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- Suely Saro6th District
- Roberto Uranga7th District
- Tunua Thrash-Ntuk8th District
- Dr. Joni Ricks-Oddie9th District
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Community Development
- LBCD Home
- About Us
- Services
- Building Permits
- Building & Safety Fee Schedule
- Construction Code Resources and Documents
- Deputy Inspector Program
- Online Permits
- Plan Review Status/Permit Status/Records
- Planning/Zoning
- Planning Fee Schedule
- Planning Permits
- Program for Building Projects
- Project Plan Review and Submittal Service
- Schedule Building Inspection
- Resources & Forms
- Programs & Projects
- Maps
Forms & Applications
Community Development provides a number of Planning and Building and Safety services. Below is a list of forms and applications related to those two main services that can be downloaded online.
If you have questions about a building permit, please call our office at 562.570.PMIT (7648).
For questions regarding planning/zoning, please call the Planning Bureau at 562.570.6194.
Building and Safety Bureau
- APP-001 Development Permit Application
This consolidated permit application should be used for all projects that involves more than one of the following scope of work: building, grading, fire, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, landscape and/or sign. If the scope of work is minor in nature and does not require a plan review (known as an Express Permit), an Express Permit Application may be used. For more information on Express Permit, please refer to Information Bulletin IB-058 Express Permit Service. - APP-010 Moving Building Permit Application
- APP-011 Express Building Permit Application
- APP-012 Express Electrical Permit Application
- APP-013 Express Plumbing Permit Application
- APP-014 Express Mechanical Permit Application
- APP-015 Address Assignment Application
- APP-016 Temporary Utilities Release Application
- APP-017 Special Deputy Inspector Application
- APP-019 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Application
- APP-020 Internet Permitting Request
- FORM-005 California Licensed Contractors Declaration and Owner-Builder's Declaration
- FORM-006 Owner/Builder/Contractor Permit Proxy: Used by agent/representative in the absence of the Owner/Builder/Contractor
- Notice to Rental Property Owners Regarding Substantial Remodel Building Permits
- FORM-001 Code Modification and Alternate Method Request
- FORM-002 Plan Review Extension Request
- FORM-003 Permit Extension Request
- FORM-005 California License Contractor’s Declaration and Owner-Builder’s Declaration
- FORM-006 OwnerBuilderContractor Permit Proxy
- FORM-007 Development Impact Fee Notice and Acknowledgment
- FORM-009 LID Project Information
- FORM-010 Predevelopment Meeting Request
- FORM-011 Assumption of Risk Foundation-Only Permit
- FORM-012 Assumption of Risk Sub-Trade Permit
- FORM-013 Common Property Line Wall/Fence Agreement
- FORM-014 Express Mechanical Permit Application
- FORM-015 LBUSD School Developer Fee Area Determination
- FORM-016 Express Checklist for Residential Solar PV and ESS System ≤ 38.4 kW
- FORM-019 Express Permit Checklist for One- and Two-Family EVCS
- FORM-020 Structural Observation Designation
- FORM-021 Structural Observation Report
- FORM-023 Express Checklist for Other Building Rooftop Solar PV System 10 kW
- FORM-024 Plan Duplication Request
- FORM-025 Summary of Accessibility Upgrades for Existing Building
- FORM-027 Express Permit Checklist for Location of Equipment
- FORM-028 Plot Plan
- FORM-029 Request for Refund of Development Fees
- FORM-030 Fence and Curb Cut Diagram
- FORM-031 Construction & Demolition Management Plan
- FORM-032 LID Observation Report
- FORM-033 Precise Grading Certification
- FORM-034 Sewer Capacity Fee Acknowledgement
- FORM-035 Sewer Capacity Fee Acknowledgement DPDA
- FORM-036 Assumption of Risk Peer Review Panel
- FORM-037 Express Permit Checklist for Multi-Family EVCS
- FORM-038 Express Permit Checklist for Nonresidential Dwelling EVCS
- FORM-039 Project Application Intake-Issuance Checklist
- FORM-045 Special Inspection Request
- FORM-046 Subcontractor Verification Form (Coming soon)
- FORM-064 Substandard Building Checklist for Unpermitted Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units
- FIRE – Plan Review Checklist – GROUP A TI
- FIRE – Plan Review Checklist – GROUP B TI
- FIRE – Plan Review Checklist – GROUP M TI
- FIRE – Plan Review Checklist – GROUP S TI
- FIRE – Plan Review Checklist – NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systems
- FIRE – Plan Review Checklist – NFPA 13D Sprinkler Systems
- FIRE – Plan Review Checklist – NFPA 72 Fire Alarms
- PRC-001 Plan Review Checklist – One- and Two-Family Dwelling
- PRC-002 Plan Review Checklist – Multifamily Dwelling
- PRC-003 Plan Review Checklist - Nonresidential
- PRC-004 Plan Review Checklist – Residential Accessibility
- PRC-005 Plan Review Checklist – Nonresidential Accessibility
- PRC-006 Plan Review Checklist - Structural Design
- PRC-007 Plan Review Checklist - Grading and Retaining Wall
