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Saturday, November 05, 2016

Movin' on up to the Top

Maybe it was the death of Pieter Hintjens, or maybe just (late) middle age that has me mentally reviewing the type of programming that I’ve done and how I’ve gone about it.

But here’s the thing: I remember paper tape and VT420s and CP/M and 8" floppies.  I am a dinosaur.

When I started programming, I started with the high-level language of the 1980s: plain old C.  And I did it on the high-level platforms of the day: MS-DOS and UNIX. This was a great choice, in hindsight, because after 30 years, I’m still programming on C in UNIX-like systems.

But as technology advanced, my niche, which was once the top level of the stack -- CLI programs of the old UNIX philosophy – is now basically two levels up from the bottom.  And many, many layers have been built atop the layer where I make my living.

I’m down in the weeds, so to speak.  And as a consequence, none of my non-tech friends have ever understood what I do because there is nothing I can show them that has any connection to their understanding of technology: phone apps, webpages, or desktop applications.  Talking about DO178B or writing device drivers at dinner is a bit of a snoozefest.

There’s another thing that has held me down in the weeds: free software.  For most of my career I’ve been working in free software: GNU, GCC, Linux.  It places a high value on stability.  I have programs that I've been maintaining for over a decade with not a huge amount of effort.  That stability is so comforting.

Maybe it might be fun to climb my way back to the top of the stack: this highest level languages and toolkits.  In the GUI space, the amount of churn is rather amazing, but, then again, the amount of churn in the UX patterns form factors is also very high.

I'm not really sure what is at the top of the stack these days.  I did some searching.

Likely the highest level toolkit and language out there right now is Unity, but, it is a bit specialized for the game space.

The highest level language out there right now is undoubtedly Perl 6, but, its GUI toolkit hooks seem to be rather raw.

For Windows 10, C# on UWP is probably the winner.

Among the maintained languages for the GTK/Gnome stack, the high level language is probably Python.  Among the maintained languages for the Qt stack, is it QML and C++.

I don't know much about mobile, but, Android seems to be C# via Xamarin, and iOS is Swift.

In the web space, it is obviously JavaScript of some description. I have no clue what the top level GUI toolkit is.  Maybe it is the React JavaScript library.  As for the language itself, plain old JavaScript seems to be coming back in fashion.  The back end is mysterious.  It used to be Java.  Now it seems to be one of a dozen languages and rail-like things.

After Unity, Qt seems to be the most multiplatform native toolkit, with HTML5 being the most multiplatform of all.

The real question is, if I wanted to write a stupid program that my friends could run, what platform would it be?

HTML5 would be the best, followed by native mobile, followed by desktop Windows 10. It is a shame that the HTML5 development experience is such a mess.

It is interesting how there is so much fragmentation in the high level. I wonder how many of these toolkits will still be relevant in five years?  Microsoft toolkits have the highest level of churn. Remember WinForms or XNA?

Maybe I should stick with Unix-like CLI in C, where I belong.

What do you think?  Do you have a different opinion on what is the high-level language and toolkit on your favorite platform?

Saturday, October 29, 2016

guile-aspell 0.3 released

I am pleased to announce an update of guile-aspell, which is a library for comparing a string against a dictionary and suggesting spelling corrections. It is in the GNU Guile dialect of the Scheme programming language.  It is based on the aspell library.

The webpage for the library is at

The development tree is at

The latest source archive is at

The NEWS for this release is
- move to FFI bindings
- drop Guile 1.8 support

There is no mailing list per se, but, you can contact the project either via or by e-mailing me directly at

Mike Gran

Sunday, October 23, 2016

guile-curl v0.4 released

I am pleased to announce an small update of guile-curl, which is a library for fetching files by URL from the internet in the GNU Guile dialect of the Scheme programming language.  It supports many protocols, such as https, ftp, tftp, and, most importantly, gopher.

The webpage for the library is at

The development tree is at

The latest source archive is at

The NEWS for this release is
- support for READDATA callbacks
- bug fixes, especially with respect to garbage collection on newer versions of Guile.

There is no mailing list per se, but, you can contact the project either via or by e-mailing me directly at

Mike Gran

Sunday, October 02, 2016

The Bug Report

So I get a bug report. It is on GNU/Linux, of course, because that is the only ecosystem that sends bug reports.

