Program comprehension is an important human factor in software engineering. To measure and evaluate program comprehension, researchers typically conduct experiments. However, designing experiments requires considerable effort, because confounding parameters need to be controlled for. Our aim is to support researchers in identifying relevant confounding parameters and select appropriate techniques to control their influence. To this end, we conducted a literature survey of 13 journals and conferences over a time span of 10 years. As result, we created a catalog of 39 confounding parameters, including an overview of measurement and control techniques. With the catalog, we give experimenters a tool to design reliable and valid experiments.
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Thanks to Norbert Siegmund and Christian Kästner for helpful discussions. Thanks to all reviewers for their constructive feedback. Thanks to Raimund Dachselt for his encouragement to write this article. Thanks to Andreas Meister for his support in selecting relevant papers.
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Communicated by: Andrian Marcus
This author published previous work as Janet Feigenspan.
In Tables 10 and 11, we give a summary of how each parameter was measured in literature.
The checklist in Table 12 can help researchers to control the influence of confounding parameters. Researchers can document how they measured and controlled for a parameter.
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Siegmund, J., Schumann, J. Confounding parameters on program comprehension: a literature survey. Empir Software Eng 20, 1159–1192 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-014-9318-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-014-9318-8