- lead
lead 1 vt led, lead·ing: to suggest the desired answer to (a witness) by asking leading questionslead 2 n: something serving as a tip, indication, or cluethe police have only one lead in the murder investigation
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- lead
(introduction) noun
connection, foreword, opening, preamble, preface, prelude, prologue, prompt
(predominant) noun
clue, direction, example, generalship, guidance, headline, indication, influence, leading role, leadership, precedence, precedent, predominance, primacy, priority, protagonist, sign
assume mastery over, coax, command, conduct, control, direct, dominate, drive, gain ascendancy, govern, guide, handle, head, hold the reins, influence, initiate, introduce, manage, manipulate, marshal, motivate, officiate, originate, oversee, persuade, pilot, pioneer, precede, predominate, preside, prevail upon, prompt, regulate, rule, run, show the way, steer, superintend
associated concepts: leading questions, leading the witness
advantage, clue, coax, command, conduct, control (regulate), direct (show), direct (supervise), dominate, edge (advantage), generalship, govern, guidance, influence, initiate, manage, manipulate (utilize skillfully), marshal, moderate (preside over), motivate, officiate, operate, originate, oversee, persuade, pioneer, plurality, preamble, precede, predominance, predominate (command), prescribe, preside, prevail (triumph), prevail upon, primacy, prior, prompt, protagonist, redound, regulate (manage), suggestion, superintend, tip (clue)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006