So first I boot up my work box (Computer #1, Windows 10) which is the one that has the sweet monitor and try to VPN to the Server box (Computer #2, GNU/Linux Fedora Server, amd64).  But, of course, at one point I'd stripped all the non-console-mode functionality off of the server, so VPN is a fail.  I could have done the fix easily via ssh and emacs-nox, but, I figure it will only take a minute to get a graphical environment up and running.

There's a GNU Linux VM running on VirtualBox on the work box, but, I get distracted from the actual problem when I can't figure out how to get VirtualBox to create a large screen.  Totally not a problem, but, I get obsessed with this minutiae and can't let it go. I waste time tweaking the virtual graphics card settings with no effect.

So then I boot up the old linux box (Computer #3, GNU/Linux Fedora Workstation). It is 64 bit, but, it is running the i686 distro for reasons lost to history.  And then I remember that when I upgraded my wireless router, it stopped connecting via USB-connected Wifi. There are wpa_supplicant errors. Don't know why.  Spent a couple of hours trying to make it work.

Thus, I drag the old linux box to the room with the router so I can plug it in directly.  The only table is covered in padlocks, bottles of sunscreen, beads, jars of coins, and multiple Rubik's Cubes.  I clear a space.

The power cable to the spare monitor has gone missing.  It is a tiny HP w17e, but, still higher resolution than what I was getting from VirtualBox.   I search for 20 minutes. Eventually steal the power cable from work box.  My mostly ruined back complains when I shimmy under the desk to untangle it from the cable octopus.

I boot up old linux box.  Huh, it is only 100BaseT.  I dutifully do a "dnf upgrade". 1404 packages to update.  That takes another half hour.

And thus, I've used up the four hours of Saturday morning time which is the only time I have to devote to personal hacking.  Sorry bug reporter.  I'm too stupid to work on your request, and the computer gods hate me.  Better luck next week.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pip-Boy like terminal application in Guile, part 4: the terminal

This is the fourth in a series of articles where I try to recreate some Pip Boy like displays in GNU Guile and ncurses.

A Pip Boy is a fictional computer in the Fallout 4 computer games.  GNU Guile is an implementation of the Scheme language.  Ncurses is a library for creating text user interfaces on terminals like the Linux terminal, Xterm, or the Gnome Terminal.

One of the iconic experiences in Fallout 4 is using the in-game computers, which are bulky, green screen monochrome terminals not unlike a DEC VT100.  Actually a closer match is the Televideo TVI-912.  Generally they are used in two ways: displaying a text block with some selectable links, or playing a hacking minigame.  Today we'll look at the first.

The basic user experience is this:
  • When activated, the terminal will begin an animation where it is add adding text to the screen one glyph at a time at about ~75 characters per second.  There is a tick sound associated with each glyph appearing on the screen.
  • Clicking the mouse or pressing enter will interrupt this drawing animation and will make all the text appear on the screen.  There is a tick sound associated with this.
  • Once drawing is complete, any text surrounded by square brackets become a link.
  • The first link is highlighted.
  • Mousing over a link or using the arrow keys will move between links.  There is a tick sound associated with moving between links.
  • Clicking on a link or pressing enter will select the highlighted link and end the interaction.  There is a sound associated with selection.
So, here there is user interaction, audio cues, time-based rendering.  It actually is a fair bit of functionality, and it also is not too friendly to the paradigm provided by the ncurses toolkit.

So I put together three different code units
As a side note, Guile has had a complete set of bindings to the multimedia enving GStreamer, which I wanted to use, but, it appears to be in need of some maintenance.  I did look at it so see if I could patch it up, but, the binding is related to the Glib binding, and I didn't want to take the time to understand all that right now.  Pulseaudio is much lower level, but, also much simpler.  I had code lying around from some old game engine attempt.

If you've coded in QT or GTK, you know that a central function of a GUI toolkit main loop is to allow each widget to send out notifications and to have other widgets be able to subscribe and react to these notifications.  In QT, these are "signals" and "slots".  In GTK they are "signals" and "signal handlers".
To keep things somewhat simple, the primitive main loop works like this...
  • There are one or more event handlers. An event handler may have an associated widget.
  • The main loop checks for an event in the queue: either a keypress, a mouse event, or a signal sent out by one of the widgets. If it finds an event, it sends it to all the event handlers.  Every handler receives every event: there is no attempt to be precise.
  • If no event is ready, the main loop sends an "idle" event to all the signal handlers, does a single step in Pulseaudio's main loop, and then sleeps for a few microseconds.

