinn cuidhteas.
  • Radioactive substances are not included in the  definition of the type of dust harmful to health described above.

[NOTA] Machines designed for picking up sawdust and quartzcontaining mineral dust shall be at least M-class. Versions for combustible powders (ACD) This machine is suitable to vacuum combustible dust, with the exception of magnesium dust, in areas not classified as ATE (normal locations) and certified in accordance with EN 60335- 2-69 – Annex AA.

Refer to the manufacturer’s sales network for these versions. For ACD devices, see the instructions for “ACD” use.

ATEX variants

Refer to the manufacturer’s sales network for these versions.

For ATEX devices see the instructions for “ATEX” use. The manufacturer produces machines suitable to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres. These variants are manufactured according to directives and standards in force. The relevant additional instructions are supplied together with the machine.

Caochlaidhean HEPA

This machine can be equipped with an upstream filter (HEPA). The procedures for servicing and emptying the machine including removing the dust container, must only be performed by authorized personnel wearing protective clothing. Do not use without the complete filter system in place.

Molaidhean coitcheann


Ma thachras suidheachadh èiginneach:

  • airson example, accident – fault – filter breakage – fire – etc.
  • Disconnect the machine from the power supply and ask for assistance from qualified personnel. In case the user comes into contact with the vacuumed product, check the cautions shown on the safety technical sheet of the product, which must be made
  • available from the employer.

Check the place of work and substances tolerated for the machine suitable for liquids.

Chan fhaod na h-innealan a bhith air an cleachdadh no air an stòradh a-muigh, no ann an damp places. Only versions with the level sensor can be used for liquids, if not, they can only be used to vacuum dry materials.

Version for liquids. If foam or liquid leaks out of the machine, turn it off immediately and contact qualified personnel for assistance.

[NOTA] These devices must not be used in corrosive environment.

Cunnartan air fhàgail
After carefully considering the risks that are present in all machine operating phases, necessary measures were adopted in order to eliminate the risks for the operators, as far as possible, and/or limit or reduce the risks deriving from hazardsthat cannot be completely eliminated at the source. During operations and/or maintenance, operators are exposed to certain residual risks which, due to the nature of the operations themselves, cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore the installer is responsible for providing additional information and/or hazard signals based on the location of machine installation and the material that is handled. Risks due to electrical hazards during maintenance

Risk of electrocution if accessing the electrical equipment during maintenance without having deactivated the electrical power supply.

Tha e toirmisgte a bhith ag obair air an uidheamachd dealain mus tèid an inneal no na pàirtean aige a dhì-cheangal bhon loidhne dealain.


Have the electrical maintenance operations performed by qualified personnel. Perform the checks on the electric equipment as specified in the manual.

Cunnartan do làthaireachd teòthachd àrd fuigheall às deidh stad a chuir air an aonad falamh.

During maintenance and cleaning operations, the operator may come into contact while the machine is stopped, with parts of the vacuum unit with surfaces at high temperatures. Specific warning signs placed in strategic points indicate the hazard due to the presence of hot surfaces and the obligation for the user to wear personal protective equipment, in particular protective gloves. The potentially hot parts (high temperatures) are identified as follows:


Dearbhadh co-chòrdaidh EC
Bidh gach inneal a’ tighinn le Dearbhadh co-chòrdaidh EC. Faic fac-coltach ann am fige. 24.

Tha an Dearbhadh Co-chòrdaidh na sgrìobhainn chudromach agus bu chòir a chumail ann an àite sàbhailte airson a thaisbeanadh dha na h-Ùghdarrasan ma thèid iarraidh.

Tuairisgeul air an inneal

Pàirtean inneal agus bileagan

Figear 1


  1. Identification plate: Model code, serial number, EC marking, year of manufacture, weight (kg)
  2. Dust container
  3. Luamhan fuasglaidh container duslach
  4. Slighe a-steach falamh
  5. Castor brake lever
  6. Làimhseachadh
  7. Closing band lever
  8. Warning label for Class L – M – H – ACD vacuum cleaners.
  9. Warning plate Draws the operator’s attention to the fact that the filter must be shaken only when the machine is off (see par. “Shaking the primary filter” as well).
  10. Plug for connecting the vacuum cleaner to an electrical socket.
  11. Aonad falamh
  12. Panel power plate

A’ nochdadh gu bheil am pannal air a stiùireadh leis an voltage air a chomharrachadh air a’ chlàr dàta

The access to the panel is allowed to specialized personnel only who, before touching the electrical equipment, must disconnect the machine from its power source by turning the main switch to 0 – (off) and by removing the plug from the electrical socket. This machine creates a strong air flow which is drawn in through the vacuum inlet and blows out through the outlet. Before turning on the machine, fit the vacuum hose into the inlet and then fit the required tool on to the end part (refer to the manufacturer’s accessory catalogue or Service Centre). The diameters of the authorized hoses are indicated in the Technical data table. The machine is equipped with a primary filter which enables it to be used for the majority of applications.In addition to the primary filter that retains the most common dust, a secondary filter (absolute filter) can be installed. This machine is equipped with an internal baffle plate which subjects the vacuumed substances to a circular centrifugal movement that makes them drop into the container.

Figear 2 Vacuum cleaners for dust harmful to health and/or combustible dust are classified according to different dust classification, in compliance with standard EN 60335-2-69 – Annex AA:

  1. Class L label
  2. Class M label
  3. Class H label
  4. ACD label

The class H label reads the following.


NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-24This vacuum cleaner contains dust hazardous for the health. Only authorised personnel wearing suitable personal protective equipment should empty and service the machine, including removing the means used to vacuum the dust. Do not use without the complete filter system in place. Appliances intended for use in atmospheres classified as explosive are constructed in accordance with 2014/34/EU Directive (ATEX):

leubail ATEX

Innealan roghainneil

Various optional kits are available for converting the machine. On request, the machine can be supplied with optional kits already installed. However, they can also be installed at a laterdate. Please contact the sales network for further details. Instructions describing how to fit the optional kits and the relative operation and maintenance manuals are supplied together with the optional kits.

Cleachd dìreach pàirtean a bharrachd fìor ùghdarraichte agus ùghdarraichte.

Tha diofar ghoireasan rim faighinn; thoir sùil air catalog accessory an neach-dèanamh.

