BOTESI F9 Bluetooth Wireless Headset Instruction
Gwybodaeth Cynnyrch
- Cydymffurfiaeth: Rhan 15 o Reolau Cyngor Sir y Fflint
- Terfynau Datguddio Ymbelydredd: Cyngor Sir y Fflint wedi'i gymeradwyo ar gyfer amgylchedd heb ei reoli
- Pellter Gweithredu: O leiaf 0cm rhwng y rheiddiadur a'r corff
Cyfarwyddiadau Defnydd Cynnyrch
Place the device in a location where there is a minimum distance of 0cm between the radiator and your body.
Ensure that the device does not cause harmful interference and is able to accept any interference received during operation.
Cyflwyniad Defnydd Cynnyrch
- Peidiwch attempt to disassemble or replace any part of the product except for those operations specifically indicated in the instruction manual.
- Peidiwch immerse the product in water or any other liquid, the product is not designed to be waterproof.
- Os bydd unrhyw hylif yn mynd i mewn i'r cynnyrch yn ddamweiniol, datgysylltwch a thynnwch y cynnyrch ar unwaith.
- Er mwyn osgoi sioc drydanol, gwnewch yn siŵr nad oes dŵr ar eich dwylo wrth osod neu ddadosod y cynnyrch.
- Do not place this product near a heat source or expose it directly to an ignition source. (6) Do not place this product in an environment with strong electromagnetic force, otherwise it may cause the product to malfunction. In the above cases, it is necessary to disconnect and remove this product.
Rhestr Pacio
- Clustffon X 2
- Achos codi tâl X 1
- Papur llaw X 1
- Llinell codi tâl X 1
Manylebau Clustffonau
- Fersiwn Bluetooth: v5.4
- Pellter trosglwyddo: tua 8 metr
- Capasiti batri: 30 mAh
- Amser defnydd: tua 3 awr
- Amser codi tâl: tua 1.5 awr
- Mewnbwn â sgôr: 5V ===500mA
Manylebau achos codi tâl
- Capasiti batri: 200 mAh
- Amser codi tâl: 1-1.5 awr
- Mewnbwn â sgôr: 5V ==-500mA
- Amser defnydd: 10 hours ( All technical information depends on specifications) on actual
- Codi tâl ar yr achos:
- Use a Type-C cable to connect the charging case to the 5V power adapter. This device does not support fast charging head.
- (Cyngor cynnes: If the charging bay indicator light flashes Green, charge the charging bay in time.)
- Use a Type-C cable to connect the charging case to the 5V power adapter. This device does not support fast charging head.
Disgrifiad o'r Dangosyddion LED
- Dangosydd achos codi tâl
- The headset is not fully charged: the green light is on continuously Headset is fully charged: the indicator light is off Charging the charging case: a red light flashes Charging case is fully charged: the red light is on Low battery level in the charging case: green light flashes
- Dangosydd dan arweiniad clustffon
- Pwer ar: LEDs coch a glas yn fflachio bob yn ail
- Pŵer i ffwrdd: mae LED coch yn fflachio dair gwaith
- Statws paru Bluetooth: LEDs coch a glas yn fflachio bob yn ail
- Paru llwyddiannus gyda chlustffonau: LED i ffwrdd
Cyfarwyddiadau Gweithredu Cynnyrch
- Pŵer ymlaen
- Opsiwn 1: Tynnwch y headset o'r cas codi tâl, bydd y headset yn troi ymlaen yn awtomatig.
- Opsiwn 2: When the headset is off, press and hold the touch area of the headset for 3 seconds, the headset will Turn on
- Pŵer i ffwrdd
- Opsiwn 1: Rhowch y headset yn ôl yn y cas codi tâl, bydd y headset yn diffodd.
- Opsiwn 2: Long press the touch area of the headset for 5 seconds, and the headset will switch off.
- Parau
- Cam 1: Remove the headset from the charging case, the headset will automatically switch on, and once switched on, it will automatically execute the command.
- Cam 2: Open the Bluetooth list on your smart device, find the device model (shown in the package cover) ,and press the connect button (supports monaural sound). Setting
- Rheolaeth botwm cyffwrdd
- Modd chwarae cerddoriaeth
- Rheolaeth clustffon chwith / dde
- Cân flaenorol: dwbl-gliciwch yr allwedd swyddogaeth ar y clustffon chwith (L)
- Cân nesaf: double-click the right headset function key (R) Volume +: Triple-press the function button on the right headset (R)
- Cyfrol -: triphlyg gwasgwch y botwm swyddogaeth ar y clustffon chwith (L)
- Saib/chwarae yn ôl: pwyswch y botwm swyddogaeth ar y headset unwaith
- Handsfree phone mode
- Left/right headset control (incoming call) Answer: press any function key on the headset Reject: press and hold any headset key for 2 seconds Hang up: press any function key on the headset
- Ysgogi cynorthwyydd llais (mae dyfeisiau clyfar yn cefnogi cynorthwyydd llais)
- Gweithrediad Clustffon Chwith/Dde
- Ysgogi: Pwyswch yn hir unrhyw allwedd swyddogaeth headset am 1.5 eiliad (ac eithrio o dan statws galwad)
Rhybudd Cyngor Sir y Fflint:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. This quipment generates, uses and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, maycause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:
- Ailgyfeirio neu adleoli'r antena sy'n derbyn.
- Cynyddu'r gwahaniad rhwng yr offer a'r derbynnydd.
- Cysylltwch yr offer ag allfa ar gylched sy'n wahanol i'r un y mae'r derbynnydd wedi'i gysylltu ag ef.
- Cysylltwch â'r deliwr neu dechnegydd radio/teledu profiadol am gymorth.
Rhybudd: Gallai unrhyw newidiadau neu addasiadau i'r ddyfais hon nad ydynt wedi'u cymeradwyo'n benodol gan y gwneuthurwr ddirymu eich awdurdod i weithredu'r offer hwn.
Mae'r ddyfais hon yn cydymffurfio â rhan 15 o Reolau Cyngor Sir y Fflint. Mae gweithredu yn amodol ar y ddau amod canlynol:
(1) Ni chaiff y ddyfais hon achosi ymyrraeth niweidiol, a (2) rhaid i'r ddyfais hon dderbyn unrhyw ymyrraeth a dderbynnir, gan gynnwys ymyrraeth a allai achosi gweithrediad annymunol. Mae'r offer hwn yn cydymffurfio â therfynau amlygiad i ymbelydredd Cyngor Sir y Fflint a osodwyd ar gyfer heb ei reoli
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 0cmbetween the radiator and your body.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin
C: Beth ddylwn i ei wneud os byddaf yn dod ar draws ymyrraeth wrth ddefnyddio'r ddyfais?
A: If you experience interference, try adjusting the positioning of the device to minimize potential disruptions.
Dogfennau / Adnoddau
Clustffonau Di-wifr Bluetooth BOTESI F9 [pdf] Llawlyfr Cyfarwyddiadau F9, F9 Clustffonau Di-wifr Bluetooth, Clustffonau Di-wifr Bluetooth, Clustffonau Di-wifr, Clustffonau |