Stiùireadh rèiteachaidh furasta
Feuch an leugh thu an leabhar-làimhe seo gu faiceallach mus obraich thu do sheata agus cùm e airson fiosrachadh san àm ri teachd.
Leugh Sàbhailteachd agus Iomradh.
WARNING : To prevent injury, this apparatus must be securely attached to the desk/wall in accordance with the Safety and Reference.
- Models: 43UN570H0UA, 50UN570H0UA, 55UN570H0UA, 43UN560H0UA,
50UN560H0UA, 55UN560H0UA - Tbh LED le scrion LCD agus backlights LED
- Caitheamh cumhachd:
- 43UN570H0UA: 110 W
- 50UN570H0UA: 130 W
- 55UN570H0UA: 160 W
- AC Input: 120 V~ 50/60 Hz
- Cuideam (gun seasamh):
- 43UN570H0UA: 57.1 Kg
- 50UN570H0UA: 57.1 Kg
- 55UN570H0UA: 57.5 Kg
- Meudan (W x H x D):
- 43UN570H0UA: 967 x 623 x 303 mm
- 50UN570H0UA: 1,121 x 713 x 303 mm
- 55UN570H0UA: 1,235 x 777 x 303 mm
Stiùireadh airson cleachdadh bathar:
Stiùireadh Sàbhailteachd:
Before operating the TV, ensure to read the safety instructions provided in the manual carefully. Make sure the apparatus is securely attached to a desk or wall as per safety guidelines.
Ag ullachadh:
Follow the instructions for lifting and moving the TV, mounting it on a table, attaching it to a desk, or securing it to the wall.
Connect the TV to an antenna/cable and other devices following the guidelines provided. Set up the network connection as required.
A’ cleachdadh an telebhisean:
Atharraich ceàrn an Tbh airson an ìre as fheàrr viewing. Use the remote control for operating the TV and troubleshooting any issues that may arise.
Adjust picture mode, brightness, and energy-saving features as per your preferences.
Smachd a-muigh:
Set up external control devices using the provided key codes and configurations.
IR OUT Using Guide:
Refer to the guide for suitable remote-controller data formats and IR receiver specifications.
Ceistean Cumanta:
Q: What should I do if my TV does not operate normally?
A: If your TV does not operate normally or has been exposed to any damage, refer to the troubleshooting section in the manual for solutions.
C: Ciamar a leasaicheas mi na roghainnean dealbh air an telebhisean agam?
A: Navigate to the settings menu on your TV using the remote control and select the picture mode to adjust brightness and other settings.
C: An urrainn dhomh an telebhisean seo a chuir air balla?
A: Yes, you can mount the TV on a wall following the instructions provided in the manual for wall mounting.
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- Leabhar-làimhe cleachdaiche