The complete beginner's guide to online poker

Last post made 2 years ago by cabyxiaomi
  • Started by
  • blueday
  • United Kingdom Almighty Member 37999
  • last active 2 years ago

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    I hope this will help new would-be Texas Hold'em poker players learn the ropes to get started in the world of online poker.  Please post below anything you would like to know that may not be covered.


    I'll be covering hand rankings, the poker lobby, the tables, types of games available, the deal, the betting, best sites for action/freerolls, ring table, tournament and sitngo helpful tips and so on.




    It's a game played with 5 cards.  Two cards are dealt to each person at the table, face down.  These are your "hole" cards and nobody else can see these cards except you.  5 cards are dealt into the middle of the table face up and these are the community cards.  Everyone can see these cards.  The 5 community cards are not dealt all at once.  


    Once you have your "hole" cards, there is a round of betting before any of the community cards are dealt.  I'll go into the betting later on.  Once the round of betting has finished, the community cards are dealt but only 3 cards at first. This is called "The Flop".  There is another round of betting and once that has been completed, the next card is dealt.  This is called "The Turn".  Again, another round of betting and the final community card is dealt.  This is called "The River".  There is then the final round of betting.  This is called "The Showdown" and at this point the winning hand is revealed (the two hole cards) and the winner of the hand takes all the money that has been bet.  


    This is a very basic description of the game.


    First things first then: you will need to know what hands beat what so you know whether you are throwing your money away when betting.  




    The hands below go from lowest to the highest starting with:  


    High Card (no pairs, just a high card) qc.gif  8h.gif  5s.gif  3d.gif  2h.gif


    One Pair (any 2 matching numbered cards) ah.gif  as.gif4h.gif  7d.gif  th.gif


    Two Pairs (2 sets of two matching numbered cards) ad.gif  as.gif  tc.gif  td.gif5h.gif


    Three of a Kind (any 3 matching numbered cards)jc.gif  jh.gif  js.gif  2h.gif  4d.gif


    Straight / Run (5 consecutive cards) 5h.gif  6s.gif  7c.gif  8c.gif  9d.gif


    Flush (any 5 cards all of the same suit) jh.gif  3h.gif  kh.gif  6h.gif  2h.gif


    Full House (3 matching numbered cards and 2 matching numbered cards) 5d.gif  5h.gif  5s.gif  8d.gif  8c.gif


    Four of a Kind (4 matching numbered cards) 9d.gif  9c.gif  9h.gif  9s.gif  kh.gif


    Straight Flush (5 consecutive same suit (suited) cards 5s.gif  6s.gif  7s.gif  8s.gif  9s.gif


    Royal Flush (the daddy of all hands, 5 consecutive suited top ranked cards) th.gif  jh.gif  qh.gif  kh.gif  ah.gif




    Most hands have slang terms or nicknames attached to them which you will pick up as you go along.  An example would be for a pair of Aces - these are most commonly called Rockets or bullets.  If you click this link, you will find a fantastic list created by Lipstick and the ultimate list on Wikipedia.  


    So you now know the hand rankings, you know the nicknames for some of the hands; so what's next?  You need somewhere to play where you can get plenty of cheap games, play money tournaments and lots of freerolls.


    We've covered what Texas holdem is, the hand rankings and the hand nicknames/slang terms.




    There are 3 main types of texas holdem games:


    Ring games - single tables where anyone can join and leave at their will

    Sitngo (sit and go) - a designated number of seats from 2 / 6 / 9 / 10 (plus other variations)

    Tournament - again a designated number of players usually from 10 up to 100,000+.


    BETTING - in brief

    At the beginning of every hand, two players will always put money into the pot. This is called "The Blinds".  There is the Small Blind and the Big Blind or "SB" and "BB".  There is also always a dealer.  This is called "The Button" and the first two players to the left of the dealer or button will pay the SB and BB.  At the beginning of a tournament or sitngo, the blinds are low, usually at 15 for SB and 30 for the BB.  As the game progresses, the blinds increase at certain intervals (the length of the intervals are dependent upon the type of game you are playing and I will go into that a bit later on).  After each hand is completed, the next person to the left will become the dealer/button and then of course the next two people to the left of the dealer will be SB and BB.  This carries on around the table until the end of the entire game - this is the fairest way to ensure that everyone puts in a SB and a BB.  


