Did you get your free $25 USD in XLM? | Blockchain.info

Last post made 17 days ago by waseem69
  • Started by
  • TheAverageGuy
  • Canada Sr. Member 367
  • last active 3 years ago

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  • Blockchain.info is currently giving away free XLM coins for accounts that have completed stage 2 verification.

    if you already have a blockchain wallet and have completed basic identity verification the second step is as simple as taking a selfie in good lighting, a second selfie holding your government issued Id and then taking a clear picture of that Id (all done on Site through their verification section) 

    once stage 2 verification is confirmed visit https://www.blockchain.com/getcrypto and you’re all set. Start to finish if images are clear and legible is under 10 minutes of your time for a free $25.

    personally completed and verified this week, swapped it for btc and played a free slot session shortly after without hassle. There are some country restrictions, see site for more details.


  • thank you for that! i had 24 euros in my wallet and i didnt even know it!

  • nikos neze wrote:

    thank you for that! i had 24 euros in my wallet and i didnt even know it!

    Legitimate 'money for nothing' or as close to it as possible is a very rare thing, especially when you see "free crypto" or the like.. so I couldn't help but pass it along once I realised it was actually legit.


  • I get my identification 9 days ago, but my XLM not received, what is the provlem

  • If id was approved it should come shortly after unless the campaign has ended, dunno you’d have to contact support here and ask ;-

  • I'm asked from support, they said i'll get the my XLM in future and they said they were handing out in batches.

    But guys who verifcated accounts in last days getting the 25$ momentaly.

    I dont understand the queue of this promotion and how its work..

  • I know that if the id had to be manually verified it caused a delay for others, those who had the system instantly validate it got it shortly after, but that's just guesswork.. I don't know the inner workings of the campaign, just that I got $25 free and shared the link ;-)

  • I did my verification but they could not verify me because of poor image quality apparently, so I am retrying today to see if I can get through with my verification.


    Verification took 36 hours over the weekend to get feedback.

  • Fiekie247 wrote:

    I did my verification but they could not verify me because of poor image quality apparently, so I am retrying today to see if I can get through with my verification.


    Verification took 36 hours over the weekend to get feedback.

    yeah, my first was the same, second time I was sure to be in good lighting with clear images and was machine verified and paid in short order.

  • thanks alot for the information tho. but i wonder if it still available at the moment?

  • Yes the blockchain is still giving away XML 25.00 us I was also lucky enough they gave me 50.00 in BTC for phone interview about there new swap go sign up it's 100% legit

  • my acc, govt issue id and potrait photo already marked green just silver level+ not yet green how do i solve it?

  • I got mine a couple of weeks back but They had to value manually verify me which delayed mine claim by a month , you guys who recieved it instantly after completing the kyc requirements are super lucky , what a very generous airdrop though 

  • Have you guys seen the new where you can claim 50$ worth of stellar but its only available to US citizens who have verified thier coinbase accounts , you go to earn and learn on coinbases site and choose the stelllar course you just have to watch six very short videos about stellar and then you credited with stellar, I am really hoping they extend it to the rest of globe 

  • Hey Gambinobit,   thanks for the info.  Are you able to convert the Stellar to a different crypto if you wish to transfer it?

  • bongo wrote:

    Hey Gambinobit,   thanks for the info.  Are you able to convert the Stellar to a different crypto if you wish to transfer it?

    I am not too sure but what I can suggest is register with changely or shapeshift which allow you to instantly swap coins , changelly you can use without kyc , shapeshift you have to kyc before you allowed to swap coins for one another , otherwise you download blockchain.ifo mobile wallet or just use the web wallet they offer which allows swaps between btc, btch , ether and stellar , hope this helps Bud and oh yes atomic wallet is also a hot wallet available on mobile or desktop with 100 plus alt coins you can swap or other coins , hope this helps Bud thumbs_up

  • Okay, thanks Gambinobit.  I already use Blockchain but I might give Changelly a look.  Always like to keep up with the latest wallets, exchanges, etc. 

  • Coinbase allows cost free transfer/exchange of cryptos in the app.. dunno about the website.

  • TheAverageGuy wrote:

    Coinbase allows cost free transfer/exchange of cryptos in the app.. dunno about the website.

    That's true they do, I am really irritated with Coinbase at the moment because of all the restrictions they have placed on thier South African customers we can't exchange, buy   sell or participate in thier learn and earn programme even though SA is soon to become one of the first crypto regulated countries 

  • Gambinobit wrote:

    TheAverageGuy wrote:

    Coinbase allows cost free transfer/exchange of cryptos in the app.. dunno about the website.

