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Recruitment article for research study "IBD and Mums-To-Be" published in 'News' Winter Edition 2014-2015

Edited by Natalie Christie
This paper was presented as part of a symposium on "visual methods in qualitative research" at the BPS conference held in Cambridge on September 3rd, 2015. The presenter addresses the suitability of using video-recording methods to convey... more
This paper was presented at the BPS conference in Cambridge on September 4th 2015. The presenter Jihane Ghorayeb looks at the transition to motherhood within the context of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She introduces her PhD research study... more
Abstract submitted at the annual IBD Summit in Birmingham, UK. The presentation of the findings was held on the 30th of January 2016
PowerPoint presentation given at the IBD summit - recipient of honorarium from Takeda
Introduction: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) affects many women of child bearing age and rates of voluntary childlessness (VC) exceed those of the general population by far. The factors surrounding VC remain incompletely understood.... more
Introduction: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) affects many women of child bearing age, but requires complex decision making around pregnancy. While infertility is only slightly increased many women decide against having children.... more
AIM To examine patient knowledge and factors influencing knowledge about pregnancy in British women with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS This is a post hoc analysis of a study of female members of Crohn’s and colitis United... more
Two studies explored the relationship between past behavior, personality traits, intentions, and behavior. Study 1 (N = 181) considered intentions to engage in goal-directed activity (health protection). Cognitions specified by the Theory... more