    There is also something called the "Ante".  The Ante is a set amount that everyone puts into the pot before the cards are dealt and at the same time as the SB and BB.  The Ante will only come into play in the late stages of a tournament and sometimes in the late stages of some sitngos.




    Position or where you sit at the table in comparison to the dealer/button is really important.  The more reactions or bets/folds you see before you have to make your decision, the more information you will know in order to decide what action you will take with the cards that you have been dealt.  They say "position is power" and it's so true.  If you are first to act i.e. you are first to make a decision about whether to call, raise or fold, you are at a huge disadvantage.  You will be to the left of the Big Blind and you are considered to be "Under the Gun" or commonly known as UTG or first to act and also known as "early position".  You have to make a decision based on your hand alone and you have no other information to hand when you make your decision.  


    Let's say you have ad.gif  qs.gif and you are UTG or first to act so you will be seated next to the person who is the Big Blind for this round.  Your hand is pretty good so you raise.  Half way round the table, somebody bets "All in" - meaning they put all their chips in the pot.  The likelihood of them having a better hand than you is high and you just wasted your chips because there is no way you would call with a hand like you have for the bet that has been made.  Had you been the dealer in this hand and an all in bet had been made, you would have had lots of information before you had to make your decision.  One player could have gone all in, another player could have called, another player with more chips than that could have re-raised the all in and there you sit with your hand which seems to have little value now.  Position is so important and you will do well to remember how valuable position is when playing.


    There are three types of position, "early position", "middle position" and "late position".  The best place to be is of course late position because you will have gathered a large amount of information based on the betting that has gone before.  




    In early position, you should play:

    High Pairs: A-A, K-K, Q-Q, J-J

    Suited High Cards: A-K, A-Q, K-Q, A-J, K-J, Q-J

    Less favourable high cards in different suits: A-K,A-Q, K-Q


    In middle position you can add to the above:

    High Cards in the same suit: A-10, K-10, Q-10

    High Cards in different suits: A-J, A-10, K-J

    Pairs: 10-10, 9-9


    In late position, you can play a lot more hands simply because of the information you have gathered from the actions of the early and mid position play.  As the dealer, you are last to act (apart from SB and BB), this is by far the best position.  You can steal blinds in this position and play lower hands (but not poor hands like 7/2 unsuited - the worst hand).


    POKER ROOMS - Where to play


    Before I go into the tips for sitngo and tournament play, you need to decide which poker room to play at.  What you don't want is a poker room where you can't get a game.  For those of you lucky enough to be outside of the US, I recommend PKR.  This site has plenty of players, plenty of freerolls and free tables where you can earn small prizes (10c) to get your bankroll started.  There is also plenty of play money action and you need to be quick to get into the 10 seater sitngo's on this site.  The best part about PKR is that it is in 3D and there are player emotes ranging from a quick "thank you" to someone who compliments you on your play by saying "good call".  All the emotes are spoken and your avatar (which you can dress up and change the features to look like yourself if you desire) will move and raise their arms when shouting "oh my god".  This is an awesome site and a good place to learn the game but watch out for the poor players - please do not learn from their play.  


    Another good site is Poker Stars which is US friendly.  There is always plenty of action on this site and you can play in lots of freerolls and play money tables too.  This is the biggest poker site and they have really cheap sitngo multi table tournaments (2c) to practice on .  Of course, don't forget Full Tilt Poker which is another US friendly site, lots of action and some very different types of sitngo's/tournaments that you can play.  




