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Long Beach’s 13th Annual Uptown Jazz Festival to Take Place August 3 at Houghton Park 7/24/2024 Long Beach, CA – The City of Long Beach and the Office of Ninth District Councilmember Dr. Joni Ricks-Oddie present the 13th Annual Uptown Jazz Festival, taking place on Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024, from 2 to 7 p.m. at Houghton Park (6301 Myrtle Ave., Long Beach, 90805). The afternoon event will feature a lineup of incredible music and entertainment, a food and beer garden, a Kids Zone, and a variety of vendor and community resource booths. 
Long Beach to Host Inauguration of Nine Elected Officials December 20 12/7/2022 Long Beach, CA – The newly elected officials for the City of Long Beach will be sworn in at an Inauguration Ceremony on Tuesday, Dec. 20, at 5:30 p.m. at the Terrace Theater. The public is invited to attend the ceremony in person or watch it via livestream on the City’s social pages.
City Council Approves Transformative Investments into North Long Beach, Years in the Making 10/12/2022 LONG BEACH, CA — Led by Vice Mayor Rex Richardson, the Long Beach City Council unanimously passed three motions approving major projects in North Long Beach on Tuesday. Included in the slate of items is the $36 million Artesia Great Boulevard project, which will improve one of the area’s most highly trafficked corridors from end to end of the city boundary.