Cleachd dìreach fìor ghoireasan a thug an neach-dèanamh seachad agus a tha ùghdarraichte.

A 'pacadh agus a' dì-phapadh

All the dispatched equipment has been thoroughly checked before being delivered to the haulage contractor. On arrival, check the machine to see that it has not been damaged during transport. In case of damage, immediately lodge a complaint with the haulage contractor. Dispose of the packing materials in compliance with the laws in force.

Figear 3


Modail A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) kg (*)
CTSxx L 700 1200 1200 140
CTSxx L L100 700 1200 1500 140
CTSxx M/H 700 1200 1500 140
CTT40 700 1200 1200 145

(*) Cuideam le pacadh

A 'dì-phapadh, a' gluasad, a 'cleachdadh agus a' stòradh

To unpack the vacuum unit, remove the retainers with a hammer and a screwdriver. Also remove the fastening devices placed by the manufacturer when packing, by using suitable tools. Release the wheel brakes and remove the machine from the supporting platform, by using a ramp that can provide adequate capacity, and by driving the vacuum cleaner by the handle. Operate on flat, horizontal surfaces. The load-bearing capacity of the surface the machine is placed on must be suitable for bearing its weight. If the device is to work in a fixed position, allow wide space around the device in order to ensure freedom of the movement and allow the maintenance staff to operate with ease.


Cha bhith an neach-dèanamh cunntachail airson milleadh sam bith a thèid a dhèanamh air an inneal aig àm togail, nuair nach eilear a’ cleachdadh an uidheamachd togail a thug an neach-dèanamh seachad.


When several supporting platforms are provided, the supporting platform to which the machine is anchored must be handled with a forklift truck that can provide adequate capacity. Then unpack the machine by laying it down on a flat and horizontal surface that can provide     adequate capacity for the vacuum cleaner weight.

Suidheachadh gu obair - ceangal ris an t-solar cumhachd


  • Dèan cinnteach nach eil sgeul follaiseach air milleadh air an inneal mus tòisich thu air an obair.
  • Before plugging the machine into the electrical mains, make sure the voltagTha an ìre a tha air a chomharrachadh air a’ chlàr dàta a rèir ìre nam prìomh phìoban dealain.
  • Connect the plug into a socket with a correctly installed ground contact/connection. Make sure that the machine is turned off.
  • Feumaidh plugaichean agus luchd-ceangail nan càbaill ceangail a bhith air an dìon an aghaidh frasan uisge.
  • Dèan cinnteach airson ceangal ceart ris a’ phrìomh phìob dealain.
  • Use the machine only when the cables that connect to the electricity mains are in perfect condition (damaged cables could lead to electric shocks!).
  • Dèan cinnteach gu cunbhalach nach eil comharran milleadh, cus caitheamh, sgàinidhean no aois air a’ chàball dealain.


  • When the device is operating avoid stepping on, crushing, pulling or damaging the cable that connects to the electrical mains.
  • When the device is operating avoid disconnecting the cable from the mains only by pulling the plug (do not pull on the cable itself).
  • Only replace the electric power cable with one of the same type as the original: H07 RN-F, The same rule applies if an extension is used.
  • Feumaidh luchd-obrach Ionad Seirbheis an neach-dèanamh no luchd-obrach le teisteanas co-ionann a bhith an àite a’ chàball.

Feumaidh oifigearan sàbhailteachd siostam:

  • Cuir casg air cleachdadh neo gluasad neo-iomchaidh.
  • Dèan cinnteach nach tèid na h-innealan sàbhailteachd a thoirt air falbh no tampair eirich le.
  • Dèan cinnteach gu bheil a h-uile obair cumail suas air a dhèanamh gu cunbhalach;
  • Dèan cinnteach nach eil pàirt inneal (càraidean, tuill, msaa) air atharrachadh gus innealan a bharrachd a cheangal;
  • Dèan cinnteach nach cleachdar ach pàirtean a bharrachd tùsail Nilfisk. NOTA

The user shall be responsible for ensuring that installation complies with the all relevant local provisions. The equipment must be installed by qualified technicians who have read and understood the instructions herein

If an extension cable is used, make sure it is suitable for the power input and protection degree of the machine.

Cumhachd as àirde (kW) 3 5 15 22
Minimum section (mm2) 2.5 4 10 16
Maximum length (m) 20
Càball H07 RN – F

ATEX variant: extensions, plugged-in electrical devices and adapters cannot be used when vacuuming flammable dust.

Sockets, plugs, cable clamps, connectors and installation of the extension cable must maintain the IP protection degree of the machine, as indicated on the data plate.

The machine power socket must be protected by a differential circuit-breaker with surge current limitation, that shuts off the power supply when the current discharged to the ground exceeds 30 mA for 30 msec. or an equivalent protection circuit.

Never spray water on the machine: this could be dangerous for people and could short circuit the power supply. Dry applications

Feumar na sìoltachain a chaidh a thoirt seachad agus am baga (ma tha sin iomchaidh) a chuir a-steach gu ceart.

Comply with the safety regulations governing the  vacuumed materials

Falamhachadh liquids

Gèilleadh ris na riaghailtean sàbhailteachd mu stuthan falamh.


  • Make sure the liquid stop device is working correctly before vacuuming liquids.
  • In case of foam, immediately stop working, turn off the machine and empty the container.
  • Regularly clean the liquid level limiting device and check to make sure that there are no signs of damage.
  • Dirty liquid vacuumed by the machine must be considered conductive.

Do not use the machine if the liquid mechanical stop is not installed! If it’s used without the float, the machine may be seriously damaged.

When vacuuming a mix of water and air, take care to avoid overloading the motor of the vacuum unit.

The machine vacuums liquids and deposits them into the container.
When the machine vacuums liquids it must be equipped with liquid electrical stop. The liquid stop device stops the vacuuming operation and turns off the machine when the liquid container is full; then it is then necessary to empty the liquid container.