    That's true they do, I am really irritated with Coinbase at the moment because of all the restrictions they have placed on thier South African customers we can't exchange, buy   sell or participate in thier learn and earn programme even though SA is soon to become one of the first crypto regulated countries 

    Buying and transfering is all I can do from Canada with them, but that's par for the course with most services of the sort, to sell I hve to go through localbitcoins.. they're more than happy to sell me all the crytpo I want though.. very kind of them.

  • TheAverageGuy wrote:

    Gambinobit wrote:

    TheAverageGuy wrote:

    Coinbase allows cost free transfer/exchange of cryptos in the app.. dunno about the website.

    That's true they do, I am really irritated with Coinbase at the moment because of all the restrictions they have placed on thier South African customers we can't exchange, buy   sell or participate in thier learn and earn programme even though SA is soon to become one of the first crypto regulated countries 

    Buying and transfering is all I can do from Canada with them, but that's par for the course with most services of the sort, to sell I hve to go through localbitcoins.. they're more than happy to sell me all the crytpo I want though.. very kind of them.

    I love localbitcoin been with them since 2014 never ever had an issue with them, I use Paxful for trades are less common on traditional exchanges like when I want to buy bitcoin with an Amazon voucher or steam key for example, I don't know if you checked our localetherium which can be connected to your metamask extension? Also localbitcoincash is also online now but both exchanges are dead when compared to localbitcoin and the trades don't really offer much value either but it's always good to see growth in these sectors 

  • Finally got my $25 yesterday after verification took 7 days. Well its free I guess

  • Fiekie247 wrote:

    Finally got my $25 yesterday after verification took 7 days. Well its free I guess

    A week!!! thats brilliant you super lucky I waited close on a month my girlfreind is fully verified and has been approved gold status and still has not gotten hers and its been a month and two weeks already , I think she might not get it 

  • Just FYI:

    The Coinbase thing is legit, I literally just did it now. You can then send the XML you get from coinbase to your Blockchain wallet - no fees!

    You just have to watch 5 short videos on what stellar is and take a quiz after each one (you can take the quiz as many times as you want) and you get $2 XML for each quiz you finish. So, free $10 in XML, basically.

    Couple of things though:

    1. You need to be a US resident

    2. Pretty sure you need to verify your account to “level 2” 

    3. You need to have gotten invite/offered to do it. That being said, I was given a referral code after doing the quizzes that’s good for up to 5 peeps, so shoot me a message if you’d like the link!

  • Actually, I’ll just put the invite link here and folks can use it if they want:

    LINK REMOVED - posting referral links is not allowed

  • My bad, sorry!

  • When they first brought this out my state was on the list of acceptance. Now when I emailed about where my XLM was after getting verified suddenly my state is no longer listed igh

  • I've been verified for well over a month now, and still haven't seen my XLM even though it says that it's "on the way!" One issue that causes problems that I know of, is when you have more than one account opened with blockchain.info - sometimes without even knowing it. There is a way to check how many accounts you have registered, but I'm not sure there is a way to delete accounts... 

  • Hey TSPONGE, I couldn't figure out how to PM you but I was wondering if you still have a referral code I could use for the coinbase XLM promotion?

  • Sent!

  • is this thing legit?

  • 100% legit. It’s a bit surprising.

  • That's nice promo..to bad I've lost my password and id key for Blockchain a few months back, probably should try restore it or at least create a new one.

  • Well I received an email today saying my account has been verified and when I logged in it said the free 25 is on its way to me? But let’s wait and see....

  • Thanks for reminding me TarynChristiane,  last time I checked, they said people from my state were not eligible.   I hope it's changed.

  • So Bongo I’m guessing you’re from South Africa aswell? I will be so upset if it’s a restricted country? But it has said my account is verified and that the free 25 is on its way? I have messaged them but no response as y

  • No Taryn, I'm actually in Florida. I looked at it today and the ad was gone. I remember earlier they said something to the effect of It isn't available in your state and they would let me know when it comes available. That's okay, I assumed it was probably a limited promotional thing anyways...Well good luck Taryn, I hope it works out for you.

  • Gggrrrrr the luck I have I won’t be able to get it. I’ve just logged in again now and it says to verify my account but when I go into settings it says it is verified. I just wish they had a live chat. I don’t have the patience for things like this:

  • I would still be cautious, getting something for nothing is usually never the case.