This is familiar territory.  There's nothing new under the sun.

I had to choose between letting Pulseaudio run its own event loop in its own thread, or to merge Pulseaudio's event look in to my main event loop.  I chose the latter.

Put together, it all looks like this.  For the life of me, I cannot seem to record audio on my screengrab.  I blame Wayland.

The code, in its current form, is here.  It is not ready for use.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Pipboy-like terminal application in Guile: Part 3 - labels and progress bars

So, in trying to put together a new release of the ncurses binding for GNU Guile, I decided I'd try to make a Pip-Boy like application that runs in a terminal emulator like xterm or Gnome Terminal  This is just for the nonsense of it, and the challenge.

FYI, Ncurses is a library for text user interfaces.  Guile is an implementation of the Scheme programming language.  And a Pip Boy is a fictional computer that appears in the Fallout video games.

In the first two parts of this little series of nonsense (part 1part 2), I wrote about how rendering a string -- turning a logical string into a display string -- got very complicated once you tried to word break properly with non-English and non-ASCII text, deal with control characters, and think about bi-directionality. Unicode is hard.  I pulled in two libraries, GNU Fribidi and GNU Libunistring, to create this procedure to wrap a string.  So much coder's blood spilled to do something so apparently simple... 

(define (string-render str tabsize n-cells alignment bidi)
  "Given a string STR, this converts the string into a list of strings
with each string contining N-CELLS cells or fewer.  Tabs are expanded
into TABSIZE spaces.  Other Unicode spaces are replace with the common
space character.  Any control characters are replaced with replacement glyphs.  If alignment is 'left, lines are padded with spaces at the end of each string to take up N-CELLS.  If ALIGNMENT is 'right, lines are padded with spaces on the left. ALIGNMENT can also be 'center. If BIDI is true, strings are converted from logical order to visual order."

So anyway, I bashed out a couple of widgets.
  • A "label" is some wrapped text in a box, possibly with a border
  • A "progress bar" is short text followed by a colored bar whose length is a representation 0% to 100%.
There isn't much to say about the code, which is here.  It is all very rough and boring and workman-like and verbose.  To render these widgets, I settled on an outside-in drawing model.
  1. The ncurses panel's size is determined first.
  2. Any border is on the outside edge of the panel, reducing the available window size by 1 on all four sides.
  3. Inside of that is a user-defined padding width.
  4. What remains inside of that is available for content.

Here's more Unicode and xterm trivia, which excites me because I am a weirdo.


There are a few usable sets of border drawing characters.  These should be well aligned if you have a proper monospace font in your browser.

;; Light box
;; ┌─┐
;; │ │
;; └─┘
(define *box-chars-light* "┌─┐│ │└─┘")
;; Light round box
;; ╭─╮
;; │ │
;; ╰─╯
(define *box-chars-rounded* "╭─╮│ │╰─╯")
;; Heavy box
;; ┏━┓
;; ┃ ┃
;; ┗━┛
(define *box-chars-heavy* "┏━┓┃ ┃┗━┛")
;; Double box
;; ╔═╗
;; ║ ║
;; ╚═╝
(define *box-chars-double* "╔═╗║ ║╚═╝")
;; Block-char box
;; ▛▀▜
;; ▌ ▐
;; ▙▄▟

(define *box-chars-block* "▛▀▜▌ ▐▙▄▟")

xterm 256-color palette

If you want a good all-green palette from the xterm 256-color palette without modifying the xterm colors, you have about ~10 available colors.

With the above widgets and colors, I was able to make the following with just a few (very long) lines of code.

Next Time

Before I get to the interactive widgets, I want to get to the audio design.  In Fallout 4, there are tiny click noises when you scroll or select an object on the GUI, which is very satisfying from a UX perspective.  So I have to figure out how to do some audio.  I guess I'm going to have to dig into GStreamer, which is always daunting...

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Mapping xterm 256-color palette colors to X11 color names

Here is a table that might be of some use to somebody, someday.

The xterm-like terminals all have pretty similar predefined colors in their 256-color palettes.  The 1st eight colors seem to vary since they often get replaced with system colors, but the remainder are quite stable among 256-color terminal emulators claiming xterm compliance.

Unrelated to this, X11 has long included a file called /usr/share/X11/rgb.txt that has names of colors.  I wondered what overlap there was between these two things.

