Inspire Signature Marga Lamp
- Light accompanies us at all times. It was with this in mind that I imagined the Marga lamp : si ricarica cun voi in u sole, seguendu i vostri andate è andate in casa è fora. Marga adatta a so illuminazione secondu i vostri bisogni, creendu una sperienza puetica è risparmià energia. »
Designer for the Inspire brand, and passionate about the world of decoration, Clara van Oorschot devotes herself simultaneously to plastic and technical works, combining all the manufacturing constraints with current trends. It’s in the details, the accuracy of the lines, and the finishes that she strives to create singular objects, at the service of reinvented living.
- Cù a Marga lamp, Inspire Signature offers intelligent new features to adapt to your daily life, while guaranteeing exceptional solar autonomy. In eco mode, the Marga lamp pò aghjustà gradualmente a so intensità di illuminazione secondu i livelli di luce ambientale. A rilevazione di a vostra presenza vicinu li permette ancu di seguità i vostri ghjunti è andati, in modu chì si attivà à u mumentu più opportunu.
- Marga is produced with particular attention paid to the choice of the materials, the quality of the light and the durability of its finishes. Thank to our care fora good production, this exclusive range of luminaires comes with a 25-year anti-corrosion guarantee.
Scopri di più
- Q: Quantu dura l'autonomia sulari di u Marga lamp l'ultimu?
- A: A Marga lamp offers exceptional solar autonomy and can operate for extended periods without direct sunlight, thanks to its efficient design.
- Q: Chì ghjè a guaranzia anti-corrosione per u Marga lamp?
- A: A Marga lamp comes with a 25-year anti-corrosion guarantee, ensuring its durability and longevity even in outdoor settings.
Documenti / Risorse
Inspire Signature Marga Lamp [pdf] Manuale di istruzioni Signature Marga Lamp, Signature, Marga Lamp, Lamp |