I think I’m going to think about this youtube comment forever
[id: a youtube comment by @/KM-mw3jp that reads “When I was in 7th and 8th grade we had a Sikh kid who would carry wet boba around in his pocket and throw them at people for insulting him, his religon, his culture, or other kids. I asked him about it a couple years ago and he said it’s cause his dad gave him some talk about how standing up for what’s right is part of the religon. So for two years this boy carried an open plastic bag FULL of wet boba around to throw at bullies. If it was a minor insensitive comment or a first time offence it would be one boba. If it was a big thing or a reoccurring bully it could be a bunch. He even threw boba at our substitute teacher one day because she tried to punish us because one kid was talking by making all of us do pushups. He literally went "no that’s not fair” and threw like four wet bobas at her.
Pretty sure his dad encouraged that behavior too. And to be honest, it did deter a lot of bullying and name calling.“ /end id]