So, this is a list of the xterm 256-color palette indices vs X11 RGB color names.  To declare something a match, I chose the closest X11 color to the xterm palette color in LAB coordinates, but, never searched farther that 6.9 units of difference in LAB space.  Under those criteria, 129 of 256 xterm colors approximate named X11 RGB colors.

9: RED, RED1
28: GREEN4
40: GREEN3
44: CYAN3
59: GRAY37, GREY37
96: PLUM4
100: YELLOW4
102: GRAY53, GREY53
145: GRAY69, GREY69
160: RED3
172: ORANGE3
178: GOLD3
184: YELLOW3
186: KHAKI3
188: GRAY84, GREY84
196: RED, RED1
209: SALMON1
213: ORCHID1
220: GOLD, GOLD1
231: WHITE
232: GRAY3, GREY3
233: GRAY7, GREY7
234: GRAY11, GREY11
235: GRAY15, GREY15
236: GRAY19, GREY19
237: GRAY23, GREY23
238: GRAY27, GREY27
239: GRAY30, GREY30, GRAY31, GREY31
240: GRAY34, GREY34, GRAY35, GREY35
241: GRAY38, GREY38, GRAY39, GREY39
242: GRAY42, GREY42
243: GRAY46, GREY46
245: GRAY54, GREY54
246: GRAY58, GREY58
247: GRAY62, GREY62
248: GRAY66, GREY66
249: GRAY70, GREY70
250: GRAY74, GREY74
251: GRAY78, GREY78
252: GRAY81, GREY81, GRAY82, GREY82
253: GRAY85, GREY85, GRAY86, GREY86
254: GRAY89, GREY89, GRAY90, GREY90
255: GRAY93, GREY93

Saturday, June 04, 2016

A Pipboy-like terminal application in Guile: Part 2 - more on strings

Hello again. I'm back to talk about recreating some Pip Boy like terminal widgets in ncurses.

Last time, I started talking about the remedial problems of how to *render* a string for a character cell console, e.g., how to convert a logical string to a list of visual strings that can be displayed on a terminal.  So far, I said that you need to
  • Put the string in Unicode NFC normalization, because NFC normalized strings are more likely to be prepared glyphs on a terminal and not overstruck glyphs.  Unicode normalization is discussed in
  • Convert tabs to spaces
  • Replace almost all of the control characters or Private Use Area characters with replacement glyphs.  This hygiene is necessary since some unhandled control character could garble the terminal display.  Some control characters that don't get removed are the 5 line separators (CR, LF, NEL, PS, and LS) and the 8 bidirectional  formatting characters (LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF, LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI, LRM, RLM, and ALM) because we'll use them in a second.
So that just leaves
  • Prepare to handle any right-to-left text in the string.  This is described in the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm in
  • Do any Arabic shaping of the glyphs
  • Wrap the string to a given number of character cells.  The Unicode line-breaking algorithm is described here:
  • Pad the list of wrapped strings to left, center, or right aligned

Bidirectional text

First off, I'm not qualified to talk about this, but here's the highlights.

Most European languages are written left to right.  The big right-to-left alphabets are Arabic and Hebrew.  Here in the Los Angeles, I'd guess the most common right-to-left languages are probably Persian, Hebrew, Arabic, and Yiddish.

But Scheme strings are normally encoded in logical order: e.g. the beginning of a string is the part of the string that would be read first by a human.  If a string contained a line of French, the first character would be the left-most character to be displayed on a screen.  If it contained Arabic, the first character would be the right-most character to be displayed on a screen.

Terminal emulators generally take one of two strategies when given strings to display. They either
  • Display the text from left-to-right regardless of the contents of the text
  • Or, try to be context sensitive when they display the text, switching from left-to-right and right-to-left depending on the apparent language of the text
Weirdly, in a ncurses application, neither strategy is particularly helpful.  If a terminal does the former, it becomes the programmers' responsibility to convert the string from logical order to visual order.  If it does the latter, and you ask ncurses to write a string at a given (y,x) position, it is hard to know if that x is columns counted from the left or columns counted from the right.

Consider the following program, and its output on the Cygwin terminal.  It starts ncurses, prints a line of Latin text starting at column 30, row 1, and prints a word in the Hebrew alphabet starting at column 30, row 2.  Both lines are supposed to begin a column 30, but, the terminal tries to be helpful and makes the second line print in the 30th column from the right, which is unlikely to be the intention of the programmer.

