Transportation has greatly benefited the cities’ development in the modern civilization process. Intelligent transportation, leveraging advanced computer algorithms, could further increase people’s daily commuting efficiency. However, intelligent transportation, as a cross-discipline, often requires practitioners to comprehend complicated algorithms and obscure neural networks, bringing a challenge for the advanced techniques to be trusted and deployed in practical industries. Recognizing the expressiveness of the pre-trained large language models, especially the potential of being augmented with abilities to understand and execute intricate commands, we introduce Open-TI. Serving as a bridge to mitigate the industry-academic gap, Open-TI is an innovative model targeting the goal of Turing Indistinguishable Traffic Intelligence, it is augmented with the capability to harness external traffic analysis packages based on existing conversations. Marking its distinction, Open-TI is the first method capable of conducting exhaustive traffic analysis from scratch—spanning from map data acquisition to the eventual execution in complex simulations. Besides, Open-TI is able to conduct task-specific embodiment like training and adapting the traffic signal control policies (TSC), explore demand optimizations, etc. Furthermore, we explored the viability of LLMs directly serving as control agents, by understanding the expected intentions from Open-TI, we designed an agent-to-agent communication mode to support Open-TI conveying messages to ChatZero (control agent), and then the control agent would choose from the action space to proceed the execution. We eventually provide the formal implementation structure, and the open-ended design invites further community-driven enhancements. A demo video is provided at: https://youtu.be/pZ4-5PXz9Xs.
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All datasets and road networks are publicly available at: https://github.com/DaRL-LibSignal/LibSignalhttps://traffic-signal-control.github.io/dataset.html.
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Appendix A
Appendix A
1.1 Detailed explanation of acronyms
1.2 Thought chain process examples
In this section, we provide more Chain-of-thought (CoT) process examples, as a reflection on given a task, how the Open-TI thinks and proposes the solutions, and how it searches in the augmentation tools to further provide analysis.
We have shown the requests such as: downloading OSM files of specific locations, interpreting the log files, showing areas on a map, filtering assigned lane types from a given map, generating demand files based on a map file, executing multiple simulations like DLSim, SUMO, etc., running LibSignal for traffic signal control (Figs. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23).
1.3 Other interactions with Open-TI examples
This section provides more examples of user interactions, including result interpretation, log file analysis, O-D matrix optimization, etc (Figs. 24, 25, 26, 27).
An example of asking Open-TI to analyze file with a specific path. In this case, run the simulation on Libsignal using simulator CityFlow, algorithm fixedtime, and episode 5. Additionally, run the simulation on Libsignal using simulator CityFlow, algorithm DQN, and episode 5. Finally, use the logAnalyzer to compare the performance of both algorithms
The demonstration on how Open-TI is used to optimize the OD-Demand matrix. It first visualizes the defined traffic zone information, and sets the observation point to mimic the real-world data collection process. Then based on the gap between simulation observation and real-world observation (count data), the O-D matrix is optimized to mitigate the observation gap by optimization algorithms (e.g., Genetic Algorithm). After the optimization, the final O-D matrix is simulated again, and the comparison of observation is shown in the end
1.4 Unexpected use cases and improvement potentials
This section provides the unexpected use cases of Open-TI, including the corner case and multi-step problems (Figs. 28, 29).
The figure illustrates that when the agent is tasked with autoDownloadOpenStreetMapFile for the target location but is provided with incorrect longitude and latitude order, it results in an error being raised and failure to retrieve the data. The geographical information provided does not adhere to the default order of [min_long, min_lat, max_long, max_lat], and does not explicitly specify the geographic meaning of each value. This will require more comprehensive corner case processing and information examination
The figure illustrates that we asked the agent to display the map of the target place but did not provide geographical information. It requires two steps: first, calling queryAreaRange and then inputting the result into showOnMap. However, the call to queryAreaRange stops prematurely, leading to an API mismatch. The alignment between intermediate output and connected sub-tasks still needs to be explored in the future
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Da, L., Liou, K., Chen, T. et al. Open-ti: open traffic intelligence with augmented language model. Int. J. Mach. Learn. & Cyber. 15, 4761–4786 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-024-02190-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-024-02190-8