Dàta teicnigeach

Paramadair Aonadan tomhais CTS 22 CTS 40 CTT40
Voltage @ 50Hz V 400 400 400
Ìre cumhachd kW 2.2 4.0
Vacuum as àirde Bhar 210 260 175
Maximum air flow rate without hose and


m3/h 320 420 535
Maximum air flow rate (3 m Ø 50 mm hose) m3/h 235 280 355
Ìre cuideam fuaim (Lpf) (EN60335-2-69) (*) dB(A) 62 65 71
Crith, ah (**) m/s2 ≤2.5
Dìon IP 55
Insaladh Clas I
Container comas L 50/100
Comas poca duslach Longopac® L
Vacuum a-steach (trast-thomhas) mm 70
Allowed hoses (L) mm 70
Allowed hoses (M-H) mm 50
Prìomh uachdar sìoltachain m2 1.95
Primary cartridge filter surface m2 5.25
Suas an abhainn H uachdar sìoltachain iomlan m2 3.5
Blower absolute filter surface area m2 2.1
Absolute filter efficiency according to MPPS

method (EN 1822)

% 99.995 (H14)
  • Measurement uncertainty KpA < 1.5 dB(A). Noise emission values obtained according to EN-60335-2-69
  • Total value of vibration output to the operator arm and hand

ATEX Variant Technical Data




Aonadan tomhais

CTS 22 CTS 40 CTT40
Z22 Z2 Z21 Z22 Z2 Z21 Z1/Z21
Voltage @ 50Hz V 400 400 400
Ìre cumhachd kW 2.2 4.0 4
Vacuum as àirde Bhar 210 170 260 260 230 175
Maximum air flow rate without hose and


m3/h 320 420 535
Maximum air flow rate (3 m Ø 50 mm hose) m3/h 235 280 355
Ìre cuideam fuaim (Lpf) (EN60335-2-69) (*) dB(A) 62 65 71
Crith, ah (**) m/s2 ≤2.5
Dìon IP 55
Insaladh Clas I
Container comas L 50/100
Comas poca duslach Longopac® L
Vacuum a-steach (trast-thomhas) mm 70
Allowed hoses (L) mm 70
Allowed hoses (M-H) mm 50
Prìomh uachdar sìoltachain m2 1.95
Primary cartridge filter surface m2 5.25
Suas an abhainn H uachdar sìoltachain iomlan m2 3.5
Blower absolute filter surface area m2 2.1
Absolute filter efficiency according to MPPS

method (EN 1822)

% 99.995 (H14)
  • Measurement uncertainty KpA < 1.5 dB(A). Noise emission values obtained according to EN-60335-2-69
  • Total value of vibration output to the operator arm and hand


Figear 4


Modail CTSxx L CTSxx L L100 CTSxx M/H CTT40
A (mm) 600
B (mm) 1050 1300 1050
C (mm) 1250
Cuideam (kg) 105 120 125
■       Suidheachadh stòraidh: Temperature: -10°C ÷ +40°C Humidity: ≤ 85%

■       Riatanasan obrachaidh:

àirde as àirde: 800 m

(Suas gu 2,000 m le coileanadh nas lugha)

Teòthachd: -10 ° C ÷ +40 ° C

Taiseachd: ≤ 85%

Smachdan agus comharran

Figear 5


Vacuum unit start/stop switch Use the button to start/stop the first motor. If the indicator is lit, the main motor is ON.

  1. Slat-tomhais falamh
  2. Manual filter shaker lever Inspections prior to starting

Figear 6 

Slighe a-steach falamh
Mus tòisich thu, dèan cinnteach gu bheil:

  • Tha na criathragan air an stàladh.
  • Tha an còmhlan dùnaidh air a theannachadh gu ceart.
  • Tha an pìob falamh agus na h-innealan air an cur a-steach gu ceart a-steach don t-slighe a-steach falamh (1).
  • In case of liquid application, the liquid mechanical stop is properly installed inside the liquid container:
  • Tha am baga no an soitheach sàbhailteachd air a chuir a-steach, ma tha sin iomchaidh.

Do not use the device if the filters are faulty.

Starting and stopping Figure 5

Mus tòisich thu air an inneal, glas na breicichean castor

  • Turn the switch (1) to “I” position to start.
  • Turn the switch (1) to “0” position to turn the vacuumcleaner off.

Check the machine operation. If the machine does not vacuum any air, the rotation direction is not correct; remove the plug from the socket and turn the selector inside the plug to perform the correct phase connection.

Machines equipped with system for vacuuming liquids

  • When the container is full, the liquid mechanical stop turns off the vacuuming; the vacuum unit remains on.
  • Do not let the vacuum unit running, after the liquid stop has been activated. Turn it off with the relevant switch.

Machines equipped with an electrical control panel equipped with phase sequence control relay

  • Turn the main switch to “I” to electrically power the machine.
  • Brùth am putan tòiseachaidh gus an inneal a thòiseachadh.
  • Brùth am putan stad gus stad a chuir air an inneal.
  • Turn the switch to “0” to turn off the machine.

If the machine does not vacuum any air, the motor rotation direction is wrong and reverse phase indicator turns on.  Disconnect the plug from the power socket and turn the phase inverter.

Machines equipped with an electrical system preset for start from vacuum inlets

  • Turn the main switch to “I” to electrically power the machine.
  • Press the start button to start the machine. If the machine is equipped with vacuum inlet sensor, vacuuming will start automatically, after performing the above procedure, when the first inlet will be opened by the operator. The machine will stop two minutes after the last inlet is closed by the operator. To immediately stop the machine press the stop button (6).

Too frequent starts of the machine can damage the motor; it is advisable not to modify the tripping time of the sensor located on the vacuum inlets.

List of control symbols and indicator lights on the electrical panel

NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-24NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-25Stad èiginn

Turn the switch to “0” to turn off the machine.


Figear 7


Slat-tomhais falamh (2): sòn uaine (3), sòn dearg (1)

Nuair a bhios tu a’ cleachdadh an inneil, thoir sùil air an t-sruth-smachd:

  • nuair a bhios an inneal ag obair, feumaidh puing an t-slat-tomhais falamh fuireach anns an raon uaine (3) gus dèanamh cinnteach nach tuit astar an èadhair a-steach fo luach sàbhailteachd 20 m / diog;
  • Ma tha am puing anns an raon dhearg (1) tha e a’ ciallachadh gu bheil astar an èadhair anns an t-sròin falamh nas lugha na 20 m / s, agus nach eil an inneal ag obair ann an suidheachaidhean as fheàrr. Crith no cuir an àite an criathrag.
  • ann an suidheachaidhean obrach àbhaisteach, dùin am pìob falamh, feumaidh puing an t-slat-tomhais atharrachadh bhon raon uaine (3) chun sòn dearg (1).