(use-modules (ncurses curses))
(setlocale LC_ALL "")
(define win (initscr))
(addstr win "LATIN TEXT" #:x 30 #:y 1)
(addstr win (string #\ט\# ק\# ס\# ט ) #:x 30 #:y 2)
(refresh win)
(sleep 10)

So, what to do?

To complicate matters, Unicode has some explicit control characters that can be embedded in strings when one wants to explicitly state the directionality of all or part of the text.  They can be used to explicitly indicate the direction of a run of text, or override the current general direction of the text. The 8 bidirectional  formatting characters (LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF, LRI, RLI, FSI, PDI, LRM, RLM, and ALM) need to be interpreted.  See Unicode TR#9 for details.

One strategy is to
  1. Use a library like GNU FriBiDi to convert the string from logical to visual order
  2. Set the terminal program to *not* try to help with bidirectionalization.
So, the FriBiDi function fribidi_log2vis is the important function for this.  There needs to be a Guile function that wraps up the FriBiDi functionality.  There isn't one yet.

Arabic Shaping

Arabic shaping is another one of those topics about which I know almost nothing, but, here's the highlights.

The same Arabic letter can have a different glyph depending on where it appears in a word.  If it appears in the middle of a word, the glyph should join smoothly to its neighboring letters, like English cursive letters.  If it appears at the beginning or end of a word it has a different form.  And it might also look different when it is a single letter not in a word.

Some new terminal emulators are smart enough to do this shaping for you. If it detects an Arabic letter in the middle of a work, it uses the correct glyph.  But if you've asked your terminal to *not* help with bidirectionalization so that the behavior of the ncurses screen locations is still predictable, it is still going to do Arabic letter shaping for you?  I don't know.  It is a mess.

There are other complications.  There are Unicode controls that exist to encourage characters to be joined (ZWJ, for example) or to discourage it (ZWNJ).

In any case, if you need to do shaping manually instead of leaving it to your terminal emulator, again GNU FriBiDi is your goto library for this.  And someone needs to package that for Guile, too.

Line Length and Line Breaking

OK.  You have your string.  It is NFC, untabified, has no nasty control characters in it, and you've decided upon some strategy for bidirectional text.  Next up, we need to figure out how much screen real estate each string takes up, and whether the lines need to be wrapped.

For console programs, each character takes up zero, one, or two cells. Latin letters usually take one cell. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean letters usually take two, as in the following pic.

So how do you tell how many cells a glyph is going to take?  Basically the C library function wcwidth is the basis for this.  It will tell you if a codepoint has a glyph that takes up one cell or two.  Unicode has their own explanation over here:

Guile needs a function to compute the screen width of a line of text.  I like u32_strwidth from GNU Libunistring, and that's a function that needs to be made available to Guile, too.

But this also has some problems.  Some characters have a width that is ambiguous, and should be 2 cells on a screen that mostly consists of CJK text, or should be 1 on a screen that mostly consists of Latin text.  Some example ambiguous width characters are some punctuation or math symbols.  Not all terminals agree on what to do about ambiguous width characters. But I'm not going to solve this problem.

But once one knows how many screen cells a line of text is going to take, it would seem fairly easy to then construct a line-breaking algorithm.  Line breaks need to be put in at all the explicit line breaks of the five line breaking characters CR, LF, NEL, PS, and LS. Remember that CR+LF counts as just a single line break.  And then lines that exceed a desired number of columns need to be broken at plausible locations at the end of words.

There are some other complications.  There are some Unicode characters that are there to prevent line breaking or encourage line breaking: various hyphens, soft hyphens, double hyphens, word joiners.

Hopefully this convinces you that line breaking is not really something you should treat casually.    See Unicode TR #14 for its generic line breaking algorithm.  It is actually quite complex.  In any case, I'm not going to engineer a console line-wrapping algorithm.  I like the one in GNU Libunistring called u32_width_linebreaks() described here. And, again, this isn't available to Guile yet, so I need to package that, too.

But if there were such a function, it would take a string and break it into a list of strings, where each element of the list had one screen line of text.

Alignment and Padding

Alright, now we're at the end of this process.  The last step is padding the string to get the desired alignment.

The default alignment for Latin console text should be to have an aligned left margin and a ragged right margin.  For RTL text is should be to have an aligned right margin and a ragged left margin.  So you need a function that tries to determine the general directionality of a paragraph.

