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Selected Publications
Matthew Amodio, Scott E. Youlten, Aarthi Venkat, Beatriz P. San Juan, Christine L. Chaffer & Smita Krishnaswamy (9, 2022) Patterns (New York, N.Y.) Dhananjay Bhaskar, Kincaid MacDonald, Oluwadamilola Fasina, Dawson Thomas, Bastian Rieck, Ian Adelstein & Smita Krishnaswamy (6, 2022) NeurIPS Daniel B. Burkhardt, Beatriz P. San Juan, John G. Lock, Smita Krishnaswamy & Christine L. Chaffer (8, 2022) Cancer Discovery Egbert Castro, Abhinav Godavarthi, Julian Rubinfien, Kevin Givechian, Dhananjay Bhaskar & Smita Krishnaswamy (9, 2022) Nature Machine Intelligence Guillaume Huguet, Daniel Sumner Magruder, Alexander Y. Tong, Oluwadamilola Fasina, Manik Kuchroo, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (6, 2022) NeurIPS Guillaume Huguet, Alexander Y. Tong, Bastian Rieck, Jessie Huang, Manik Kuchroo, Matthew Hirn, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (3, 2022) arXiv Manik Kuchroo, Jessie Huang, Patrick Wong, Jean Christophe Grenier, Dennis Shung, Alexander Y. Tong, Carolina Lucas, ..., Guy Wolf, Akiko Iwasaki & Smita Krishnaswamy (2, 2022) Nature Biotechnology Matthew Amodio, Dennis Shung, Daniel B. Burkhardt, Patrick Wong, Michael Simonov, Yu Yamamoto, David van Dijk, Francis Perry Wilson, Akiko Iwasaki & Smita Krishnaswamy (7, 2021) Patterns Dhananjay Bhaskar, Jackson Grady, Egbert Castro, Michael Perlmutter & Smita Krishnaswamy (10, 2021) IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP Daniel B. Burkhardt, Jay S. Stanley, Alexander Y. Tong, Ana Luisa Perdigoto, Scott A. Gigante, Kevan C. Herold, Guy Wolf, Antonio J. Giraldez, David van Dijk & Smita Krishnaswamy (5, 2021) Nature biotechnology MichaĆ Gerasimiuk, Dennis Shung, Alexander Y. Tong, Adrian Stanley, Michael Schultz, Jeffrey Ngu, Loren Laine, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (11, 2021) Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2021 Stefan Horoi, Jessie Huang, Bastian Rieck, Guillaume Lajoie, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (1, 2021) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Manik Kuchroo, Abhinav Godavarthi, Alexander Y. Tong, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (2021) IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP Alexander Y. Tong, Guillaume Huguet, Amine Natik, Kincaid MacDonald, Manik Kuchroo, Ronald R. Coifman, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (7, 2021) PMLR Manik Kuchroo, Marcello DiStasio, Eda Calapkulu, Maryam Ige, Amar H. Sheth, Madhvi Menon, Yu Xing, ..., Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy & Brian Palmer Hafler (1, 2021) bioRxiv William S. Chen, Nevena Zivanovic, David van Dijk, Guy Wolf, Bernd Bodenmiller & Smita Krishnaswamy (1, 2020) Nature Methods Bastian Rieck, Tristan Yates, Christian Bock, Karsten Borgwardt, Guy Wolf, Nicholas Turk-Browne & Smita Krishnaswamy (6, 2020) NeurIPS Alexander Y. Tong, David van Dijk, Jay S. Stanley, Matthew Amodio, Kristina Yim, Rebecca Muhle, James Noonan, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (2020) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Alexander Y. Tong, Jessie Huang, Guy Wolf, David van Dijk & Smita Krishnaswamy (2020) ICML Matthew Amodio, David van Dijk, Krishnan Srinivasan, William S. Chen, Hussein Mohsen, Kevin R. Moon, Allison Campbell, ..., Ruth Montgomery, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (10, 2019) Nature Methods Matthew Amodio & Smita Krishnaswamy (2, 2019) Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Kevin R. Moon, David van Dijk, Zheng Wang, Scott A. Gigante, Daniel B. Burkhardt, William S. Chen, Kristina Yim, ..., Natalia B. Ivanova, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (12, 2019) Nature Biotechnology Alexander Y. Tong, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (5, 2019) Journal of Signal Processing Systems David van Dijk, Roshan Sharma, Juozas Nainys, Kristina Yim, Pooja Kathail, Ambrose J. Carr, Cassandra Burdziak, ..., Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy & Dana Pe'er (7, 2018) Cell Ofir Lindenbaum, Jay S. Stanley, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (2018) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Jay S. Stanley, Scott A. Gigante, Guy Wolf & Smita Krishnaswamy (9, 2018) Proceedings of the 2020 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, SDM 2020