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Website and Marketing Privacy Policy

Welcome to LiveRamp’s Website and Marketing Privacy Policy. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This Website and Marketing Privacy Policy will inform you of how we process your personal data and about your rights in connection with your interactions with us as described in Section 1 (Extent Of This Website And Marketing Privacy Policy) below.

Please be aware that we may update this Website and Marketing Privacy Policy from time to time at our discretion to ensure legal compliance and to meet our business needs. If we make any important changes to this Website and Marketing Privacy Policy that may affect you, we will bring this to you attention in a clear and appropriate manner, such as by a pop-up notice upon visiting our website, and will include the date of such updates at the bottom of this page.

You may return directly to our Privacy Policy’s main page at any time by clicking Overview.

1. Extent Of This Website And Marketing Privacy Policy

This Website and Marketing Privacy Privacy applies to the personal data processed by us when we receive or collect personal data in the following ways:

  • Through your use of our various websites (regardless of whether you visit them using a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or other Internet-connected device), including when you access our website(s) through direct links from other webpages;
  • Through our process of publishing and/or promoting material on our own or on third-party content syndication platforms that you access (for example, articles or blogs written by LiveRamp’s representatives or employees);
  • Through digital advertising platforms (for example, Google Ads and LinkedIn Sponsored Updates);
  • Through social media platforms where you access our posts and/or pages on those platforms (for example, on Twitter or LinkedIn); and
  • Through our own offline sales and marketing activities (including where we market our products and services to current and prospective business-to-business (‘B2B’) clients and partners, either using third party data sources, or in person and during events hosted or attended by us).

This Website and Marketing Privacy Policy does not apply to:

  • The collection of personal information about you by LiveRamp’s clients. Our clients are responsible for their own collection practices and use of personal information for marketing and other purposes (including through their use of your personal information in our services in connection with sending you online advertising). To find out more about our clients’ collection and use of personal information (which may include personal information about you), we suggest that you review the relevant privacy policy of the company who collected your personal information or is sending you advertising. Further, we suggest that you consult with that company if you have any further questions about that company’s practices in collecting or using your personal information.
  • Data collected for LiveRamp’s services. For information about our processing of your personal information in relation to our products and services, please refer to our Services Privacy Policy.
  • The collection of personal information in relation to recruitment for employment. For information about our use of your personal information as collected in recruitment processes, please refer to our Employee Recruitment Privacy Policy.
  • Third-party websites, plug-ins, and apps linked to from this website. This is more fully described on our Overview page.

2. The Data LiveRamp Processes About You

In the production and performance of our websites and our own marketing activities, we may process personal information about you that has been made available to us by you or by our partners to whom you have made your information available, such as:

  • CRM: Customer Relationship Management and data platform
  • Marketing Automation and Communication: Using client and prospect data to run personalised email programmes
  • Web Analytics: Analysing website performance through traffic statistics
  • Social Media Monitoring: Analysing engagement and brand interaction across social media platforms

The information collected by us or through the third party categories mentioned may be offline and/or online information:

  • Offline information about you originates from you yourself (such as when you interact and provide us with your personal information during an event), as well as from our clients, partners, and/or providers who may have a direct relationship with you.
  • Online information about you originates from the use of automated technologies (such as cookies and/or similar technologies like pixel tags and device identifiers) that collect information about you automatically. Automated technologies are activated when, for example, you visit or interact with any of our websites, websites that are operated by us or include our cookies, or by opening emails from us. Online information may also originate from information you choose to manually provide, such as when you fill out our online registration forms. Automated technologies may also allow the collection of Technical Data (described below) about the equipment you are using and your browsing activities and patterns.

Both the offline information and online information that we process can be categorised into various sub-types of data, and could include:

  • Identity Data, such as first name, maiden name, last name, username (or similar identifier), marital status, title, date of birth, and gender;
  • Contact Data, such as postal address, email address, and telephone number;
  • Technical Data, such as your internet protocol (‘IP’) address, log-in data, time zone setting and location, web browser type and version used, web browser plug-in types and versions used, operating system and platform used, and other technology on the devices you use to access websites;
  • Usage Data, such as information about how you use websites and their products and services; and
  • Marketing and Communications Data, where you have stated that you would like to receive marketing from us and our third parties.

Please be aware that we may collect your personal information by asking you to provide us with information about yourself and the company for which you work so that we can register you for certain products and services that you request or about which you request materials. The information you provide us will solely be used to:

  • Support and develop your relationship with us;
  • Help make our website(s) become easier for you to use; and
  • Inform you of services and product updates, new products, and other related information.

We may also collect, use, and share statistical information that is not particular to you or any other individual, but rather represents a category or group with the same or similar interests or characteristics (which we call ‘Aggregated Data’) and that could be derived from your personal data and may be used for any purpose. You should be aware that Aggregated Data is not considered personal data under law, as it does not directly or even indirectly reveal your identity. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your personal data so that it can then directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data and only use it in accordance with this Website and Marketing Privacy Policy and relevant laws.