If you want a paragraph of text to be right-aligned or center-aligned, you need to pad the strings on the left with spaces.  To know how many spaces to pad a line, you need to know how many cells a line occupies on the screen.  Again it all goes back to wcwidth and  u32_strwidth as described above.


So I'll come back when I have all the above functionality in some library somewhere, and we'll finally be ready to put some green text in a green box.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

A Pipboy-like terminal application in Guile: Part 1 - rendering strings

So I've been playing a ton of Fallout 4.  It is not as much fun as Fallout: New Vegas, but, it is pretty good.

For the uninitiated, the Fallout games are videogame RPGs that deal with a lone wanderer making the world a better place by helping out in a post-nuclear-war world.  Part of the unusual world-building in the game is type of technology that exists in this future.

Most computers in this future are monochrome green-screen terminals, much like the old DEC VT420 terminals in our world.

Well, I do happen to be the maintainer of guile-ncurses, a TUI library for programming in Scheme.  So I think I'll spend a few weeks seeing if I can recreate some of the visual elements from Fallout 4 in a text-user interface, and in the process demonstrate something of the process of creating a TUI.

The problem with ncurses, as anyone who has tried to use it will quickly realize, it that it is quite a low-level toolkit.  In the analogy with GNOME, it is not GTK, it is Cairo or GDK.

(Note that there is a higher level TUI toolkit built on ncurses called CDK, which is much easier to use if you want to do any rapid prototyping on a TUI.  There is no Guile library for this, yet, though.)

If you want to follow along with the code, well, there isn't any yet.  But soon there will be some at my Github.

Today we're going to try something that sounds simple but absolutely is not. In fact it is so complicated that I'm only going to begin the topic today.

We're going to work on displaying some text in a character cell terminal!  I know, crazy, right?

In ASCII, this is quite easy, of course.  But, I'm going include some details involved in using Unicode text, even if I ultimately end up just using ASCII, because, it is an interesting and valuable topic.  If we have a Unicode string that we want to display in a character cell terminal, we need to *render* it, to decide which glyphs go into which cells.  Rendering a string -- converting a string to a list of glyphs that go into cells -- has roughly the following steps.
  • The string should be in the NFC normalization.
  • The string needs to have horizontal tabs replaced with spaces.
  • The C0 control characters that will not be handled later should be replaced with replacement characters.  Only carriage return and line feed will be handled later.
  • C1 controls, except for NEL, unassigned characters, and private-use characters should be replaced with the generic replacement character.
  • Some strings have a different visual order than their logical order.  Hebrew and Arabic have a visual order that is right-to-left even though the strings are encoded in logical order, from beginning to end.  This is handled by the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
  • Arabic letters are cursive, so the various letters can have different shapes depending on if they appear at the beginning, the middle, or the end of a word.
  • The rendered string has to be in the locale of the terminal to display properly.  Characters that cannot be properly displayed need to be replaced with replacement characters.
  • And lastly, strings need to be line wrapped if they occupy more cells than are available.  This means understanding the number of cells a string occupies. On terminals, Unicode codepoints take zero, one, or two cells of space. Latin characters take one cell.  Fullwidth hanzi and kanji take two cells.
To begin, we start with the operations that need to occur in *logical order* not *visual order*.


When rendering strings for use with character cell terminals, it is much easier to deal with composed glyphs, such as U+00C0 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE, than with the combining accents, such as U+0041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A and U+0300 COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT.

All strings to be rendered should thus be passed through core Guile function string-normalize-nfc.


Canonically a horizontal tab occupies 8 spaces, so each instance of a horizontal tab in a string must be replace with 8 spaces.

Pedantry: on some old terminals and line printers, horizontal tabs actually moved one to the next tab stop, which was the next column that was a multiple of 8.

Here's one way to do the string expansion.

