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122 Horse Jokes for Kids

122 Horse Jokes for Kids Pinterest Pin

You will be a shoe-in for the best joke teller with these 122 Horse Jokes for kids!

We have a great collection of 122 Horse Jokes for Kids for both kids and adults alike! Jokes are a great way to learn and have fun at the same time! These Horse Jokes will keep your kids both interested and laughing!

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More Horse Posts

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122 Horse Jokes

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There are more horse posts in the works and coming soon so stay tuned! 😊

Follow my Horses Pinterest Board for dozens of ideas from all around the web! I am constantly finding new things to add so there will be new things all the time!

When is National Horse Day?

There are several days to think of and show our love for horses!

National Day of the Horse is December 13th and there is a National I Love Horses Day on July 15th each year.

There is also World Horse Day on March 1st.

More Jokes

The Horse Jokes

Why did the pony have to gargle?

Because it was a little horse

Why did the horse miss the jousting event?

He had the knight off

What is a horse’s favorite state?


Where do you take a sick pony?

To the horse-pital

How slow was the race horse?

He was so slow that they had to pay the jockey overtime

What do you call a horse that lives next door?

A neigh-bor

Where do horses shop for clothes?

At Old Neighvy

How do you get a wild horse to accept a halter?

You turn the stables on him

What did the horse say when it fell?

I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup

Who is in charge of a horse town?

The Mare (mayor)

What kind of horse can swim underwater without coming up for air joke

What kind of horse can swim underwater without coming up for air?

A seahorse

What do horses see right before it thunders?

Lightning colts

Why did the horse have an extra shoe in his saddlebag?

He was afraid he’d get a flat

Where do knights park their horses?

In a LanceLot

Which side of the horse has the most hair?

The outside

When do vampires like horse racing?

When it’s neck and neck

What do you call a horse who is your best friend?


What’s a horse’s favorite sport?

Stable tennis

How do you know when a horse has a negative attitude?

He says neigh to everything

What did the vet say to the horse with a sore back?

I see you’re a little saddle sore

What do you call a horse that likes to stay up late?

A night mare

What type of a computer does a horse like to eat?

Macintosh Apples

How long should a horse’s legs be?

Long enough to reach the ground

How do you get a jockey to wait a moment?

Tell him to hold his horses

What do you call a horse who lives in Baltimore?

A Mare-y-lander

What do you call an insincere small horse?

A phony pony

Where do horses get their hair done?

At the hair saloon

Why did the horse play his music so loud?

He liked being a herd animal

How does a cowboy get a stallion to do odd jobs around the farm?

Pay him under the stable

What did the pony scout do?

A good steed every day

What happened when the cowboy fell off his horse?

His saddle skedaddled

What kind of movies do horses like?

Horse operas

What’s the quickest way to mail a little horse?

Use the Pony Express

Where did the pony family go for their summer vacation?

The Horsea Shore

What do you call a Shetland pony who’s pulling a plow?

A teeny furrow burrower

What did the farmer say to the horse?

Getting you saddled is a real cinch

What do you call a horse’s tail joke

What do you call a horse’s tail?

A horsefly flyswatter

What has four legs and walks backward?

A horse in reverse

What do every horse and rider do together?

They age

What do you give a sick horse?

Cough stirrup

What award did they give the horse who could drink the most water?

They gave him a nice trough

Where do horses cook their meals?

On the range

Why did the horse wear glasses?

He was a little farm-sighted

What’s the difference between a Western horse and an Eastern horse?

About 2,000 miles

Why did the horse run away in the middle of its wedding?

It got colt feet

What does a pony use to get warm at night?

A saddle blanket

How did the cowboy know which horse was everyone’s favorite?

He took a gallop poll

What do you name a horse you root for?

You name the horse radish

What happened when the horse swallowed 4 quarters?

It bucked

What do you call a well-balanced horse?


What happened when the cowboy told his red horse bad jokes?

The roan groaned

How do horses send letters to each other?

With a stampede

What do you call a one eyed horse?


Why did the man stand behind the horse?

He was hoping to get a kick out of it

What does it mean when you find a horseshoe?

A horse is walking around bare foot

Why does a pregnant horse run faster?

