Ohmesohrny's Poker Blog

Last post made 6 years ago by letsplay
  • Started by
  • ohmesohrny
  • United States Hero Member 703
  • last active 7 years ago

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  • Hey Everyone,


    I'd like to introduce myself as the newest blogger at Latest Poker Bonuses. I hope to provide you with valuable and entertaining posts each week.


    You can read more about me in my first post here


    I’d like to start this post by introducing myself. I was recently signed on by Latest Poker Bonuses and I couldn’t have been more excited when I heard the news.


    I’ve been playing poker for over 13 years, online for the last 7 or so. Having heard of this site a long time ago, I always used Latest Poker Bonuses as the benchmark for what a poker website should be. I’ll admit, I was a bit nervous after being asked to provide content for their blog and the past 2 days have been spent wondering what to talk about. I wanted it to be perfect and up to the standards that have long been upheld on this site.



    I always appreciate feedback, and if you would like to have something specific covered, please post here and Ill be sure to write a post about it.



  • I'd like to add that I enjoy doing hand history reviews and talking about strategy. If you have a hand to discuss, please post it so we can go over it.



  • Awesome and welcome to LPB! I look forward to reading your blogs.

  • Hi Chris and welcome again to LPB.  Loving your blogs already and looking forward to more of the same.


    You will certainly be a huge asset to the poker section.



  • I feel so loved here  :'X



  • Welcome to LPB Chris!!! I love reading Blue's poker blog and the more bloggers the better!!  :-bd I need all the poker help I can get!!!  :-[ :-X :z

  • New post up. If you want to be succesful in poker you must learn to control your money.



  • Sound advice for new poker players and a little rant from yours truly of-course
  • Sound advice!  Great blog Chris.



  • I am not a good player at strategy games, and I'm not very good at retaining poker knowledge for more than a hand or two, but your blog is nice and full of good advice.  Good to have you on LPB!

  • Thanks for all the support! If theres a specific topic you want to discuss in my blog, please let me know

  • Latest post:


    The Top 5 Trash Talkers in Poker

    Id like to hear who you think the best trash talker is.

  • Ah Tony G at number 1.  I totally agree with you.  I watched that famous hand a couple of days ago.  An awesome move on the Russian who bit hard and lost his place. 

  • Latest post. Thanks to BlueDay for her idea about implied odds


    Implied Odds Used Correctly

  • Thanks for that.  Very useful indeed.



  • Latest post for those who are interested. Not much in the way of poker strategy, but entertaining possibly


    Buyers Remorse

  • Nice blog and some very kind words.  Thank you Chris.  I hope those headphones live up to your expectations! 


    Looking forward to your next blogs.



  • Head phones are absolutely amazing. My face lit up like a Xmas tree at Rockafeller Center the first noise that came cracking through the 20 or so speakers in each earpiece.



  • Got some rather exciting news today. I get the chance ot do an interview with Jared Tendler. He is the leading expert in tilt and the mental game of poker. He coaches some pretty good players and the interview is sure to be full of good stuff for anyone looking to overcome the mental aspects of poker.


    The interview will be this Friday, so I plan on sharing as much as I can with you in my weekend posts. If there is anything specefic you would like me to ask him, please post. Ill create a seperate thread for QandAs actually

  • Since variance seemed to be a hot topic, I went ahead and tried to shed a little more info on the subject.


    Variance-The pimple of poker

  • Talking tilt


    Not my best, but certainly not my worse


    Dont forget to ask Jared Tendler a question tomorow. Dont miss out on this opportunity. I plan on taking full advantage of it

  • If your looking for a unique way to start learning more about poker and improving your game, check out my latest post.

    Thinking Outside the Box

  • Soome news in the poker world this week. From prostitutes to tax evasion and even a little cat fighting


    Weekly Roundup

  • Ive decided to do a mini-series on 3 betting. Here is the first chapter for those interested


    3 betting episode 1

  • Simple stuff here people, but most dont apply it. In case you arent familiar wiht a good bankroll stratgey read this!

    Bankrolls made easy

  • This post is mainly for new players, but experience players may also find some good tips.

    Tips for new poker players

  • I enjoyed writing this and I think you will enjoy reading it.


    Online Poker Tells

  • Feel like whining about your next bad beat? Read this before you do


    Theres no crying in poker

  • Oooh dear you have had a rough week.  I hope you get your money back from Paypal.



  • Yep,definately a bad week for you...sorry!!


    As far  as hearing about someones' bad beat,I have no problem with that! It makes me realize I'm not alone!! ;)

  • Check this guy out he knows how to build a bankroll! Only deposited $100 and started with .50s!





  • Thanks for the kinds words everyone. My brain has a been a bit scattered lately and coming up with something to talk about was a difficult task. So, I turned a whine into hopefully something informative. But really I just like whining :)

  • There are a lot of whiners at the poker tables and I just ask them if they would like some cheese with their whine.  It usually shuts them up LOL

  • Back on track with a fresh new beat.


    Dont fear the regs

  • Hey guys and gals, sorry for my dissapearence the last few days, came down with the flu somehow, but am finally able to post  anew article.


    Floating in Hold Em

  • Welcome back.  Hope you're feeling better!

  • Lets talk Poker Stars 180 mans.


    My 180 man series starts here

  • I'm gagging to read your series of blogs on this....and putting it to the test on PokerStars.  ;)



  • So, I know this stragety is a bit strange and may sound like Im just playing a joke on you, but I assure you it works well. If you dont believe me, here are my stats for these games when I used to be able to play them.


    Here are my winnings for just the $2.20 buy ins. 91-180 $1,817. It may not seem like alot, but for a $2,20 buy in, its a good amount.


    Back on topic.


    If anyone has questions please feel free to ask and I can do my best to help clarify exactly how I play these. Im even willing to do a ghosting session on Skype if you like. Leave me a message or post on here and we can set something up if youd like.


    For now, heres my latest post on the 180s

  • Playing the short stack in 180s.
  • Shortstack continued
  • I used that very method yesterday.  I shoved all in with 5-6 off and BB called me.  They had Ace rag and I managed to hit a straight on the river and doubled up.  This was a 120 seater on 888poker (I really don't like their RNG).  I was knocked out after shoving all in with KK as small blind.  BB called with AA and I was out.  What can you do eh?



  • Just unlucky, but at least you gave yourself a chance.


    This shortstack strategy can be applied to most games. Its the early stages and playing much more aggressive that change in the 180s

  • The Big Stack Strategy
  • Learning new games in poker is just another way to start making more money



  • Burst The Bubble
  • Randomness


    Had a bit of a wierd week and that leads to a wierd post. But still informative and always enjoyable

  • The final chapter on our 180 man series
  • I enjoyed that 180 man series .  Thanks.



  • thanks Blu. i really hope it was easy to follow as I kept adding in stuff in as I would create the content. I wanted to provide as much as possible without trying to confuse anyone. If you need clarification on anything feel free to leave me a message

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