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ELSEMA iS260 Huishoudelike Swaaihek Kit Gebruikershandleiding



Hierdie gebruikershandleiding is slegs vir gekwalifiseerde tegnici wat in installasies en outomatisering gespesialiseerd is.

  • All installations, electrical connections, adjustments and testing must be performed only after reading and understanding of all instructions
  • Voordat enige installasie of instandhouding uitgevoer word, ontkoppel die elektriese kragtoevoer deur die hoofskakelaar wat stroomop gekoppel is af te skakel en pas die gevaargebiedkennisgewing toe wat deur toepaslike regulasies vereis word.
  • Make sure the existing structure is up to standard in terms of strength and
  • Indien nodig, koppel die gemotoriseerde hek aan 'n betroubare aardstelsel tydens elektrisiteitsaansluitingsfase.
  • Installation requires qualified personnel with mechanical and electrical
  • Keep the automatic controls (remote, push buttons, key Etc) placed properly and way from children.
  • For replace or repair of motorized system, only original parts must be used. Any damage caused by inadequate parts and methods will be not claimed to motor manufacturer.
  • Moet nooit die aandrywer gebruik as jy vermoed dat dit dalk foutief is of skade aan die stelsel sal veroorsaak nie.
  • The motors are exclusively designed for gate opening and closing application, any other usage is deemed inappropriate. The manufacturer will not be liable for any damage resulting from the improper Improper usage should void all warranty, and the user accepts sole responsibility for any risks thereby may accrue.
  • The system may be operated in proper working Always follow the standard procedures by following the instructions in this installation and operating manual.
  • Bedien die afstandbeheer net wanneer jy die afstandsbediening vol het view van die

ELSEMA PTY LTD sal nie aanspreeklik wees vir enige besering, skade of enige eis aan enige persoon of eiendom wat mag voortspruit uit onbehoorlike gebruik of installering van hierdie stelsel nie.

Hou asseblief hierdie installasiehandleiding vir toekomstige verwysing.



Kontroleer die volgende voordat u met die installasie voortgaan:

  • Be sure that gate moves freely
  • Daar is geen hindernisse in die bewegende hekarea nie
  • Skarniere is behoorlik geposisioneer en gesmeer
  • Daar moet geen wrywing tussen die hekblare s'n wees nie
  • Daar moet geen wrywing met die grond wees terwyl die hekke beweeg word nie
  • Kontroleer dat die hekstruktuur geskik is om outomatiese hekmotors te installeer
  • "C" waarde is 140mm
  • “D” kan maklik vanaf die hek gemeet word
  • "A" = "C" + "D"
  • Die waarde van "B" kan bereken word uit die waarde van "A" en die openingshoek van die blare

**Please make sure “B” and “A” are similar or the same in value that the leaf’s can be operated smoothly, also to reduce the burden of the motor.


Stap 1: Before securing the rear bracket to the pillar check the front bracket to make sure can be welded to a solid point on the gate leaf.

  • Fully close the Fully extend the motor shaft. This will be the gate’s fully closed position
  • Connect the rear and front brackets to the motor
  • Hold the rear bracket onto the pillar with the calculated A en B
  • Beweeg die motor in 'n vertikale rigting totdat die bevestigingsone in 'n soliede area van die hekblad vir die voorste bracket is.
  • Make sure the physical stoppers are strong enough to stop the gate in open and closed
  • Open position of the gate can be adjustable by the shaft

Stap 2: Maak dan die agterste bracket aan die pilaar vas.

Stap 3: Fix the operator on the rear bracket.


Disengage the motor and attached the front bracket to the motor as shown below.

Position the front bracket in its position and manually move to gate to see that the motor is in the horizontal position in these positions:

  • Hek in "CLOSE" posisie
  • Hek in "OPEN" posisie
  • Hek by "45° hoek" posisie

Voordat die hakie aan die hekblad gesweis word (indien nodig), bedek die hekopener om skade deur vonke te voorkom.
A fixed in-ground stopper should be placed to stop the gate in the fully closed position. The fully open position is determined by either physical stoppers or the clamps included in the kit which can be clamped on the motor shaft and adjusted to the desired position.



In case of power failure, the operator can be disengaged to move the gate. A release key is provided with the kit.

  • Insert the release key to the manual release slot on either side of the motor
  • Turn the release key in the direction shown on the motor to the unlock position
  • Pull the release key out before moving the gate manually
  • The turning direction will be reversed for right motor


After successful motor installation, refer to the user manual of the control card for automatic operation setup. Scan the below QR code for control card instructions


Motor Voltage 24 Volts DC motor
Tipe rat Wurm rat
Nominale stukrag 2000N
Slaglengte (CD) 400 mm
Kragtoevoer 240 Volt AC
Nominale insetstroom 2 Amps
Maksimum bedryfsstroom 4.2 Amps vir maksimum 10 sek
Maksimum hekgewig 200 kg per blaar
Maksimum heklengte 2.5 meter
Pligsiklus 20%
Bedryfstemperatuur -20 ° c ~ + 50 ° c
Dimensie 819 mm x 197 mm x 100 mm



Onderhoud moet ten minste elke ses maande uitgevoer word. As dit in 'n hoë verkeersgebied gebruik word, moet 'n meer gereelde instandhouding uitgevoer word.

Ontkoppel die kragtoevoer:

  • Clean and lubricate the screws, the pins and the hinge with
  • Check the fastening points are properly
  • Check and make sure that the wire connections are in good

Koppel die kragtoevoer:

  • Gaan die krag na
  • Gaan die funksie van die handvrystelling na

Check the photocells or other safety device


  • Sonkrag kits
  • Sonpanele
  • Rugsteunbatterye
  • Foto elektriese strale
  • Magnetiese slotte
  • Draadlose sleutelborde
  • Pre formed vehicle loop


Lees meer oor hierdie handleiding en laai PDF af:

Dokumente / Hulpbronne

ELSEMA iS260 Domestic Swing Gate Kit [pdf] Gebruikershandleiding
iS260, iS260D, iS260 Domestic Swing Gate Kit, iS260, Domestic Swing Gate Kit, Swing Gate Kit, Gate Kit, Kit


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