    The poker lobby can be quite daunting when you first log in to a poker site.  There are so many types of tournaments and sitngo's, you can get lost as to what you are looking for.  Not only that, on the busy sites, the tables fill up quickly and you think you're clicking on a $1 table but by the time you have double clicked, that table has filled up, another table has gone where your mouse is double clicking and before you know it, you are registering for a $50 game.  The word here is "care" when selecting the game that you want to play.  Make sure it is the correct one that has loaded.  




    The picture above is the Full Tilt lobby. At the very top of the picture (just to the right)  you can see where you can choose either real money play or play money play.  If you are a complete beginner, may I recommend play money until you start winning play money games and also freerolls.  


    Down the left side at the top are the types of games available i.e. Ring, Sitngo, Tournament and Rush.  You can see in the picture I have selected sitngo.  In the column next to that are all the types of sitngo or alternatively, you can select All (which I have done).  Below you will see the long list of games available to play.  I've actually clicked on "players" which orders the list as to the number of players that are registered. You can click at the top of the "buyin" detail to order them by the amount you have to pay to buy into a game.  To the right of the long list you can see a description of the sitngo selected and underneath that, there is the "key".  This key tells you what sort of game it is for example a red t is Turbo which means the blinds go up quickly and a blue D is double stack (you get a double stack of chips).


    I suggest you play around with the lists of games just to familiarize yourself with whats on offer.




    I recommend you make notes on players when you are playing.  An example would be where a player is constantly betting all in.  If you get to see their hand, make a note on them of the cards they are betting all in with.  If they bluff and they are caught bluffing, again, make a note on them. Basically any bad play, you should make a note.   Once you have been playing for some time, it's incredible how useful these notes will be to you and they are definitely worth doing.  


    Depending on which site you are playing on will depend how you make a note on a player.  Click on the player first and you may see a drop down list of options like ignore, player notes etc.  If that doesn't work, try "right clicking" on them and you may see the list of options then.




    A ring game is a single table at a set stake that any player can join or leave at will.  


    You need to be disciplined to play at these tables as you will generally find some good players here.  Of course there are bluffers who will lead you to believe they have a great hand...nearly every hand and you know that isn't possible.


    Make note on players whenever you can.  Try to stick to the premium hands and remember your position in relation to the dealer and the importance of it.  


    Ring tables are a great place to learn the game and if you can play on the play money tables to better yourself before you start spending your hard earned cash, then I highly recommend you do that first.  Once you start winning at the play money tables, you are ready to play for real.




    Sitngo tournaments are where a set number of players play poker until everyone is knocked out and there is a winner.  The number of seats can very and are also dependent upon where you are playing.  The most common sitngo games require 6 or 10 players (9 at some sites).  The 6 seater sitngo games will pay the top 2 places and the 10(9) seaters pay the top 3 places.  You can also play heads up and I'll talk about that a bit later on.


    There are also sitngo's with 990 players in them.  These can be found on Poker Stars and the buy in is just 2c.  This makes this a really good place to learn about not only sitngos but also about tournament style play.  


    I recommend the 6 seater sitngo's to start.  This is a great place to learn sitngo play.  


    I suggest premium hands to begin with (AK, AQ, AA, KK QQ and even AJ) and just fold if you don't get these kind of hands.  Once one or 2 people have been knocked out, you can loosen up a little and play lesser hands like A,10, JJ, 10 10 and so on.  If you get a small pocket pair, I suggest just flat calling if you can (if there is a raise, you may as well fold) and if you hit trips on the flop, you're in a very good position.  If you don't hit the three of a kind and there is betting, just fold.  It's pointless throwing your money away particularly if the highest card on the table is higher than your pocket pair.





    Tournaments are a different thing altogether particularly freeroll tournaments.  You will find with freerolls the play at the beginning is very poor.  Stick with the premium hands and don't be lured into calling an all in bet just because someone is trying to steal your blinds.  If you stick with the premium hands during the first part of the tournament, you will make it into the top 65%.


