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Blog Usage Agreement

Blog Usage Agreement

Limited Liability Company "MEDIA TECH GLOBAL" (hereinafter – "The copyright holder") provides the user with the Internet information and telecommunication network (hereinafter – "User") the possibility of using the Blog Service on the site (hereinafter – "Blog, Service") on the terms set forth in these terms of publication of the blog (hereinafter – "Terms of publication"). By posting a publication on the LCwork Blog or using the LCwork Blog in any other way, the User accepts these terms.

1. General Provisions

    1. This Agreement on the use of the blog (hereinafter – "The Agreement") applies to all sections of the blog, as well as personal messages of Blog participants.
    2. The use of materials published in the LCwork Blog is regulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.
    3. Any User publications published on the Copyright Holder's Blog (comments, articles) are possible after passing the Blog registration procedure and confirming the email address.
    4. Ignorance of the rules of the blog does not release Users from responsibility for violations committed.
  1. Service Moderation
    1. All messages published by the User (articles, comments) undergo a pre-moderation procedure, including a censorship check, by the Content manager of the Site within 24 hours and only after that is published in the blog.
    2.  The blog is prohibited from:
      1. The use of obscene (including veiled, hidden special characters), offensive, threatening, discriminating words on any basis, profanity in the headlines of topics, comments, in personal correspondence with other Blog participants in the blog.
      2. Veiled or explicit insult to the Copyright Holder, Content Manager, other Users, etc., including using sarcastic statements.
      3. Veiled or explicit provocation of Blog participants to insults and/or showdown in Blog branches.
      4. Posting images, links to images links to Internet resources containing elements of pornography, violence, propaganda of terrorism, neo-Nazism, discrimination on any grounds, alcoholic products or narcotic drugs, obscene, offensive messages, profanity.
      5. Propaganda in any form of the use or distribution of narcotic drugs, alcoholic beverages, psychotropic drugs; propaganda of terrorism.
      6. Creating themes with a "clickable" title or partially written in capital letters.
      7. Create duplicates that have minimal differences from the original posts or topics in any Blog. The Site Administration reserves the right to give a final linguistic assessment of the similarity of two topics or messages and not to comment on its methodology to the User.
      8. Create publications that are already present in the blog. Before creating a new publication, the User must make sure that such a publication has not recently been posted on the blog. Duplicate publications can be deleted.
      9. Publication of other people's materials (photos, images, texts, etc.) without links to the original source, as well as if the author or interested person is against Blog posts.
      10. It is prohibited to post information in a publication that violates the rights of third parties.
      11. Publication of unconfirmed materials that may misinform Blog participants.
      12. Committing illegal, misleading or deceptive actions or other actions for illegal or unauthorized purposes.
      13. Attempt to create accounts, collect information or access it by unauthorized means.
    3.  The User agrees that publications that violate the above rules may be deleted by the Content Manager of the site at any time without prior notice to the User and without specifying the reason for deletion.
    4.  After passing the moderation procedure, the Content Manager publishes articles sent by the User in the blog, which includes the title the text of the article and may contain multimedia files.
    5. The Copyright Holder may change, suspend or terminate access to the Service at any time. In addition, the Copyright Holder may set restrictions on certain functions and services or restrict the User's access to the Service (in whole or in part) without prior notice and without any responsibility for it.
  2. User Responsibilities
    1. The User must not commit actions that violate the legislation of Ukraine, international law, intellectual property rights, including actions that can harm the Blog or the Service as a whole.
    2. The User guarantees the existence of legal grounds in the case of the use of a brand name, commercial designation, name or image of a trademark in the ad.
    3. For quoting all Blog materials without exception, the source of borrowing, namely the link to the blog, is mandatory in accordance with Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights" dated December 23, 1993 No. 3792-XII.
    4. Any publications of Users in the blog (comments, articles) should not contradict the legislation of Ukraine and other regulations and norms.
    5. The publication posted by the User must be informative, meaningful and unique in content.
  3. User-provided permissions. 
    1. Within the framework of this Agreement, the User gives the Copyright Holder the permissions necessary to provide the Service.
      1. The Copyright Holder does not claim ownership of the User's content, but the User grants the Copyright Holder a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use the content posted by the User, with the right to transfer and issue sub-licenses for storage, use, distribution, modification, launch, copying, public performance or display, translation of the User's content and the creation of derivative works based on it (in accordance with the User's privacy settings).
      2. The User agrees that after posting a publication on the Copyright Holder's Blog, the User cannot delete or edit the publication.
  4. Dispute resolution.
    1. All disputes between Visitors and the Copyright Holder are resolved in accordance with the laws of Ukraine and other regulatory legal acts. The court's invalidation of one of the terms of this Agreement listed on this page does not cancel the other terms.
  5. Changing the terms of the Agreement.
    1. The Copyright Holder reserves the right to amend this Agreement at any time. By continuing to use the Service or gaining access to it after making such changes, the User agrees to comply with this Agreement in the new version. The Agreement is located on the Internet at


The current version of the Policy is dated June 23, 2021.