The air speed in the vacuum hose must not be less than 20 m/s. Condition indicated by the vacuum gauge pointer in the green zone (3).

Chan urrainnear a h-uile inneal a chleachdadh ach le pìoban aig a bheil trast-thomhas a rèir nan sònrachaidhean anns a’ chlàr “Dàta Teicnigeach”.

Bruidhinn ris a’ chaibideil “Fuasgladh thrioblaidean” ma thachras sgàinidhean.

Aig deireadh seisean glanaidh

  • Turn off the machine and remove the plug from the socket.
  • Wind up the connection cable.
  • Falamhaich an soitheach agus glan an inneal mar a tha air a mhìneachadh anns a’ pharagraf “Cum suas, glanadh agus dì-thruailleadh”.
  • Nigh an soitheach le uisge glan ma tha stuthan ionnsaigheach air am falmhachadh.
  • Cùm an inneal ann an àite tioram, a-mach à ruigsinneachd dhaoine gun chead.
  • Glasadh na breicichean castor.
  • Rè còmhdhail agus nuair nach eil thu a’ cleachdadh an inneil, dùin an t-slighe a-steach falamh leis a’ phlug iomchaidh (ma tha e uidheamaichte).

Cumail suas, glanadh agus dì-thruailleadh


Disconnect the machine from its power source before cleaning, servicing, replacing parts or converting it to obtain another version/variant.

  • Na dèan ach na gnìomhan cumail suas a tha air am mìneachadh san leabhar-làimhe seo.
  • Cleachd dìreach pàirtean tùsail a bharrachd.
  • Do not modify the machine in any way. Failure to comply with these instructions could jeopardize your safety. Moreover, such action would immediately void the EC declaration of conformity/ incorporation issued with the machine.


Airson modhan cumail suas nach eil air am mìneachadh san leabhar-làimhe seo, cuir fios gu taic theicnigeach no lìonra reic an neach-dèanamh.


Gus ìre sàbhailteachd an inneil a ghealltainn, cha bu chòir ach pàirtean a bharrachd tùsail a thug an neach-dèanamh a chleachdadh.


Feumar na ceumannan a tha air am mìneachadh gu h-ìosal a ghabhail rè a h-uile obair cumail suas, a’ toirt a-steach glanadh agus ath-chuir sìoltachain bun-sgoile agus iomlan.


This Class H machine can collect dust hazardous for the health. The procedures for servicing and emptying the machine including removing the dust bag, must only be performed by specialised personnel wearing protective clothing. Do not use without the complete filter system in place.


In particular, on Class H machines, the filtering efficiency of the machine must be checked at least once a year, or more often if required by national legislation. The test method for checking the filtering efficiency of the machine is indicated in standard EN 60335-2-69, par. 22.AA.201.2. If the test isn’t passed, it must be repeated after the class H filter has been changed.

  • To allow the user to carry out the maintenance operations, the machine must be disassembled, cleaned and overhauled as far as is reasonably possible, without causing hazards for the maintenance staff or other people. The suitable precautions include  decontamination before disassembling the machine, adequate filtered ventilation of the exhaust air from the room in which it is disassembled, cleaning of the maintenance area, and suitable personal protection.
  •  Feumaidh pàirtean taobh a-muigh an inneil a bhith air an dì-thruailleadh le dòighean glanaidh is falmhachaidh, air an toirt air falbh no air an làimhseachadh le sealant mus tèid an toirt a-mach à raon cunnartach.
  • Feumar beachdachadh air a h-uile pàirt den inneal mar truailleadh nuair a thèid an toirt air falbh bhon raon cunnartach agus feumar ceumannan iomchaidh a ghabhail gus casg a chuir air duslach bho bhith a’ sgapadh.
  • When maintenance or repair procedure are carried out, all the contaminated elements that cannot be properly cleaned, must be eliminated. These elements must be disposed of in sealed bags in accordance with applicable regulations and local laws on the disposal of such material. This procedure must also be followed for filter disposal (primary and absolute filters).
  • Feumar cuibhreannan nach eil teann air duslach fhosgladh le innealan iomchaidh (sgriubhaairean, wrenches, msaa) agus an glanadh gu mionaideach.
  • Feumaidh an neach-dèanamh no luchd-obrach an aon sgrùdadh a dhèanamh co-dhiù aon uair sa bhliadhna. Airson example: Check the air filters to find out whether the air-tightness of the machine has been impaired in any way and make sure that the electric control panel operates correctly.

Glanadh sìoltachan
Primary filter cleaning with manual system According to the quantity of vacuumed material, if the vacuum gauge pointer (2, Fig. 7) goes from the green zone (3, Fig. 7) to the red zone (1, Fig. 7), shake the primary filter by turning the lever (3, Fig. 5) clockwise/counter-clockwise for at least 5 complete cycles.

Stop the machine before using the filter shaker. Do not shake the filter with the machine functioning, as this could damage the filter. Wait before restarting the machine, to allow the dust to settle. Replace the filter element if the indicator is red, even after the filter has been shaken (see “Primary and absolute filters disassembly and replacement”).

If the indicator is still in the red area. The vacuum hose or one of the accessories may be clogged, and not the filter. Clean these parts if this is the case. Primary filter cleaning with electric filter shaker According to the quantity of vacuumed material, if the vacuum gauge pointer goes from the green zone to the red zone, shake the primary filter by pressing the electric filter shaker button for 10 ÷ 15 seconds.

Stop the machine before using the filter shaker. Do not shake the filter with the machine functioning, as this could damage the filter. Wait before restarting the machine, to allow the dust to settle. Replace the filter element if the vacuum gauge pointer stays in the red zone even after the filter has been shaken (see “Primary and absolute filters disassembly and replacement”).