    Once you are at this stage, you could loosen up a little and try to build up your stack if you've not already done so.  At some point you are going to be near the "bubble".  The bubble is the cut-off point where you will just miss out on being paid if you get knocked out at this part of the game.  For example, the top 50 places pay and there are 60 players left and you are say 51st or 52nd.  Protect your chips where you can and think about how many blinds you could pay out of your stack of chips that you have left.  Can you make it to the paying places?  


    To recap - tight in the beginning, loosen up in the middle and tight again until the paying places.  If you make it to the final table (the last 10 players), I suggest tight play again and stick to premium hands and pocket pairs where you can.


    Note: This is only a suggested strategy and each game will differ depending upon the level of buy-in and the site you are playing at.  




    Heads up play is very different and you would be very wise to practice this kind of game as often as you can.  When playing heads up, Ace high with anything is a great hand as is KQ and so on.  To beat an opponent heads up, you really do need to understand their playing style.  Gaining a good understanding of heads up play will assist you in heads up situations in both tournament and sitngo play.  Think about the final table of a tournament and imagine it's you and one other player left in the tournament and the first prize is almost double the 2nd prize.  This is where heads up practice will benefit you in so many ways.



    CONTINUED....further down

  • Blue, This is Beautiful, thank you for the time you put into this.. i have a question and hopefully it isn't stupid, but seriously i want to know and have become confused in this situation.. If 2 players have a flush, i'm asking the same question for a full house as well, what example of 2 hands would be the winning hand between 2 hands, What would beat what?

  • Hi Imagin,


    No it's not a silly question at all.


    I'll refer to the flush first.


    Lets assume you are holding th.gif  jh.gif and the community cards are ah.gif  6h.gif  2h.gif  9s.gif  4c.gif you have an Ace flush with the next highest card to the Ace being the Jack.  There are two cards that can beat your cards and that is the kh.gif and the  qh.gif.  If another player was holding kh.gif  3h.gif you would lose.  The ace is the highest card and then the next highest card is the K.  If a hand ties for a flush it always goes to the highest card.


    With the full house - lets say you are holding 4s.gif  4h.gif and the community cards are  4d.gif  6h.gif  6s.gif  td.gif  qh.gif.  You have a full house "fours over sixes".  This can be a dangerous hand as all it will take for you to be beaten is somebody to be holding 6c.gif  tc.gif and they will have a full house too, but it beats yours.  They will have "sixes over tens".  It is the trips or the 3 of a kind part of the full house that counts as the deciding high card. 


    I hope this makes sense but if it doesn't, please do say and I won't be offended.



  • Yes that is exactly what i was talking about, i understand the flush completely, for the full house it is the higher card number of the 3 of a kind plus the pair that wins it, say if someone had 3 treys and 2 kings and the other was 3 dueces and 2 aces the hand with 3 treys beats it, even though the 2 aces beats the kings.. i think i got it

  • Spot on Imagin.



  • Being as I exceeded the number of characters allowed in a post, I've had to continue this here.





    I'm going to keep this as simple as I can.  


    Let's assume you have 2 hearts in your hand and there are 2 hearts in the middle of the table and there is still the river card to come.  What are the chances of you hitting your flush (5 cards of the same suit) of hearts and how many outs are there?


    Assuming that all the rest of the hearts are in the rest of the deck of cards, you have 9 outs to get the flush (4 hearts are already out  - 2 in your hand and 2 on the table which leaves 9 hearts in the deck).  To calculate the odds of you getting your heart flush, multiply the number of hearts in the deck (9) by 2 and add 1 and this will give you a very very rough idea of the chances of you hitting your flush - which in this case is 9x2+1= 19%.  So you have a 19% chance of hitting your flush which is approximately a 1 in 5 chance of getting the hand that you want.  So the odds aren't that great but what if the pot was for $90 and the opponent bets $10  What are you going to do?  The size of the bet is 1/10th of the pot (including the bet of $10) which is 10% and being as you have more than a 10% chance of hitting your heart, you would be wise to call.  If the opponent bet $30, the size of the bet is 25% of the pot (including the $30 bet) which is more than the chance you have of hitting your hand.  In this case, you would be wise to fold.


