Outwell PBG-1223 Oberon Lamp
የምርት መረጃ
- ሞዴል፡ 651275 / PBG-1223
- ባትሪ፡ 3.7 ቪ, 2600 ሚአሰ ሊ-አዮን
- የዩኤስቢ ግብዓት 5V፣ 1.0A
- ኃይል፡- 0.8 ዋ
- ክፍል፡ ክፍል 3 መሳሪያ
- የጥበቃ ደረጃ; IP44 የውሃ መከላከያ
የምርት አጠቃቀም መመሪያዎች
መጫን እና መጠቀም
የብርሃን ሁነታዎች
ኤልን ለማስኬድamp:
- Press the power button (4) to turn it on.
- Press the power button again to toggle through the light modes:
- Warm white (high)
- Warm white (low)
- RGB (changing)
- RGB (constant)
- Press the power button again to turn the lamp ጠፍቷል።
Lamp can be used as a source of light in various settings. Ensure to follow the light mode instructions mentioned above for optimal use.
ጽዳት እና ጥገና
Lamp በውሃ ወይም በማስታወቂያ ሊጸዳ ይችላልamp cloth. Avoid using corrosive liquids as they may damage the lamp.
ማራገፍ እና ማስወገድ
መቼ lamp reaches the end of its usable life:
- የኤልamp ከማንኛውም የኃይል ምንጭ.
- Follow the provided instructions for safe disassembly and disposal.
- Dispose of components according to local regulations and recycling guidelines.
የቴክኒክ ውሂብ
- ባትሪ፡ 3.7 ቪ, 2600 ሚአሰ ሊ-አዮን
- የዩኤስቢ ግብዓት 5V፣ 1.0A
- ኃይል: 0.8 ዋ
- ክፍል: Class 3 appliance
- የጥበቃ ደረጃ: IP44 የውሃ መከላከያ
- Lamp
- ያዝ
- የዩኤስቢ-ሲ ኃይል መሙያ ገመድ
- የኃይል አዝራር
- የ USB-C ግብዓት
መጫን እና መጠቀም
የብርሃን ሁነታዎች
- Press the power button (4) located underneath the lamp ለማብራት.
- Press the power button again to toggle through the light modes:
- Warm white (high)
- Warm white (low)
- RGB (changing)
- RGB (constant)
- Press the power button again to turn the lamp ጠፍቷል።
የ l. አጠቃቀምamp
- Lamp is charged using a 5V DC USB power outlet. The USB-C input (5) is located under the protective lid underneath the lamp.
- A charging cable is included with the lamp.
The charging time from empty to full is approximately 3.5 hours. - እባክዎን l ሙሉ በሙሉ ይሙሉamp ከመጀመሪያው አጠቃቀም በፊት ፡፡
- Lamp (1) can be used standing or hanging from the handle (2).
- Lamp is water-resistant to IP44.
- በቀጥታ ወደ ብርሃን ምንጭ አይመልከቱ, ምክንያቱም ይህ ለዓይን ጎጂ ሊሆን ይችላል.
ጽዳት እና ጥገና
- Lamp በውሃ ወይም በማስታወቂያ ሊጸዳ ይችላልamp ጨርቅ.
- ኤልን ለማጽዳት የሚበላሹ ፈሳሾችን አይጠቀሙampይህ l ሊጎዳ ስለሚችልamp.
የብርሃን ምንጭ: LED
The light source and control gear are non-replaceable to avoid introducing weak points in the construction, which could reduce the product’s lifetime span.
ማራገፍ እና ማስወገድ
- Instructions for disassembly of the lamp for component disposal when the lamp የአጠቃቀም ህይወቱ መጨረሻ ላይ ደርሷል፡-
- If the product is no longer functional, disconnect the product from any power source before disassembly.
- To protect the environment and human health, do not dispose of the product as unsorted municipal waste; collect it separately.
- Dispose of batteries, electronic parts, and all other components according to local regulations.
- Use the return and collection systems available, regardless of the producers or other operators that have set them up.
- Contribute to reuse, recycling, and other foryustznh sxznaxsj hxswaechnical data
- 3.7 ቪ
፣ 0.8 ዋ
- ባትሪ: 3.7 ቪ
, 2600 mAh Li-Ion
- የዩኤስቢ ግቤት: 5V
፣ 1.0 ኤ
- ክፍል 3 መሳሪያ
- የጥበቃ ደረጃ; ምርቱ ለ IP44 ውሃ የማይገባ ነው
ስለ ኩባንያ
Outwell የደንበኞች አገልግሎት
- ኢሜል፡- info@outwell.com
- ስልክ: +45 70 50 59 00
ተዘውትረው የሚጠየቁ ጥያቄዎች (FAQ)
- Can I replace the LED light source in the lamp?
The LED light source and control gear are non-replaceable to maintain product integrity and lifespan. - ኤልን እንዴት መጣል አለብኝ?amp when it is no longer functional?
የኤልamp from any power source, follow the provided disassembly instructions, and dispose of components as per local regulations and recycling guidelines. - ነው ኤልamp ውሃ የማይገባ?
አዎ፣ ኤልamp is waterproof with a protection rating of IP44.
ሰነዶች / መርጃዎች
Outwell PBG-1223 Oberon Lamp [pdf] መመሪያ መመሪያ 651275, PBG-1223, PBG-1223 Oberon Lamp, PBG-1223, Oberon Lamp፣ ኤልamp |