  • Zuga thanks for saying that because I couldn’t agree more. There has to be some kind of catch... there always is! When it’s too good to be true it normally is right? :

  • tarynchristiane wrote:

    here has to be some kind of catch.

    I would suspect so....hency the caution ... We all love free stuff but it almost never comes without strings attached.

  • zuga wrote:

    tarynchristiane wrote:

    here has to be some kind of catch.

    I would suspect so....hency the caution ... We all love free stuff but it almost never comes without strings attached.

    I would normally agree but in this case I cannot, this is actually the 2nd time Stellar has done a massive airdrop to raise awareness of theier coin, just search Google for latest airdrops, I have claimed tons of them, granted many are useless coins where they usually set up to steal your personal info but airdrops like this Stellar one is one of the premium ones, just check our airdrop alert his site is very reputable and has a high quality criteria for icos to be listed and he also lists ones to be cautious of

  • zuga wrote:

    tarynchristiane wrote:

    here has to be some kind of catch.

    I would suspect so....hency the caution ... We all love free stuff but it almost never comes without strings attached.

    The catch is, you are a guinie pig for blockchain's first airdrop campaign, a beta tester for their initial foray into establishing a "set of guiding principles that will inform blockchain airdrops" (https://blog.blockchain.com/2018/10/17/announcing-blockchain-airdrops/)

    I understand the skepticism, but I wouldn't have shared it without first having proven to myself the validity of it. Also it's not like this is some start-up exchange, fly by night new arrival on the scene or unheard of entity.. it's blockchain.. (almost 30 million wallets.. as noted in the article linked above from 2018)

    Sometimes... you can get a free lunch.. in return for being a test monkey and submitting to enhanced KYC ;-P

  • do they require your personal data though?

  • KYC - Verified mobile, Photo ID, Name, Address, D.O.B. 

  • TheAverageGuy wrote:

    zuga wrote:

    tarynchristiane wrote:

    here has to be some kind of catch.

    I would suspect so....hency the caution ... We all love free stuff but it almost never comes without strings attached.

    The catch is, you are a guinie pig for blockchain's first airdrop campaign, a beta tester for their initial foray into establishing a "set of guiding principles that will inform blockchain airdrops" (https://blog.blockchain.com/2018/10/17/announcing-blockchain-airdrops/)

    I understand the skepticism, but I wouldn't have shared it without first having proven to myself the validity of it. Also it's not like this is some start-up exchange, fly by night new arrival on the scene or unheard of entity.. it's blockchain.. (almost 30 million wallets.. as noted in the article linked above from 2018)

    Sometimes... you can get a free lunch.. in return for being a test monkey and submitting to enhanced KYC ;-P

    well said, and this is the second time Stellar has done a massive airdrop although this time through Block-chain.info wallet / exchange , also the way stellar works is that the coin kinda is a kyc it was created with the intention to work as a fiat type crypto where everyone who has any has been kyced , that's how you get stellar by verifying yourself which could be useful in terms of whenever you deposit it your identify is tied to it that's also why a alot of the newer casino tokens that are soon to be coming out use stellar so that once you purchase it and make a deposit at casino accepting the token you can immediately withdraw because the kyc has been done already check out fairium as an example 

  • My girlfirend finally got her free XLM last night after applying just over three months ago and having to verify her account the second time it finally arrived so dont stress SA members who applied for the airdrop it will come cool

  • Gambinobit wrote:

    My girlfirend finally got her free XLM last night after applying just over three months ago and having to verify her account the second time it finally arrived so dont stress SA members who applied for the airdrop it will come cool

    Similar reports appear on various forums over the last couple days, I did notice however yesterday when looking over the site that it now says that not everyone who applies will be included due to the overwhelming response to the program or something to that effect. 

    Related, but unrelated.. I read a couple people saying that when they updated their blockchain wallets to the latest release just recently their xlm showed up shortly after. Corrolation or Causation is open to speculation, I'm simply passing along the word through the grapevine ;-0


  • I finally received the free xlm but... can I play casinos with it? And which ones and how?

  • tarynchristiane wrote:

    I finally received the free xlm but... can I play casinos with it? And which ones and how?

    I swapped it to btc on blockchain and then fired it off.

    Most direx sites accept btc, as do some of the L&L brands I believe and many others I'm sure. It's as easy as copy pasting the deposit address for the casino into your wallet "send request" bing bang boom, you're cooking with gas.


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