as i'm sure you already know, israel has resumed aggressive bombardment of gaza as of march 18th. at least 400 people have already been killed, with hundreds more wounded or buried under the rubble. on top of this, israel has also been almost completely obstructing the entry of aid for the past several weeks, and cut off power to the last functioning water desalination plant on march 9th.
it is more important than ever that those of us outside gaza do not attempt to ignore the ongoing genocide in favor of the illusion of security. any small thing you can do is better than complacency.
if you need a place to start:
- help Suad get urgent medical treatment for her baby and mother-in-law - @suad-khaled (#279 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
- help Mahmoud reunite with his family in a safe place - @supportgaza (#151 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
- help Amal take care of her daughter and provide for 20+ family members - @amalashuor (#175 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet)
- help Firas and Nisreen continue their education and support their family - @firasmuhaisenn, @nisreenameen, @helphashemfamily (verified by @/90-ghost)
you can find more campaigns to support here, here, or here, or a big (nonexhaustive) list of gazan organizations and mutual aid initiatives here. if you have the fortune of disposable income, i highly encourage you to contribute something in any of these directions. it can truly help save lives.