If the indicator is still in the red area. The vacuum hose or one of the accessories may be clogged, and not the filter. Clean these parts if this is the case. Primary cartridge filter cleaning with automatic system

Figear 8

  1. Filter cleaning solenoid valve 1
  2. Filter cleaning solenoid valve 2
  3. Filter cleaning solenoid valve 3
  4. Filter cleaning solenoid valve 4
  5. Cartridge container pressure switch

When it is necessary to vacuum very fine dust continuously without stopping to clean the filters, the Manufacturer provides the machine of a multi-cartridge filtering system. The unit is equipped with a fully automatic electropneumatic device to alternately clean the filtering cartridges, which guarantees continuous service. Electric panel, powered with a 24V rating, is complete with

cyclic timer to regulate the following times:
T1 Filter cleaning time

Opening time of the solenoid valve for backwashed air exhaust into the cartridge. The shorter the time, the more energetic the cleaning action will be.

T2 Work hold time

Time between one cartridge cleaning operation and the next.

T3 Time between cleaning cycles

Time between one cleaning cycle and the next. Check the arrows on the knobs of the timer for the exact regulation. Replace the filter element if the vacuum gauge pointer stays in the red zone even after the filter has been shaken (see “Primary and absolute filters disassembly and replacement”).

If the indicator is still in the red area. The vacuum hose or one of the accessories may be clogged, and not the filter. Clean these parts if this is the case.

Primary cartridge filter cleaning with infiniclean system

The filtering cartridges serve the purpose of filtering the intake air. The vacuum cleaner is equipped with solenoid valves that, by deflecting the air coming out of the blower, allow for cyclic cleaning of the filtering cartridges. The fully automatic system grants work continuity and is driven by a cyclic timer that allows to adjust the intervals T0, T1, T2 which define the cleaning cycle.


The factory setting of the cycle intervals is the one that allows for a better cleaning in the majority of applications, for this reason the factory setting should not be modified. If necessary, for heavy applications (for example, to collect heavy quantities of very thin dust  more than 3 kg per minutes), it is possible to modify the intervals by following the instructions in the Service Manual, available at the Manufacturer’s Service Centre. Replace the filter element if the vacuum gauge pointer stays in the red zone even after the filter has been shaken (see “Primary and absolute filters disassembly and replacement”).

If the indicator is still in the red area. The vacuum hose or one of the accessories may be clogged, and not the filter. Clean these parts if this is the case. Container and dust bag cleaning Emptying the container

Before proceeding with these operations, turn off the machine and remove the plug from the power socket. Check the machine filtration class. Before emptying the container it is advisable to clean the filter (see “Cleaning the primary filter” paragraph).

Figear 1

  • Release the dust container (2) with the lever (3), then remove and empty it.
  • Glan an inneal mar a tha air a mhìneachadh anns a’ pharagraf “Cum suas, glanadh agus dì-thruailleadh”.
  • Nigh an soitheach le uisge glan ma tha stuthan ionnsaigheach air am falmhachadh.
  • Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an gasket ann an deagh staid agus ann an suidheachadh ceart.
  • Cuir an soitheach air ais na àite agus tèarainte a-rithist e.

After the cleaning session, leave the machine running for at least 60 seconds before turning it off. Avoid switching on/off too frequently.

Emptying of the liquid container

Before proceeding with these operations, turn off the machine and remove the plug from the power socket. Check the machine filtration class. Before emptying the container it is advisable to clean the filter (see “Cleaning the primary filter” paragraph). Figure 1

  • Release the container (2) with the lever (3) and remove it, then remove the liquid stop device and empty it.
  • Glan an inneal mar a tha air a mhìneachadh anns a’ pharagraf “Cum suas, glanadh agus dì-thruailleadh”.
  • Nigh an soitheach le uisge glan ma tha stuthan ionnsaigheach air am falmhachadh.
  • Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an gasket ann an deagh staid agus ann an suidheachadh ceart.
  • Cuir an soitheach air ais na àite agus tèarainte a-rithist e.

After the cleaning session, leave the machine running for at least 60 seconds before turning it off. Avoid switching on/off too frequently.

The filter element will be wet after liquids have been vacuumed. A wet filter element can quickly become clogged if the machine is then used to vacuum dry substances. For this reason, make sure that the filter element is dry or replace it with another one before using the machine for dry materials.

Bag dust

Figear 9

NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-7The machine can be equipped with dust collection bag. In this case, the machine must be equipped with optional accessories (depressor and grid). If the bag is not installed or is installed improperly, it could create health risks for people exposed. Paper Bag and Safe Bag for dust collection

Figear 10

NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-8 The machine can be equipped with a dust collection bag. In this case, the machine must be equipped with a specific container and a cap on the side. If the bag is not properly installed, it could create health risks for people exposed.

Tha an siostam poca sàbhailte freagarrach airson duslach puinnseanta a chruinneachadh gus dèanamh cinnteach nach tig an neach-cleachdaidh an conaltradh ris an toradh.

Poca Longopac® airson cruinneachadh duslach

Figear 11


The machine can be equipped with a dust collection bag. In this case, the material is discharged by gravity when the vacuuming stops. The Longopac® bag can be cut, sealed or closed to the size required. If the bag is not properly installed, it could create health risks for people exposed. Dust bag replacement


  • Mus tèid thu air adhart leis na h-obraichean sin, cuir dheth an inneal agus thoir air falbh am pluga bhon t-socaid cumhachd.
  • Chan urrainnear na h-obraichean sin a dhèanamh ach le luchd-obrach le trèanadh agus teisteanas a dh’ fheumas aodach iomchaidh a chaitheamh, a rèir nan laghan a tha an sàs.
  • Ma tha duslach cunnartach agus / no cronail ann, na cleachd ach na pocannan a tha an neach-dèanamh a’ moladh (faic “Pàirtean a bharrachd air am moladh”).
  • Feumaidh am baga a bhith air a thoirt air falbh le luchd-obrach le teisteanas a-mhàin agus a rèir nan laghan a tha an sàs.
  • Cleachd dìreach pocannan tùsail Nilfisk.
  • Na cleachd ach pocannan a tha freagarrach airson a’ chlas inneil a tha thu a’ cleachdadh.

Take care not to raise dust during this operation. Wear a P3 mask and other protective clothing plus protective gloves (PPE) suited to the hazardous nature of the dust collected, refer to the laws in force.