- 2022 Prescriptive Energy Efficiency Requirements
- Plan Review - Accessibility General Notes
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 1 (Elevator Lula and Platform Lifts)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 2 (Signs)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 3 (Restaurants)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 4 (Assembly)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 5 (Group B and Group M Occupancies)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 6 (Transient Lodging)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 7 (Misc Facilities)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 8 (Recreational Facilities)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 9 (Public Housing)
- Plan Review - Supplemental Accessibility No 10 (EV Charging Stations)
- AFF-001 Maintenance of Building
- AFF-002 Maintenance of No Build Easement
- AFF-003 Maintenance of Yards for Over-Sized Building
- AFF-004 Maintenance of On-Site Stormwater BMPs
- AFF-005 Maintenance of Uncertified Fill
- AFF-006 Recordation of Technical Document
- AFF-007 Termination
- AFF-008 Maintenance of On-Site LID BMPs
- AFF-009 Maintenance of Vehicle Parking Lift
- AFF-010 Maintenance of Methane Mitigation
- AFF-011 Termination of Certificate of Earthquake Hazard Structure
- Request Hearing to Appeal Administrative Citation
- Advance Deposit Hardship Waiver
- Board of Examiners, Appeals, and Condemnation Hearing Application
- Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Program
- Grading Permit Cash Bond for Faithful Performance
- Grading Permit Surety Bond for Faithful Performance
- National Flood Insurance Program
- Request for Lead Paint Testing
- Notice of Sandblasting
- Original Contractors License Application: Link will take you to www.cslb.ca.gov for more information.
- Special Inspection Request
Planning Bureau
Some projects such as new buildings, signs, wireless telecom towers, sensitive uses (like bars or clubs), or projects located in Planned Development Areas must go through a review process to receive a planning "entitlement" or planning permit before receiving a permit to build or operate. Planning entitlements are not building permits, but they are often required before a project is eligible for building permits. These types of approvals are discretionary actions.
Examples of planning entitlements include: Conditional Use Permit (CUP), Administrative Use Permit (AUP), Site Plan Review (SPR), Local Coastal Development Permit (LCDP), Sign Program, SPR for Wireless Telecom, etc. These projects may also need additional forms. To understand which forms and permits you need for your project, chat with a planner by contacting the Planning & Zoning hotline at 562.570.6194. You can learn more about the planning review process on our Entitlement Process Page.
Supplemental Applications
- Subdivision Filing Requirements
- Condominium Conversions
- Condominium Conversion Application Checklist
- Filing requirements for conversion of a community apartment or stock cooperative project to condominiums (not for conversion of a rental building to condos).
- Condominium Conversion Exclusions
- Starting point for information and requirements on condo conversions.
- Condo Conversion – Tenant Notices
- Tenant Relocation Program Application
- Tenant Relocation Program Application (Spanish)
- Condominium Conversion Application Checklist
Any aggrieved person may appeal a decision that went through any of the following:
- Site Plan Review Committee
- Zoning Administrator
- Planning Commission
- Cultural Heritage Commission
Appeals must be filed within 10 days after the decision is made.
An "aggrieved person" is either someone who spoke or had a representative speak about their concerns during a meeting, or who informed Community Development staff of their concern in writing before the hearing.
These applications and checklists are for other processes and procedures within the Planning Bureau that do not fall within the categories above, such as fair housing reasonable accommodation and zoning confirmation letter requests.
Building and Safety Bureau
M: | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
T: | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
W: | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
TH: | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
F: | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
The Permit Center is closed daily for lunch from Noon to 1 p.m.
Planning Bureau
M: | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
T: | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
W: | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
TH: | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
F: | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
The Planning and Zoning phone line is open Monday through Thursday during regular business hours and closes daily for lunch from Noon to 1:00 p.m. The Permit Center is closed daily for lunch from Noon to 1:00 p.m.
411 West Ocean Blvd., 3rd Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802
562.570.LBCD (5223)