    When determining your number of outs, you need to think about how many cards are in the pack that will give you the winning hand when you are drawing.  An example would be you have 10, J in your hand and there is a Q and a K on the table.  All you needs is an Ace or 9 to hit your straight.  There are 4 Aces and 4 nines which gives you 8 outs.  If your 10, J were diamonds and there were 2 diamonds on the table including the Q K, your outs increase by another 9 cards to give you the flush as well.  So you would be drawing a straight and a flush with 17 outs in total.


    I hope I've not confused you too much here but the number of outs that you have to give you a hand, are an important factor when calling bets along with the size of the bet and the size of the pot.




    Patience - The best attribute that you can take to a game of poker is patience.  Patience to wait for that special hand is not something that comes to a lot of people but if you can learn the discipline when playing poker, you will set yourself up for a fantastic experience.


    Keep calm - No point in shouting at the screen when things go wrong this only leads to "Tilt".  Being "on tilt" means getting angry in a bad beat situation.  For example if you had AA and someone calls with 23 suited and hits a straight flush - that's definitely a bad beat and is likely to make you angry.  Being on tilt will cloud your judgment and you are likely to lose all your poker chips if you go on tilt.


    Discipline - You must be disciplined if you want to win at poker.  There is no point in just calling bets when you don't have a hand or when you miss the flop.  Get rid and keep your chips for the next good hand.  Don't tilt meaning don't get angry if you are beaten or you make a mistake, tilt can lead you to throwing all your chips away the very next hand.  Learn from your mistakes and by playing and learning, you will become a better player.


    Mathematics - Try and do the maths if you can at all times.  Count the number of outs you have, multiply by two and add 1 to give you the rough percentage of your chance of hitting.  If you prefer to use a calculator, then do use it at least when you are starting out - it will help you understand what makes a good hand/position and so on.


    Knowledge - Gather as much knowledge as you can about your opponents - make notes on them where you can.  Watch their play and understand their betting patterns and their particular style of play.  




    When you play poker at ring tables, in tournaments or in a sitngo, you will pay what is known as the rake.  For example, a $1 tournament will cost you an extra 10c or 20c which is paid to the site for hosting the game for you. When you play on a ring table, every pot will have money "raked" from it by the site.  This is how they make their money.  Some sites offer rakeback which is money you get back at the beginning of every month.  An example site would be PKR.  As long as you sign up to an affiliate who is offering rakeback, you will get some of your paid rake back at the end of each month (paid at the beginning of the next month).  This is a value added bonus you can get from signing up to an affiliate and it's definitely worthwhile looking for a rakeback deal.





    What makes a good online poker site?


    Several factors make a good online poker site. The poker software itself, ease of use, lots of action, customer service, depositing and withdrawing money, the game play and graphics.  You can view the top 10 poker rooms here.


    What is the best bonus I can get when I deposit  


    When you have chosen the poker site you want to deposit at, it is worth looking at the kind of bonus they are offering that you can earn just by playing poker.  You can find a list of poker bonuses here and this will give you an idea of some of the great bonuses that are on offer.  


    I've made my deposit - why isn't the bonus in my account?


    All sites will expect you to earn your bonus by playing with your deposit and earning points. At some sites, there is a specific amount of time in which you have to earn your bonus. An example would be at Bodog Poker (USA OK) they offer 110% up to $500 bonus.  10% is an instant bonus and you have 60 days to earn the remaining 100%.  This means that you have to earn poker points to release the balance of the bonus.  You receive 3 points for every $1.00 in fees paid for tournaments and for every 100 points you earn, they will release $10 and this goes on until you have released the entire 100% bonus or the 60 days is up, whichever comes first.


    What is poker etiquette?


    It is important you understand poker etiquette as it's very easy to break the rules regarding your hand.  


