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E-flite EFL10750 Sportix 1.1m RC Plane Instruction Manual

Discover all the essential information for the EFL10750 Sportix 1.1m RC Plane in this comprehensive user manual. Learn about its specifications, included equipment, recommended accessories, and product usage instructions. Find out the age recommendation and where to access up-to-date product literature. Scan the QR code for quick access to manuals and support for the EFL10750 and EFL10775 models.

HORIZON HOBBY EFL10750 E Flite 1.1m Llawlyfr Cyfarwyddiadau Awyrennau Trydan Sylfaenol

Darganfyddwch y llawlyfr defnyddiwr cynhwysfawr ar gyfer yr Awyren Drydan Sylfaenol EFL10750 E Flite 1.1m a Sportix 1.1m. Dysgwch am fanylebau, gweithdrefnau gosod, awgrymiadau datrys problemau, a mwy. Cyrchwch y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i gael profiad hedfan di-dor.