Mar a thèid am baga duslach a chuir an àite

Figear 9

  • Dùin an t-slighe a-steach le bhith a 'cleachdadh a' chaip iomchaidh (ma tha e uidheamaichte).
  • Sgaoil an dust container.
  • Thoir air falbh am poca duslach agus dùin e le clamp, ma tha sin riatanach.
  • Cuir poca ùr, a 'gabhail cùram gus a phasgadh timcheall balla a-muigh an t-soithich duslach.
  • Suidhich an soitheach duslach a-steach don inneal a-rithist.

Mar a thèid am baga pàipeir a chuir na àite

Figear 10

  • Dùin an t-slighe a-steach le bhith a 'cleachdadh a' chaip iomchaidh (ma tha e uidheamaichte).
  • Sgaoil an dust container.
  • Thoir air falbh am poca agus dùin e leis a 'chaip iomchaidh (1) mar a chithear san fhigear.
  • Cuir a-steach poca ùr, a 'dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil am poca air a seuladh.
  • Suidhich an soitheach duslach a-steach don inneal a-rithist.

Mar a thèid am baga sàbhailte a chuir na àite

Figear 10

  • Remove and put the vacuum hose in a safe and dust-free place.
  • Dùin an t-slighe a-steach le bhith a 'cleachdadh a' chaip iomchaidh (ma tha e uidheamaichte).
  • Sgaoil an dust container.
  • Dùin am baga sàbhailte le bhith a’ tarraing an ròn “guillotine” (2).
  • Dùin am baga plastaig gu hermetically leis a’ chòmhlan iomchaidh (3).
  • Cleachd an teip steigeach (4) gus bonn a’ phoca plastaig a dhùnadh.
  • Remove the relevant connection (5) of the bag from the vacuum inlet.
  • Cuir a-steach baga sàbhailte ùr, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an t-slighe a-steach gu math ceangailte ri ceangal a’ bhaga, gus an seulachadh a thoirt seachad.
  • Paisg am poca plastaig timcheall balla a-muigh an t-soithich duslach.
  • Place the dust container in the vacuum cleaner. How to replace the Longopac® for machines that handle dusts that are hazardous to health. Figure 11
  • Prepare the bag holder with the inside part upwards and insert the Longopac® inside the groove on it. Pull off the Longopac® inner end for at least 250 mm, put the strap around the support as shown in the figure, tighten it by leaving free the excess part of  the inner end pulled off previously. Properly arrange the excess Longopac® inside the groove (1).
  • Pull off the Longopac® outer end (2), turn it down and close it with the proper band (3).
  • Tarraing faisg air an neach-gleidhidh poca airson a chuir fon chòn hopair, cuir a-steach na prìnichean a-steach do na sliotan agus tionndaidh an siostam gus a ghlasadh aig an t-siolandair àrd (4).
  • Pull down the bag closed by the band and lay it on the tray. Then, by means of the 2nd supplied belt, fasten the inner end (250 mm-long), which have been previously removed, above the gasket on the hopper (5). Primary and absolute filter replacement

Nuair a thèid an inneal a chleachdadh gus stuthan cunnartach fhalamhachadh, bidh na sìoltachain air an truailleadh, mar sin:

  • Obraich gu faiceallach agus seachain an duslach agus/no an stuth falamh a dhòrtadh;
  • cuir an sìoltachan a chaidh a chuir às a chèile agus / no a chuir na àite ann am baga plastaig ròin;
  • dùin am poca gu h-eireachdail;
  • cuir às don chriathrag a rèir nan laghan a tha an sàs.

Filter replacement is a serious matter. The filter must be replaced with one of identical characteristics, filtering surface and category. Otherwise the machine will not operate correctly. Before proceeding with these operations, turn off the machine and remove the plug from the power socket.

Mus dèan thu na h-obraichean sin, glan an sìoltachan mar a tha air a mhìneachadh sa pharagraf “Cum suas, glanadh agus dì-thruailleadh”.

Take care not to raise dust during this operation. Wear a P3 mask and other protective clothing plus protective gloves (PPE) suited to the hazardous nature of the dust collected, refer to the laws in force.

Reassemble with care to avoid trapping your hands between the vacuum unit and the container. Use gloves that provide protection against mechanical risks (EN 388) with a level of protection CAT. II.

Na cleachd sìoltachan Clas H a-rithist às deidh dhut a thoirt air falbh bhon inneal.

Primary filter replacement, for machines equipped with manual cleaning system Figure 12

  • Thoir air falbh am pìob falamh (1).
  • Cleachd an luamhan (2) gus an còmhdach (3) a thoirt air falbh còmhla ris a’ phrìomh chriathrag.
  • Thoir air falbh an t-seann chriathrag bhon chèidse.
  • Cuir às don t-seann chriathrag a rèir nan laghan a tha an sàs.
  • Fit the new filter and secure it in the cage.
  • Stàlaich an còmhdach agus am prìomh shìoltachan san òrdugh cùil airson toirt air falbh.

Primary cartridge filter replacement, for machines equipped with automatic cleaning system

Before performing any operation on the filter assembly, shut off the compressed air supply to the tank and vent off all the air from the tank, through the tap. Stand well back to prevent air from blasting into the face.

Figear 13

NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-10 NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-11

  1. Hose falamh
  2. Clamp
  3. Ceap
  4. Luamhan sgaoilidh
  5. Fàinne sìoltachain
  6. Co-chruinneachadh cartridge
  7. Càball solar cumhachd
  8. Pneumatic supply connection
  9. Snaim
  10. Ceangalaiche
  11. Tank fastening screws
  12. Cartridge fastening screws
  13. Cartridan
  • Fuasgail an clamp (2).
  • Thoir air falbh am pìob falamh (1).
  • Operate the levers (4).
  • Remove the cover (3) and the filter ring (5).
  • Disconnect the power supply cable (7) and the compressed air supply from the air intake coupling (8).
  • Remove the cartridge assembly (6).
  • Disconnect the connectors (10) and the union (9).
  • Disassemble the air tank by operating on the screws (11).
  • Unlock the fastening devices (12) and lift the cartridges (13), paying attention to the dust on them and place them in a plastic bag.