    Don't discuss your folded hand whilst that particular game is still in play.  An example would be if there were three 6s on the board and you folded a 6 and two players are still playing the hand.  If you gave valuable information to the players left by disclosing you had the 4th 6, it could have dire consequences for the players left in the hand.  


    Never use bad language in the chat, or this could lead to you receiving a lengthy chat ban or being banned from the site permanently.  


    Never criticize another player.  This is one of the hardest things not to do particularly with bad beats or poor play.  


    Never mis-declare your hand during play (or even after play).  


    Never ask for help from other players as to what decision you should make.  


    Never agree to "check out" a player that is all in.  In other words, if one player is all in and there are 3 or more of you in a hand and another player says "check it down" (check to the river), just ignore it and play your hand as you normally would.


    Try not to slow down the play - it's very annoying for other players.  I have to add that you will see this a lot during tournament play when nearing the bubble.  Players with insufficient chips to pay the SB and BB, generally tend to slow down the play so they don't go out before the paid places.


    What is RNG


    RNG is Random Number Generator or basically random card generator.  It's the randomness of the card deal - a bit like shuffling the cards if you play at home.  


    Most sites use a standard RNG but there are a couple of sites that have added more "randomness" to the deal than others.  These sites are not so busy!  The first one is True Poker which is USA friendly.  The second site that has a different RNG is Real Deal Poker (no USA) who use live machines to shuffle the cards.  The dealer has the opportunity to cut the cards at this site before the deal, which adds further randomness to the cards.


    There is "cheating" software out there that can predict the cards that will fall on the table based on the RNG.  I don't advise using this because (1) you will never learn to play the game properly (2) It's cheating!


    Can online poker players cheat?


    Yes they can cheat but not specifically with the software but rather with another player.  Sadly, cheating online is a fact and the most common form of cheating is collusion.


    When two or more players collude, they are likely to be telling each other their hands either via MSN, via telephone or they could even be sitting in the same room as each other.  


    What to look for:


    Chipdumping - If one of the colluding player's chipstack is low, watch for the other colluding player "giving away their chips". Example: The two colluding players have bet so as to make everyone else fold.  By the time the river is dealt, the lower chipstack has bet all in and the higher chipstack will fold, even if the call is only say 30 chips for a 2,000 pot.  Watch for silly folds for a small price with a huge pot.  


    If you suspect there is a bit of collusion going on, watch how long it takes for each of the two players to make a decision to call or not.  The delay is likely caused by them revealing their hands to each other.


    Keep an eye on the chat.  They might even abuse each other to make it look "more real".  Watch also if they accidentally type their hand into chat rather than MSN.  


    Generally, poker cheats are not particularly good players so if you stick to the good hands, there is no reason why you shouldn't beat them.  


    If you believe two or more players are colluding, report it to the site and make sure you note the time, the tournament/sitngo number, the players names and the hand number.  Each deal has a unique identifier.  


    What does NL, PL and FL mean?


    When you are scrolling through the games in the poker lobby, you may come across NL, PL and FL.  Below is an explanation of what these mean.


    NL means No Limit - This means you can bet as much as your entire stack and there are No Limits to the amount you can bet.


    PL means Pot Limit - This means that the maximum amount you can bet is the sum of what's already in the middle of the table plus any other bets where players have called.  You cannot go all in unless the total of the chips in the middle and what has been bet by other players equals or exceeds your chip stack.


    FL means Fixed Limit - This means that if the blinds are 30, you can only raise by 30.  It's a set amount that is fixed dependent upon the cost of the blinds in the hand.


    What is Omaha


    A popular card game but not as popular as Texas Holdem.  You will see this game available (along with 5 card draw and other popular games) in most if not all poker lobbys.  


    Omaha is dealt slightly differently.  Every person at the table will have 4 cards face down and there is the usual round of betting (as with holdem).  As with holdem, there is the flop, turn and river.  The big difference is that you must use only 2 cards from your hand with any 3 cards on the table.  The advantage of having 4 cards is that you can make better hands and with that thought in mind, don't underestimate other player's hands because they can make better hands too.  If there is a pair on the board, it is likely someone has a full house or 4 of kind.  If there are 3 clubs or 3 diamonds, someone will have a flush.  