(define (string-untabify in-string TABSIZE)
   (lambda (c str)
     (if (char=? c #\tab)
         (string-append str (make-string TABSIZE #\space))
         (string-append str (string c))))

Replacement Characters

Next up is replacing some of the control, private-use, and unrepresented characters with replacement symbols.  Why do this?
  1. If you try to print C0 control characters (U+0000 to U+001F) to a console, the console might interpret it as commands.
  2. If you try to print C1 control characters (U+0080 to U+009F) to a console, consoles in 8-bit mode might interpret them as commands, and can potentially hang.
  3. Some characters -- such as all the unassigned characters and Private Use Area (PUA) characters -- won't be rendered by any character cell terminal, so there is no point in allowing them to continue.
To replace the C0 control codes from U+0000 to U+001F and also U+007F with graphical symbols, there are two reasonable choices. ISO-2047 symbols are fairly obscure but, hey, they are a standard.  But, the graphical pictures for control codes starting at U+2400 are more familiar and are probably a better choice.

Unicode control codes for U+0000 NULL to U+0007 BELL look like ␀␁␂␃␄␅␆␇.
ISO-2047 control codes for U+0000 NULL to U+0007 BELL look like ⎕⌈⊥⌋⌁⊠✓⍾.
There are many other codepoints that should just be replaced with �, the U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, including
  • All the C1 control characters U+0080 to U+009F, excluding U+0085 NEXT LINE (NEL).
  • All the private use area characters U+E000..U+F8FF, U+F0000..U+FFFFD, and U+100000..U+10FFFD
  • Any other character with the general category of control, surrogate, or unassigned.
Note that we do not include the control format characters in this list, such as U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK, because we'll need them later when be handle bi-directional text.

In the library, there will be a function that might be called string-replace-controls-and-pua which will do this replacement.

That's all for now.  Next time we'll handle bidirectional text, Arabic shaping, and line wrapping.

Friday, January 29, 2016

A Portrait of the Coder as an Old Man

I've been thinking quite a bit about being a older coder.  I've come to the realization that, like most other professions or activities, as we age, we need to make accommodations.

For example, as we age, the short term memory begins to fade.  Where once I could reliably recall the names and type details of hundreds of the variables, functions, and methods I've touched on a large task, now I can only reliably remember a couple dozen.  As a young man, I could focus on whatever function I was modifying, using memory and recall should I need to add a function call or variable reference.  Now I do spend a lot of time tap dancing through code, always referencing headers and declarations, with dozens of files open at any given moment.

On the flip side, the long term memory, now so richly loaded with associations, can get bogged down in those associations.  Every module or algorithm brings to mind another module or algorithm.  This is like that is like this is like that.  Which is very useful given that there is nothing new under the sun, but sometimes there is something new that needs to be considered on its own merits.

Also, there is the problem of irascibility.

I have spend almost all of my professional life coding in subsets of C.  Various embedded or safe or DO-178B restrictions to C.

C, in particular, has two problems for the old coder.

First is the problem of irascibility.

C is very simple with a minimal library.  I remember the first time I coded a doubly-linked list or a binary tree.  So satisfying to get this concept and see it function.  It is fun the first time, or the second.  But after 30 years, I never again want to code a doubly-linked list, a sort, a hash map, a binary tree, a dispatcher, a parser, a lexer, a matrix pseudoclass, a polynomial solver, or a Kalman filter.  It is just no fun anymore.

Second is the problem of verbosity.

Since I know I no longer have an infallible, photographic recall of an entire codebase, it helps to be able to have as much code on the screen at any given moment: to be able to see as much as possible of what I am doing.  And C, in particular, is so verbose that it restricts the amount of meaning I can throw up on any given screen.  C so often oscillates between being information dense and having a paucity of information per line.

So, then, coding as an old man...
  • I need my language and tools to help me remember details of variables, functions, and methods.  And I need those tools to help me remember in a way that doesn't destroy my flow.
  • I need my language and tools to let me see as much of what I am doing as possible.
  • I need my language and tools to not require me to re-code or re-integrate fundamental algorithms that are no longer entertaining.
  • I need my language and tools to help me determine if a code block is or is not a fundamental algorithm.  If it is, I want to use that fundamental algorithm.
Let's imagine, for a second, the properties of a theoretical programming language created for older coders. Such a theoretical language would be designed from the ground to play well with tools.  There should be nothing in the grammar of the language that would prevent tools from autocompleting or suggesting a given declaration.  The scoping and context rules should not have the sort of ambiguity that prevents effective tooling.  And compilation errors should be flagged immediately.

Also such a language should have a consistent level of information density, so that a screenful of text is sufficient to display a "unit" of code.

I don't often stray too far from the C-language family.  To be honest, C# is pretty good as an old man language. But, I've been trying to brush up on my C++17.

#include 〈algorithm〉 is pretty cool.