Also, please be aware that as a controller for the data that we process per the above, we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law. This is, however, always subject to our legal grounds as described below under the LiveRamp’s Legal Grounds for Processing Your Personal Data subheading under Section 3 (LiveRamp’s Uses Of Your Personal Data) below.

Please refer to Section 4 (Your Choices Regarding Your Data) below for further details on how to exercise your rights under the GDPR.

3. LiveRamp’s Uses Of Your Personal Data

We will only use your personal data as the law allows us to do. Most commonly, we will use your personal data for the purposes specified in this policy and to provide you with information, products, and services. This is usually something that you have requested or for which you’ve signed up. Your personal information may also be collected as necessary and in regard to any legal obligations we may have.

Purposes for Which We May Use Your Personal Data

LiveRamp processes your data for various purposes, which may include any of the following:

  • To communicate with you. Where you have made any inquiries and/or requests to us (such as by submitting contact forms on any of our websites or sending us an email on [email protected]), we may process information about you to communicate with you to best respond to your inquiries and/or requests.
  • To market our products and services to you. We process personal information about you to help enable us to market (both online and offline) our products and services to you based on your interests. More specifically, we may process information about you:
    • To register for and/or allow you to subscribe to our special offers, demonstrations of our products and services, or seminars and events, such asLiveRamp’s annual RampUp conference;
    • To sign you up to participate in surveys or even contests that we might provide;
    • To allow you to download different papers and/or articles that we write, produce, or otherwise make available; and/or
    • To actually provide you with access to our “Software as a Service” products, such as our Connect platform.
  • To manage the security of our websites, networks, and systems, as well as to operate our business. We may process usage and systems operations data from our websites in order to better manage our operations, as well as to investigate and help prevent cyber-attacks or potential fraud. We may also process personal information in the operation of our day-to-day and overall business (such as when we conduct audits and investigations); for finance, accounting, archiving, and/or insurance purposes; as well as to help analyse, develop, optimise, or simply improve the use of our websites and products and services.
  • To comply with applicable laws and regulations. In some cases, we may process personal information as part of our compliance with applicable laws and regulations, such as in responding to a request from a regulator or to defend a legal claim.

In order to best support the above mentioned activities, we will ask you for personal information about you and/or the company for which you work. This allows us to better support and develop your relationship and interactions with LiveRamp.

LiveRamp’s Legal Grounds for Use of Your Personal Data

We may process your personal data based on more than one legal ground, depending on the specific purpose(s) for which we are using your data. You can contact us by emailing us on [email protected] if you would like details about the specific legal ground(s) we are relying on to process your personal data and to find out if more than one legal ground applies.

Our processing of your personal information collected through our website and/or marketing activities are mainly based on the following legal grounds:

  • Consent. Where we specifically and directly collect your information ourselves, such as via our own websites or our direct interaction with you, your consent is obtained by us. We also rely on your consent for the purpose of enabling automated technologies on your browser, in addition to those other uses described above under the Purposes for Which We May Use Your Personal Data subheading above.
  • Legitimate interest.
    • Where you communicate with us by making a request or inquiry, we will be relying on legitimate interest in processing your information in order to best respond to your request or inquiry.
    • We may also process your information for our legitimate interest in analysing, developing, improving, and optimising our websites, products, and services, as well as to maintain the security of our websites, networks, and systems.
  • Performance of contract. We may need to process your information in order to enter into and perform a contract with you or the company you represent in your interactions with us (such as where you or your employer have engaged in a transactional agreement with us).

You can always withdraw or modify (where applicable) your consent. Please refer to Section 4 (Your Choices Regarding Your Data) below for further details on how to opt out of interest-based data processing that we perform based on your consent.

Change(s) of Purpose

We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which it was collected. We may reasonably consider that another purpose is compatible with the one for which it was originally collected. If you wish for us to provide you with an explanation as to how our processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose, please contact us at [email protected]. If we would like to use your information for a new purpose, we will obtain your consent accordingly.

4. Your Choices Regarding Your Data

LiveRamp respects that you have the right to have control over your data, so we provide you with multiple choices for managing that control with us.

