- lead
- leadlead1 [lēd]vt.led, leading [ME leden < OE lædan, caus. of lithan, to travel, go, akin to Ger leiten: for IE base see LOAD]1.a) to show the way to, or direct the course of, by going before or along with; conduct; guideb) to show (the way) in this mannerc) to mark the way for [lights to lead you there]2. to guide, or cause to follow one, by physical contact, holding the hand, pulling a rope, etc. [to lead a horse by the bridle]3. to conduct (water, steam, rope, etc.) in a certain direction, channel, or the like4.a) to guide or direct, as by persuasion or influence, to a course of action or thought [to lead pupils to think clearly]b) to cause; prompt [trouble that led him to drink]5. to be the head of; specif.,a) to proceed at the front of (a parade, etc.)b) to act as chief officer of; command the operations of (a military unit)c) to direct operations of (an expedition, etc.)d) to direct, conduct, or serve as the leader or conductor of (an orchestra, ballet, etc.)6.a) to be the first or foremost among; be at the head of [to lead one's class in grades]b) to be ahead of by a specified margin7.a) to live; spend; pass [to lead a hard life]b) to cause to live or spend [to lead someone a dog's life]8. to aim a rifle, throw a ball, etc. just ahead of (a moving target or receiver)9. Card Games to begin the play with (a specified card or suit); lay down as the first card or suit of a hand or roundvi.1. to show the way by going before or along; act as guide2. to be led; submit to being led: said esp. of a horse3. to be or form a way (to, from, under, etc.); tend in a certain direction; go4. to come, or bring one, as a result: with to [one thing led to another, a cold can lead to pneumonia]5. to be or go first; act as leader☆ 6. Boxing to aim a first blow or one designed to test an opponent's defense [to lead with a right jab]7. Card Games to play the first card of a hand or roundn.1. the part of director or leader; leadership [to take the lead in a project]2. example [follow my lead]3.a) first or front place; precedence [the horse in the lead]b) the amount or distance that one is ahead [to hold a safe lead]4. LEASH (sense 1)5. anything that leads or serves as a clue6. information that directs a salesperson to a potential customer, a source of new business, etc.7. a long, narrow, navigable passage in an ice pack or ice field8.a) the most important news story, as in a newspaper or telecastb) the opening words or paragraph of a news story, containing all the essential facts of the story☆ 9. Baseball a position taken by a base runner a short distance from his or her base in the direction of the next☆ 10. Boxing the act of leading, or the blow used11. Card Games the act or right of playing first, as in a hand, or the card or suit played12. Elec. a wire carrying current between two points in a circuit, between devices, etc.☆ 13. Mining a stratum of ore; lode, ledge, or vein14. Music the leading part or main melody in a harmonic composition15. Naut. the course of a rope16. Theatera) the principal role, or a main role, in a play or other productionb) the actor or actress who plays such a roleadj.acting as leader or being the leader [the lead horse, the lead runner in a race]——————lead off1. to begin; start☆ 2. Baseball to be the first batter in the lineup or of an INNING (sense 2a)——————lead on1. to conduct further2. to lure or tempt——————lead someone a merry chaseto cause someone trouble by luring into a vain pursuit——————lead up to1. to prepare the way for2. to approach (a subject) in a subtle or indirect way——————lead with one's chinInformal to act so imprudently as to invite disasterlead2 [led]n.[ME lede < OE lead, akin to Du lood, Ger lot, plummet, prob. < Celt (as in MIr luaide, lead) < IE * ploud-, *pleud- < * pleu-, to flow < base * pel-, to flow, pour > L pluere, to rain, OIr lu-, to move]1. a heavy, soft, malleable, bluish-gray metallic chemical element used in batteries and in numerous alloys and compounds: symbol, Pb; at. no., 82: see the periodic table of elements in the Reference Supplement2. anything made of this metal; specif.,a) a weight for measuring depth of water at sea, in a harbor, etc.: it is attached to a line and tossed over the side of a shipb) any of the strips of lead used to hold the individual panes in ornamental windows usually used in pl.c) [pl.] Brit. sheets of lead used for covering a roofd) Printing a thin strip of type metal inserted to increase the space between lines of type3. bullets4. a thin stick of graphite, used in pencilsadj.made of or containing leadvt.1. to cover, line, weight, or fasten with lead or leads2. Ceramics to glaze (pottery) with a glaze made primarily of lead3. Printing to increase the space between (lines of type) by inserting thin strips of type metal
English World dictionary. V. Neufeldt. 2014.