    Omaha requires different skills to Texas holdem however, these skills can be used in Texas holdem  Bearing in mind that you have to be mindful of the fact that every player has 4 cards - there are more cards out of the deck which means more "better" hands - this game will stand you in good stead to play a patient, quality game of texas holdem.


    What does R & A mean?


    R & A means Rebuy and Add-on.  Basically, if you enter a tournament that is an R & A, if you lose all  your chips, you can re-buy back into the tournament or if your chips go below the amount you started with, you can rebuy.   The R & A period is defined by the site (can be up to the first hour or up to the 6th stage of blinds or the first break).  Once the end of the rebuy period has been reached, you will have a final opportunity to "add-on" an extra stack of chips (this could be 2,500 chips but varies with site to site).  


    An example:  You start with 1500 chips in a $1 R & A tournament.  Your chips are at say 1360 and you decide to get some more chips.  You will either click on the dealer or there will be a little rebuy box that you can click on.  You [generally] have to pay the same amount as the buyin of $1 to get another 1500 chips.  Once you have done that, after the current hand has finished, your chips will be in your stack and you will have 2860 chips in total.  


    Another example:  You lose all  your chips and technically you would be out.  You will then have the opportunity to rebuy another stack of chips and you would be back in the game if you said "yes".  If you chose "no" - you would be out of the tournament and it's game over for you.




    I can add to the FAQ if anyone has a poker question that is not here.


    I welcome any feedback on this thread - if anyone wants something added, please do let me know.




  • This is just unbelievable and what an awesome thread...


    Perfect for the beginner like me.


    Thanks so much, Blue...your hard work is so appreciated!!! :-*

  • Blue i love it, excellent explaination, i have one question.. is there any exemption or allowance made that the opponent is possibly holding some hearts or is it all only conscidered towards the deck.. because that would be on my mind as well, say he could have 2 or 3 of the hearts himself.. but chances are low.. is it just straight % of what is left in deck always?

  • Blue incredible job and a lot of work. Thanks for taking the time to put this together!



  • Blue i love it, excellent explaination, i have one question.. is there any exemption or allowance made that the opponent is possibly holding some hearts or is it all only conscidered towards the deck.. because that would be on my mind as well, say he could have 2 or 3 of the hearts himself.. but chances are low.. is it just straight % of what is left in deck always?


    Thanks Imagin.


    As a rule, assume that all your "outs" or in this case, your hearts are in the deck and calculate it that way. 






  • hi blue,first off thank you for the awesome freeroll tournament at felt.Second i have never played poker a day in my life he he heeeee is there a site that gives you play money so you can learn to play? :) :D

  • Hi Rena,


    Try Full Tilt Poker which is USA friendly.  If you look in my first post you can see a picture of the lobby.  If you look at the big red cashier button on the right - just to the left of that and at the top, you can see real money and play money.  Just click on play money and you will be away.  They have a lot of freerolls too, so you can join in them as well to practice.


    Good luck.



  • I'm still working on this but if anyone has a specific "FAQ" they would like me to add, please do let me know.



  • Nice post Blue. Just joined this forum, and found your thread very interesting. Quite informative about poker game. You have explained many good types of games in a very good manner. Quite appreciable. Thanks for the post.


  • Hi garciajones,


    Welcome to latestpokerbonuses and thank you for your kind words.  It's still a work in progress and it has taken me quite a time to put together but it's nearly done.


    I'm grateful to you for your comments - it's nice to know that it is helpful/informative.


    Thanks again and glad you found us.



  • This [hopefully] helpful guide is now complete.  I can add to it if anyone has any questions they would like added.


    Good luck to all new poker players.



  • Great stuff for all of new players like me  8)  :D no seriusly good work blue it helps a lot to new players  ;)


    see ya! 8)

  • New players like you Mago!  lol.