Primary cartridge filter replacement, for machines equipped with Infiniclean cleaning system Figure 14

  1. Ceangalaiche
  2. Hose falamh
  3. Hose sèididh
  4. Còmhlan
  5. Infiniclean unit
  6. Cartridge filters
  • Disassemble the connector (1).
  • Thoir air falbh am pìob falamh (2).
  • Remove the blower hose (3).
  • Use the band (4) to disassemble the Infiniclean unit (5) together with the filter guards.
  • Disassemble the old filters (6) from the guards by turning them counter-clockwise.
  • Assemble the new filters (6) on the guards by turning them clockwise.
  • Install the Infiniclean unit in the container by performing the procedure in the reverse order.
  • Dispose of the old filters according to the laws in force

The cartridges must be fully tightened by hand; check that cartridge gasket is tightened against the upper support. In any case, do not apply a tightening torque higher than 12 Nm.

  • Fuasgail an clamp (2).
  • Thoir air falbh am pìob falamh (1).
  • Operate the levers (4).
  • Remove the cover (3) and the filter ring (5).
  • Disconnect the power supply cable (7) and the compressed air supply from the air intake coupling (8)
  • Remove the cartridge assembly (6).
  • Disconnect the connectors (10) and the union (9).
  • Disassemble the air tank by operating on the screws (11).
  • Unlock the fastening devices (12) and lift the cartridges (13), paying attention to the dust on them and place them in a plastic bag.
  • Get four cartridges with the same characteristics. These will be supplied with the gasket which must be positioned in the relevant housing on the lower side of the cartridge fastening flange.

Gasket replacement is of the utmost importance since it must ensure a perfectly tight seal between the filter chamber and cartridge, thus preventing dust from leaking out.

  • Fit the tank back in place by repeating the above operations in reverse order.

Primary filter replacement, for machines equipped with electric filter shaker cleaning system

Figear 15

NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-12 NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-12

  • Remove the hose from the upper inlet.
  • Release the closing band and remove the cover.
  • Sling the cover and lift it carefully, because the star-shaped filter and the shaking cage are connected to the cover.


Do not rest the cover-star-shaped filter assembly vertically on the ground, but use suitable supports or rest it sideways, as the weight of the cover can damage the filter and the shaking cage.

Lift the filter (6), unscrew the clamp (7) and remove the ring (8).

  • Gearr an clamps (10) and detach the cage from the filter.
  • Fit the filter catch and retention ring of the old filter on to the new one.
  • Insert the cage (9) and fix it to the filter by means of the clamps (10) on the bottom of the filter itself.
  • After removing the plastic cover, check that:
  • The lever (11) fastened to the drive shaft (12) of the cage (10) must be halfway along its travel in the neutral central position.
  • The connecting rod (13) fastened to the reduction unit (14) must point downwards. Only in this way, when operating the reduction unit (14), the cage (10) will cover an equal travel to the right and left when, without tightening  the filter (8). The filter could be  torn and the motor of the reduction unit burnt out if this is not done.
  • Fit the filter into the filtering chamber, then mount the cover and lock it in place with the two fastening latches

Before closing the hooks to lock the cover, shake the filtering unit by hand in order to remove any small positioning defects.

  • Fit the vacuum hose on the upper inlet. Primary filter replacement for machines that handle dusts that are hazardous to health.
  • Figear 16 To replace the primary filter safely, follow the instructions according to the type of filter/cleaning system installed on the machine, and proceed as follows:NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-14 NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-15
  • Insert the plug (1) in the vacuum inlet.
  • Insert the belt (2) around the filter chamber.
  • Place the bag with the elastic band on the filter chamber (3). Tighten the safety belt (4) on the bag, above the band.
  • Tuck in the bag along its length. (5)
  • Remove the star filter (6) by grasping the ring with the gasket and lift it until it is completely out of the filter chamber (7).
  • Turn the bag on itself to obtain a section of coiled bags to be tightened with two clamps (8). Place the two clamps at a distance of 50 mm between them, then cut in-between (9) as shown in the figure.
  • Dispose of the filter (10) according to the laws in force.
  • Loosen the belt (11) and carefully move the bag elastic band (12) towards the filter chamber upper edge.
  • Insert the second bag (13) over the first bag (14) and tighten the safety belt (15) on the new bag.
  • Through the new bag (13) carefully remove the crop of the first bag (14) from the edge of the filter chamber.
  • Bring the crop (14) towards the end of the second bag (13).
  • Turn the bag (13) on itself to obtain a section of coiled bags and close of the crop (14) at the bottom of the bag (13) by tightening the clamp (16)
  • Loosen and remove the belt and gently remove the bag from the edge of the filter chamber.

Upstream absolute filter replacement Figure 17

  • Fuasgail an clamp le screwdriver agus thoir air falbh am pìob falamh (1).
  • Cuir às don chnap (2).
  • Fuasgail am bolt sàbhailteachd (5).
  • Cleachd an luamhan (4) gus an caip (3) a leigeil ma sgaoil agus an uairsin tarraing suas agus a-mach às an inneal-glanaidh.
  • Cuir às do chnò fàinne (6)
  • Thoir a-mach diosc ceangail (7) agus sìoltachan iomlan (8)
  • Cuir sìoltachan iomlan (8) ann am baga plastaig, dùin am baga gu hermetically agus cuir às don chriathrag a rèir nan laghan a tha an sàs.
  • Cuir a-steach criathrag ùr (8) leis na h-aon fheartan sìolaidh ris an fhear a chaidh a thoirt air falbh
  • Glas an sìoltachan iomlan le diosc (7) agus teann an cnò fàinne (6)
  • Cuir a-steach an caip (3) a-rithist.
  • Fix an caip na àite leis an luamhan (4) agus glas am bolt sàbhailteachd (5) a-rithist.
  • Sguab an cnap (2).
  • Cuir am pìob falamh (1) air ais na àite agus teann an clamp
  • Glasadh e gus na ceithir cnothan a dhaingneachadh (1).

Ath-nuadhachadh sìoltachan iomlan sìos an abhainn

  • Unscrew an snaidhm agus thoir air falbh an còmhdach.
  • Thoir air falbh an sìoltachan iomlan agus cuir ann am poca plastaig e, dùin am baga gu hermetically agus cuir às don chriathrag a rèir nan laghan a tha an sàs.
  • Cuir a-steach sìoltachan iomlan ùr leis na h-aon fheartan sìolaidh ris an fhear a chaidh a thoirt air falbh.
  • Reinstall the cover by fastening it with the knob. Installation, cleaning and replacement of the separator (optional)

Figear 18


Thathas a’ toirt seachad stiùireadh a’ mìneachadh mar a chuireas tu na goireasan roghainneil agus na leabhraichean-làimhe obrachaidh is cumail suas còmhla ris na goireasan roghainneil.