Opt Outs

  • Marketing opt outs
    • You can ask us to stop sending you marketing and/or other messages related to our own products and/or services at any time by emailing us on [email protected] and stating clearly that you would like to be opted out from future contact by us in this context.
    • Please be aware that where you opt out of receiving our own marketing messages, that opt out will not apply to any marketing messages received by you from our clients or partners as enabled by LiveRamp’s services. In order to exercise your rights to opt out of having your data collected by us through our services, please see our Your Rights page. You might also like to review our Services Privacy Policy for further information about our processing of you information in connection with our products and services that we provide to our clients.
  • LiveRamp cookies opt outs
    • Cookies are one of the online world’s primary automated technologies, and are small text files that are downloaded onto your computer and/or other devices you use to browse the internet and visit websites. Cookies allow us to recognise your device and gather some information about your preferences and past actions, which is then stored in connection with your cookie. The cookies and associated information are used to provide you with a more tailored experience on webpages, including remembering your previous activities on the website, providing you with tailored content based on your previous interactions on that website, and remembering your log-in information (where you choose to allow that).
    • If you just want to opt out of cookies on our site, then please click on the Fingerprint button on the bottom right of your screen, and click on “Accept None”. This will allow you to opt out of all of our cookies but for Functional Cookies which i.e. allows us to know that you do not permit cookies on our site whilst visiting.
    • Please be aware:
      • that this opt-out tool only applies to our use of your personal data on our own site and any LiveRamp affiliated websites;
      • opting out of cookies on our website does not mean that you will stop seeing advertisements on the internet and in emails, but will only prevent the tailoring of the advertising content to you and prevent cookies by us and our clients to be dropped on your device upon visiting our sites; and
      • this opt-out method to cookies will not prevent us from dropping our cookie on your device if you were to visit one of our clients and/or partners’ websites.
  • Advertising technology industry opt outs
  • Mobile opt outs
    • Even though the opt-out methods described above often also work for web browsing on your mobile devices, mobile app environments (such as a web browser on your mobile phone) do not accept or use cookies. Instead, they use some form of mobile ad ID (sometimes referred to as ‘MAIDs’) or IDFA (depending on your phone’s operating system). To more easily manage mobile advertising opt outs, you may want to consider installing the AppChoices app provided by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) to exercise opt-out control for specific companies that are members or participants in the DAA, including LiveRamp. More information on how to download and configure the DAA’s AppChoices app relevant for your mobile platform is available here.

Please be aware that if you opt out using any of the first three opt-out methods above, you may still temporarily see interest-based advertising on our sites where our advertising campaigns are already underway. You will, however, be opted out of future advertising campaigns when using our sites.

Also, please be aware that the cookie-based opt out tools above (which excludes MAIDs opt outs for mobile devices) only prevent us from using your personal information for interest-based advertising on the browser on which they are installed. As a result, these opt-out methods only function if your browser is set to accept third-party cookies and may not function where cookies are sometimes automatically disabled or removed (such as in certain mobile devices and operating systems). If you delete cookies, change your browser settings, use a different browser or computer, or use another operating system, you will need to opt out again, since we do not use persistent, unique identifiers to revive your previously opted-out profile or deleted cookie.

Accessing Information about You

You have the right to request details about the information that we may have collected about you over time. To do so, please contact us via email to [email protected] and stating “Subject Access Request” in the subject line and/or in the email body. Please ensure that you provide us with the correct information about you in the email body so we can identify you in our systems.

When you make a Subject Access Request to LiveRamp, you are entitled to all the information that we may hold on you. The information that we provide back to you includes:

  • Opt Out Report: which is a report indicating whether you are listed in out existing opt out list (both for offline and online suppression lists).
  • Offline Data: which includes offline identifiers (this means personal data such as name, address, email, phone) or attributes (such as demographic data).
  • Online Data: this will be data such as your mobile ID, Cookies that we have associated with you and so forth.

Please be aware that we may need you to confirm your identity by asking you for a scan of a government issued ID. This is just to ensure that we do not provide your information to someone that may not be you.

Requesting Information about You to be Rectified

If you feel that we may have processed information about you that is incorrect, or if you wish for us to amend any information about you that may have changed or is out of date in anyway (i.e. you now have a different email address than what you believe we have in our system for you), then please contact us via email to [email protected] and stating “Other Privacy Inquiries or Application of Rights” in the subject line and/or in the email body. Please indicate in the body of the email what information you would like us to correct. When doing this, please state what information we may have in the system for you, and what you would like us to change it to.

Deleting Information about You

You can request that we delete all personal information that we may have collected about you by contacting us via email to [email protected] and stating “Erasure Request” in the subject line and/or body of the email. Please ensure that you provide us with the accurate email address which the erasure request is linked to in the email body.

Please be aware that LiveRamp reserves the right to store some information about you in compliance with applicable law (for example, we may retain the information you provide with your request for erasure in order to maintain our suppression lists).

5. LiveRamp’s Disclosures Of Your Personal Data

We may disclose your personal information within LiveRamp and/or with third parties insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this General Privacy Policy.

Sharing within LiveRamp

LiveRamp may share your information out of the EEA when sharing data within LiveRamp as we are a global organisation.

Please note that our employees are authorised to access your personal data only in relation to their role and duties and only where they need to in order to perform their job functions.

