The user manual provides detailed instructions for the Rapid Shutdown Device and Transmitter, including specifications such as 1500V UL-1000V TUV, 20A. Download the PDF to learn more about this essential product for solar energy systems.
Learn about the APsmart RSD-D Rapid Shutdown Device & Transmitter (Model: RSD-D TRANSMITTER-PLC). Find specifications, installation instructions, and rapid shutdown procedures in this detailed user manual. Compliant with NEC 690.12 and SunSpec signaling.
This installation/user manual provides important safety instructions for the APsmart RSD-D and Transmitter-PLC, including the Outdoor Kit. Designed for use by qualified professionals, this Rapid Shutdown Device Transmitter has a high-temperature body, and must be installed in accordance with local codes. The device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and should be used only by authorized personnel familiar with electrical systems and EMC requirements.
Learn about the installation and maintenance of the APsmart RSD-S-PLC Rapid Shutdown Device and its Transmitter in this important safety guide. Meets NEC 2017&2020 requirements and executes rapid shutdown of the system when Transmitter-PLC signal is absent. Only qualified professionals should install it.
The APsmart RSD-S-PLC Rapid Shutdown System user manual provides important safety instructions and technical details for qualified professionals installing or replacing the RSD and Transmitter. This product meets NEC 2017 (690.12) requirements and executes rapid shutdown of a system, meeting SunSpec requirements 2 when Transmitter-PLC signal is absent. Follow all cautionary markings and local codes for safe installation and operation.