If there is only a dust deposit on the separator (4) allow the dust to drop through the central hole. The separator (4) should first be disassembled in order to be perfectly cleaned:

  • Sgaoil na dubhan dùnaidh (1) den chòmhdach (2) agus thoir air falbh an còmhdach.
  • Thoir air falbh an criathrag.
  • Unscrew an dà sgriubha (3) agus thoir air falbh e bhon ghobhar.
  • Cuir a-steach am pàirt ma tha cus caitheamh ann.
  • Ath-stàlaich an dealaiche (4).
  • Glasadh e agus socraich e leis an dà sgriubha (3).
  • Cuir an criathrag air ais na àite, dùin an còmhdach (2) agus glas e leis an dà dubhan dùnaidh (1).

Belt tensioning and replacement (CTT series) Figure 19

When replacing the belts, only use genuine spare parts or spare parts with the same characteristics as the old ones.

These operations can only be carried out by trained and qualified personnel

After about 1 hour of operation, check belt tensioning again. It is very important that the transmission belt is installed with the correct tension, in order to optimize its performance and life.

To obtain the correct transmission belt tension, use the following method:

  • Loosen the four adjusting plate fixing screws (1).
  • Loosen the nut (2) and operate on the screw (3) to adjust the transmission belt (4) tension.
  • Measure the deflection of the indicated section, which should be 5 ÷ 6 mm in the central part using a force of 50 N perpendicular to the same belt.
  • Lock the nut (2) and the four adjusting plate fixing screws (1).

Tightness inspection Hoses check

Figear 20

NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-17 NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-18

Make sure that connecting hoses (1) are in a good condition and correctly fixed. If the hoses are damaged, broken or badly connected to the unions, they must be replaced. When sticky materials are treated, check for possible clogging along the hose, in the inlet and on the baffle plate inside the filtering chamber. To clean, scrape the inlet (2) from the outside to remove deposits.

Sgrùdadh gasket seòmar sìolaidh airson innealan le inneal duslach

Figear 21

Ma dh’ fhailicheas an gasket (1) eadar an soitheach agus an seòmar sìolaidh (3) gealltainn seulachadh:

  • Fuasgail na ceithir sgriothan (2) a ghlasas an seòmar sìoltachaidh (3) an aghaidh structar an inneil.
  • Allow the filtering chamber (3) to lower down and tighten the screws (2) once it has reached the sealing position. If an optimal seal is not yet obtained or if there are tears, cracks, etc., the gasket must be replaced.

Sgrùdadh gasket seòmar sìolaidh airson innealan uidheamaichte le siostam Longopac®

Figear 22

NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-19 NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-20

Ensure that the Longopac® bag is tight with the gasket (2). Also check the seal of the gasket positioned on the discharge clapet (1). The gasket must be replaced if it is torn, cut, etc.


NILFISK-CTS22-Industrial-Vacuum-Cleaner-FIG-28The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol on the equipment indicates that used electrical and electronic equipment must be collected and disposed of separately from household waste. The correct disposal of the equipment will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. Electrical and electronic household equipment must be disposed of at the separate collection points in the residence area. Please note that commercial electrical and electronic equipment should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream. We will be pleased to inform you about suitable disposal options.

Wiring diagrams
Figear 23


In the case of machines equipped with an electrical control panel, refer to the paper wiring diagram supplied with the machine documentation

Pàirtean a bharrachd air am moladh

Tha na leanas na liosta de phàirtean a bharrachd a bu chòir a chumail deiseil gus obair cumail suas a luathachadh. Thoir sùil air catalog pàirtean a bharrachd an neach-dèanamh nuair a bhios tu ag òrdachadh pàirtean a bharrachd.


Fuasgladh thrioblaidean

Trioblaid Adhbhar Leigheas


Chan eil an inneal a 'tòiseachadh



Dìth solar cumhachd

Thoir sùil airson cumhachd aig an t-socaid.

Check the condition of the socket and the cable.

Ask for assistance to be performed by a

qualified manufacturer’s technician.




Bidh an tionndadh inneal ag àrdachadh


Criathrag bun-sgoile clogged

Cleachd an criathar sìoltachain (modalan le crathadh sìoltachain làimhe). Cuir na àite e mura h-eil seo gu leòr.

Hose falamh clogged

Thoir sùil air an t-soitheach falamh agus glan e.
The machine produces a more acute noise The liquid mechanical stop has activated Emptying of the liquid container.


Bidh dust ag aoidion bhon inneal

Tha an criathar air a reubadh Cuir fear eile den aon sheòrsa na àite.

Criathrag mì-fhreagarrach

Replace it with another of a suitable

category and check.



The vacuum cleaner suddenly stops.



Circuit breaker activation

Thoir sùil air an t-suidheachadh.

Check the motor electrical input. Contact an authorised after-sales service centre if necessary.

The vacuum cleaner blows instead of



Incorrect connection to the electrical mains

Ask for assistance from qualified personnel

to perform the correct phase connection.


Sruth electrostatach air an inneal


Bun-stèidh a dhìth no neo-èifeachdach

Thoir sùil air a h-uile ceangal talmhainn. Gu sònraichte air an uidheamachadh falamh a-staigh; cuir pìoban antistatic an àite na hose.


Tha sinne, Nilfisk le seo a’ cur an cèill fo ar dleastanas a-mhàin, gu bheil/gu bheil an toradh/na toraidhean gu h-àrd a rèir nan stiùiridhean agus inbhean a leanas.


NILFISK CTS22 Industrial Vacuum Cleaner [pdf] Leabhar-làimhe an t-sealbhadair
CTS22 Industrial Vacuum Cleaner, CTS22, Industrial Vacuum Cleaner, Vacuum Cleaner, Cleaner


Fàg beachd

Cha tèid do sheòladh puist-d fhoillseachadh. Tha raointean riatanach air an comharrachadh *