Third Parties to Whom We May Choose to Sell, Transfer, or Merge Parts of Our Business or Assets

We may share your personal information with the following service providers:

  • Salesforce – CRM data platform
  • Marketo – Marketing Automation and Engagement platform
  • Sales Loft – Sales Communication platform
  • Google Analytics – Web Analytics platform

LiveRamp also uses contracts and other service providers to help us deliver services accessed through this site, to deliver content and fulfil requests made on this site. However in these instances, the information that you provide remains the property of LiveRamp.

As part of our business activities, we may seek to acquire or merge with other businesses. If such a change happens to our business, then the new owners may use your personal data in the same way as set out in this Website and Marketing Privacy Policy.

We may also be required to disclose personal data to comply with legal obligations (such as subject to a subpoena or other legal processes), in order to protect both your and our rights, and ensure your safety, as also discussed in Clause 3 (LiveRamp’s Uses Of Your Personal Data), under the heading Purposes for Which We May Use Your Personal Data. Such instances can include situations where we must respond to government requests, investigate fraud, and even respond to public and government authorities outside your country of residence for national security and/or law enforcement purposes. .

LiveRamp requires all third parties to which we distribute your personal data to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We make efforts to ensure that the recipients of your data are reputable entities, including by conducting appropriate checks on them.

6. LiveRamp’s International Transfers Of Personal Data

LiveRamp is a global organisation, which means that in the performance of the above mentioned purposes for which we process your personal information, we may transfer your data outside the European Economic Area (‘EEA’).

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we require that a degree of protection similar to the protection that we provide ourselves is afforded to your data. We do this by requiring that at least one of the following safeguards is implemented:

We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Commission. For further details, see European Commission: Adequacy of the protection of personal data in non-EU countries.

Where we use certain service providers, we may use specific contracts approved by the European Commission which give personal data the same protection it has in Europe. For further details, see European Commission: Model contracts for the transfer of personal data to third countries.

Should you have any further questions or require further information on the specific mechanism(s) used by us when transferring your personal data out of the EEA, then please contact us via email to [email protected].

7. Data Security

LiveRamp takes protection of your data seriously and have implemented appropriate technical, organisational, and physical measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered, or disclosed. In addition, we limit internal access to your personal data to our employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties who have a legitimate business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions, and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have also put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

8. Data Retention

How Long LiveRamp Will Use Your Personal Data

We take various factors into consideration to determine the appropriate retention period for your personal data, including:

  • the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data;
  • the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data;
  • the purposes for which we process your personal data;
  • whether we can achieve those purposes through other means; and
  • the implications of retaining your personal data on our applicable legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, and/or other necessities and obligations.

Personal information necessary to preserve your opt-out preferences is retained indefinitely, unless you delete it or otherwise prevent its collection as further described in Clause 4 (Your Choices Regarding Your Data) above.

We will not store your personal data for longer than necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting requirements. We may, however, retain your personal data for a longer period as reasonably necessary for us to deal with a complaint or if we reasonably believe that litigation may be likely with respect to our relationship with you or our use or retention of your personal data.

In some circumstances you can ask us to delete your data despite these retention periods. To find out more, please email us on [email protected] or read more below under Clause 9 (Your Legal Rights).

9. Honouring Your Rights

The GDPR provides individuals in the EU with certain rights in certain circumstances, such as your right to make a subject access request to receive information about your personal data that we have collected (or may collect) over time. In respect of your rights and privacy, we have created the email address: [email protected] to allow you to easily exercise your rights with us.

No Fee Is Usually Required

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). However, we are permitted by law and may charge you a reasonable fee if your request is determined to be clearly unfounded, or if you submit repetitive or excessive requests. Alternatively, we are permitted by law to refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.

What LiveRamp May Need from You to Act on Your Request

In order to carry out your requests, we may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure that your access request is applicable to your own personal data (for both access and to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure that we implement to help ensure that your personal data is not disclosed to any other person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact you to ask you for further information related to your request to help speed up our response.

LiveRamp’s Time Limit to Respond to Your Request

We try to respond to all legitimate requests within 1 month. It could, however, occasionally take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or if you have made a number of requests. In these situations, we will notify you and keep you updated on the status if your request.

10. LiveRamp Contact Details

If you have any questions about this Website and Marketing Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us or our data protection officer in the following ways:

By email to LiveRamp:

By post to LiveRamp:

  • LiveRamp UK Limited, 1st Floor, Imperial House, 8 Kean Street, London WC2B 4AS

You have the right to make a complaint at any time by contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’), who is the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues ( We would, however, appreciate the chance to address your concerns directly with you before you approach the ICO and ask that you please contact us first.

11. Updates

This Website and Marketing Privacy Policy has been updated on:
13th May 2019, updated and revised to more clearly address your rights and our obligations under GDPR.