    Seriously, thank you for your kind words.  If you can think of anything that should be added, please don't hesitate to tell me.



  • If you want to learn more about the game, it is worthwhile spending time on the free online poker training available to you.


    You can find some very interesting information HERE which details the type of training offered and where to find it.


    I'm adding to the training thread as and when I find details, so please check back often to the above thread.



  • I'm glad you pulled this thread up blue! I started to read it once, then lost track of it and did not get back to study it more...


    I learned more about outs than I ever knew and you made the explanation so simple. Thank you for the hard work you did on this thread! We need to keep it alive!



  • Thanks Katt.


    If you would like to see anything added, please just say.



  • Hey Blueday,You helps me a lot.Thanks for helping me.I love to play poker games.Your post is so amazing .I like it.Thanks for sharing it with us.



  • Spammer

  • There are really great tip and guide for online poker playing. I was searching such a this type of information. Thanks for it. I am great fan of playing poker.

  • oh my godness! this thread is marvellous!!! Finally I got to know how to play poker :) Maybe I will finally start wining :D thanks a lot!!!

  • Nice, Its very useful for online poker player to get idea and tips.Thanks for sharing this info

  • Party Poker offer a fantastic range of helpful training tools:


    New to the Game covers:


           Basic poker rules

           How a hand plays out

           Blinds and position

           Tips and advice

           Poker glossary

           Playing for real money


    Raise your Game covers:


           Strategy & tactics

           Bankroll management


           Tips and advice

    Master the Game covers:


           Poker theory

           Poker tactics

           Poker psychology


    There are also 21 Video Tutorials


    Poker Trainer


    This is a standalone application that you can use to practice your game.  Click HERE to launch it.


    Hand Analyser


    Need an instant answer as to whether you're cards are worth playing?  Us the hand analyser.  The hand analyser allows you to select two cards and it tells you the name of the hand and how good (or bad) it is.


    To find all the above information, just click on "How to Play" (the tab is along the top) and you will see all the info down the left hand side.


  • Blue, This is absolutely awesome, thank you for sharing this...This is perfect thread for new poker players....your hard work and informative thread totally appreciated...!! :D

  • Thanks casinoexclusive. 

  • This is great Blue! Not everyone is a gifted Poker player you know :)

  • This is great Blue! Not everyone is a gifted Poker player you know :)


    Thanks Lootva.  ;)

  • Wow! Nice guide!

  • Waw. Very good and useful info for every beginner! I am working at the moment with project for beginners, so as I see all you info you give very important to know. Great job!

  • OMG!! It`s so useful topic. I got this one bookmarked so I’ll be following up closely

  • Thanks 

  • sweet. this is the type of guide i needed. detailed but explained clearly. started poker last month and this guide helped shed some light. i felt like the online casinos were bogus so i thought i need to read more. i would like to try playing here after and see. 


  • Finally I found a good poker guide to send to my friends, because I am more than tired to explain them the rules every time before we start to play and this is too exhausting for me. So next time I will send them this thread and I should tell them to save it somewhere and not to ask me anymore. Me and two of my friends used to call other people to my place and play poker just with chips, no real money and when we were alone we could play online one w88. So, when someone new was coming we needed to explain them everything from the beginning...

  • On 9/1/2020 at 9:06 PM, Piersfraser said:

    Finally I found a good poker guide to send to my friends, because I am more than tired to explain them the rules every time before we start to play and this is too exhausting for me. So next time I will send them this thread and I should tell them to save it somewhere and not to ask me anymore. Me and two of my friends used to call other people to my place and play poker just with chips, no real money and when we were alone we could play online one w88. So, when someone new was coming we needed to explain them everything from the beginning...

    Is anyone here who wants to play with me?

  • OMG how much information was written by 1 person. It's like a whole team was working on it, haha. Thank you so much. This is the most useful and detailed guide I've seen. It is very clear , I say this on behalf of a person who is just beginning to learn the world of poker :)

  • Now i learned how to play casino. Its really interesting to play.

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