IKEA GRILLSKAR Posterior Panel Isla Con
Sònrachaidhean Bathar
- Àireamh Modail: AA-2201881-3
- Meud:1x
- Cuideam: 10 aonadan
- Pàirt ÀireamhanÀireamh: 124441, 114871, 119064, 122447, 10042206, 10050776, 100092, 10047142
- Meudan:24x
Stiùireadh airson cleachdadh bathar
- Step 1: Unpack the product and check if all parts are included.
- Step 2: Assemble the product according to the provided manual.
- Step 3: Connect the necessary components as indicated in the manual.
- Step 4: Power on the product and follow the setup instructions.
- Ceum 5: Tòisich a 'cleachdadh a' bhathar mar a thathar an dùil.
Stiùireadh Rabhadh
Ceistean Cumanta
C: Dè bu chòir dhomh a dhèanamh ma tha pàirt a dhìth?
A: In case a part is missing, please contact customer support for assistance and replacement.
C: Ciamar a ghlanas mi an toradh?
A: Cleachd bog, damp cloth to clean the product. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.
C: An urrainn dhomh an toradh a chuir às a chèile airson a stòradh?
A: Yes, you can disassemble the product for storage by following the reverse steps of the assembly process.
IKEA GRILLSKAR Posterior Panel Isla Con [pdf] Leabhar-làimhe stiùiridh 504.714.46, AA-2201881-3, GRILLSKAR Isla Con Panel Posterior, GRILLSKAR, Posterior Pannal Isla Con, Posterior Pannal, Posterior |