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Articoli di Dusan - Ultimi Messaggi del Forum

Dusan Serbia 5 anni fa

Chicago deep dish pizza at Lou's up in Northbrook. Best pizza my tastebuds ever had the privilege of meeting. 
La tua pizza preferita?

Dusan Serbia 5 anni fa

Fortunately for you Boeing is losing customers left and right while Airbus is stepping up. Not only did Boeing mess up with anti stall software, but they outsourced that piece of code to contractors....
Ti senti sicuro di volare di nuovo??

Dusan Serbia 5 anni fa

I wish for... a holiday to Egypt to see the great pyramids! Wow Granted but there's 20k tourists packed around the pyramids and you get to spend 3 minutes max at the site. ^^
Esprimi un desiderio ma con una svolta

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