It has two horse power

What do they serve before dinner in the stable?

Horse d’oeuvres

How do horses from Alabama greet horses from Ohio?

With Southern Horspitality

How do you make a small fortune in the horse industry?

Start with a large fortune

Why was the horse feeling so stressed joke

Why was the horse feeling so stressed?

It was saddled with responsibility

How is a horse spontaneous?

It always does things in the spur of the moment

How is an egg like a young horse?

You can’t use it until it’s been broken

What’s the difference between a horse and the weather?

One reigns up and one rains down

Why was the horse really proud of his school test results?

Because he got an Hay-plus

What was the name of the horse musical?

Fiddler on the hoof

Who were the two most famous horse thieves?

Bonnie and Clydesdale

What’s as big as a horse, but weighs nothing?

The horse’s shadow

What do you ask a sad looking horse?

Why the long face?

What ailment do horses fear most?

Hay Fever

What street do horses live on?

Mane Street

What is a pony’s favorite juice?

She really likes lemon-neigh’d

What do you call a story about a runaway horse?

A tale of WHOA

What’s black and white and eats like a horse?

A zebra

What kind of bread do horses like to eat?


Who helps the horse stable cleaner?

His co-pile-it

Why did the skinny dog start eating hay?

The doctor told him to gain weight, he needed to eat like a horse

What did the horse ask his teacher?


How are clouds like horse jockeys?

They both hold the reins

Why did the cowboy feed his horse so much hay?

He thought it would make it softer to ride on

Why did the farmers laugh at the bucking bronco?

They got a kick out of him

Where does a person end and a horse start?

At the centaur

What did the mare tell her filly after dinner?

“Don’t forget to clear the stable!”

What do you call a horse that can’t lose a race?


Which kind of horse likes to eat baked beans joke

Which kind of horse likes to eat baked beans?

The pinto

Why couldn’t the pony sing?

Because he was a little hoarse

What type of horse has trouble keeping track of its iPad?

An Appaloosa

Do you know why horse stalls at the racetrack are labelled A, B, D, E, and F?

Because no one wants to bet on a seahorse

How do horses cast their vote?

By saying yay or neigh

Why do cowboys like to ride horses?

Because they’re too heavy to carry

How much money does a bronco have?

A buck

Which horse can jump higher than a house?

All of them – houses can’t jump at all

What did the waiter say to the horse?

Can I get you a stable 

Why did the pony get an F on his report?

Because he missed the mane point

How did the mare mix a cake?

She used stirrups

How do you hire a horse?

With two pairs of stilts

Why did the horse cross the road?

Because somebody shouted hay

What did the mother horse say to her foal?

It’s pasture bedtime

What show was the horse actor appearing in?

A little horse play

Where do newlywed horses stay after their wedding?

In the bridle suite

What NFL football matchup is always a win-win for horses?

Broncos vs. Colts

Why do most horses look so fit?

Because they’re on a stable diet

Where do horses stay at night when they travel?

Red Hoof Inn

What’s the hardest thing about learning to horseback ride?

The ground

When does a horse go to sleep at night?

Whinny wants to

What do you call a horse that’s not wearing a saddle joke

What do you call a horse that’s not wearing a saddle?


What do you call a horse that’s a world traveler?

A globe-trotter

Why can’t horses dance?

They have two left feet

How did the cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay for three days, and ride out on Friday?

His horse’s name was Friday

Who isn’t an upside-down horseshoe good luck for?

The horse who lost it

What’s the best way to lead a horse to water?

With lots of apples and carrots

Why did the horse talk while his mouth was full?

He had bad stable manners

What do you feed a race horse?

Fast food

What do you call a boy named Ryder who likes to ride a horses back?

Horse Back Ryder

Why do horses like to fart when they buck?

Because they can’t achieve full horse power without gas

What do young horses wrap their food in?

Aluminum foal

What’s the difference between a horse and a duck?

One goes quick and the other goes quack

Which route do crazy horses take through the woods?

The psycho-path

What looks like half a horse?

The other half

Which US state do horses like to go for vacation?


What did the horse say in the hundred acre wood?

I can’t hear you Winnie

What do you call an equine carpenter?

A sawhorse

What’s do horses play for fun?

Stable tennis

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