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What is KLUEDO?
Welcome to this electronic document repository named KLUEDO. This server is maintained by the University Library of the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU). You can find electronic fulltexts here.

Researchers, students and other persons whose work is related to RPTU can submit publications to the archive in an accepted file format. Please use the "Publish" section if you would like to make your publication available online.
Is the publication free of charge?
Yes! Basically all publications are free of charge at the moment.
Hints for searching
  1. Enter the author’s last name first and than the first name Example: Meier, Kurt
  2. For an exact phrase search you have to put the words in quotation marks.
  3. When you use the Simple Search, all terms are combined by AND automatically. For a more tightly focused search you may use the Boolean Operators to combine different search terms. The Operators have to been written in capital letters.

    AND: The document has to contain all search terms.

    OR: The document has to contain one of the search terms. This function broadens your search and is recommended, when there are different terms for the same meaning.

    Damson OR Plum

    NOT: This function works excluding and might be useful to reduce a large result list: Documents, which contain the one term, may not contain the other.

    Damson NOT Plum

    The Boolean Operators work for the Advanced Search as well. You may use them to combine different search terms within one search field. For example, to search for documents of the author "Doe" in the years 2002 or 2003, use the query:

    Autor(s): Doe
    Jahr: 2002 OR 2003
  4. Any one character within an searchterm can be replaced by ? (question mark). For example the search Ma?er in the field autor(s) can match different spellings of Maier, Mayer etc.
  5. More characters within an searchterm can be replcaced by * (asterisk). For example the search Ma*er in the field author(s) can match the different spellings of the name Maier, Mayer, Maurer etc.
Publication of doctoral theses / habilitations
If you want to publish your doctoral thesis or habilitation on KLUEDO, please note the following.
  • PDF-Document
    To publish a doctoral thesis or habilitation only PDF-documents are accepted. Additional materials like graphics can be uploaded and published with the document.
  • Privacy Note
    It's usually prescribed in the promotion regulations that the dissertation must include a curriculum vitae. Documents published on KLUEDO are freely accessible worldwide, being indexed by search engines and are also being archived at the German National Library. We strongly recommend that you limit the vita in the electronic version of your dissertation on the scientific career. In particular, the specification of sensitive personal data (eg date of birth, marital status, etc.) should be avoided.
  • Required Fields on the cover sheet
    Yout can look at the cover sheet of the dissertations already published on KLUEDO. They meet the requirements for release on KLUEDO an have the following mandatory information on the cover sheet:
    • Depending on the affiliation of your department to the RPTU in Kaiserslautern or the RPTU in Landau:
      Identifier of the University Library in Kaiserslautern (DE-386) OR
      NO Identifier by affiliation to RPTU in Landau
    • Date of disputation
    • At least two reviewer
    • Specification for approval by the relevant department

    In cases where your department provides sample cover sheets in the doctoral regulations, these can of course be used as cover sheets.

    For data protection reasons, we advise against publishing dates of birth and other sensitive data such as private addresses.

I have some more questions - whom shall I contact?

General questions

Info-Team of the Central Library
phone: +49 (0)631 / 205-3856

Editorial specific questions

Questions to the team and the project management of KLUEDO:

Simone Merk (project management)
phone: +49 (0)631 / 205-2365
fax: +49 (0)631 / 205-2355

Kathrin Engelkamp (Library of RPTU in Kaiserslautern)
phone: +49 (0)631 / 205-3190

Anja Sehmisch (Library of RPTU in Landau)
phone: +49 (0)6341 / 280-31634

Questions related to Open Access, Creative Commons Licenses und scientific publication

Julia Heitmann-Pletsch

Questions related to the delivery of the printed version of a dissertation

Library of RPTU in Kaiserslautern
Nicole Kurpjuweit-Stengel
phone: +49 (0)631 / 205-2369

postal address:
Universitätsbibliothek Kaiserslautern
- Geschenk- und Tauschstelle -
Postfach 2040
67608 Kaiserslautern

Personal delivery:
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße, Bldg. 32
Room 327
67663 Kaiserslautern

Library of RPTU in Landau
Yuna Le Falher
phone: +49 (0)6341 / 280-31643

postal address:
Universitätsbibliothek Landau
- Erwerbung -
Fortstr. 7
76829 Landau

Personal delivery:
Fortstr. 7, Raum 001
76829 Landau

Questions related to promotion regulations

The responsible department (deanery).

Questions related to the technology

Sven Heitmann (technology)
phone: +49 (0)631 / 205-2813

Michael Neufing (technology)
phone: +49 (0)631 / 205-2269

What do I need to publish here?
Please provide the following materials to publish something here:
  • your document(s), which you want to publish
  • the copyrights for your publication
... and, well, of course you need a little bit of time to fill the publishing form.
Please ensure before publication, that you are authorized to do that. Basically you are authorized if you are are the author or creator yourself and have not given exclusive rights to a third person or company. If you published parallelly at a professional publisher or plan to do that, please ensure, that the publisher allows you to make parallel publications on the universities electronic document repository.
What's a presentation format?
Presentation format means the file, that the user can watch. The different format is the original format, which serves as data basis for the presentation format. HTML and XML are well-known formats for presentation on the internet, for electronic documents (like the ones on this repository server) the most common presentation format is PDF.
What are the requirements for my document(s)?
  • Accepted file-formats
    Your document must be a scientific document, readable with a prevalent document reader program. Currently we are accepting the following formats:
    PDF (text documents)
    BMP, JPG/JPEG, PNG, TIF/TIFF (image files)
    M4A, MP3, WAV (audio files)
    LPD, M4V, MP4, MPG/MPEG, RM, RV (video files)
    ZIP (only for additional material such as programme code)
  • No copy restrictions and other DRM
    The document must not be copy restricted or access restricted in another way. This is a requirement by the German National Library to ensure long term archivation of the document.
  • PDF metadata:

    When uploading the PDF file an automated check of the metadata is executed. Please check your PDF's metadata beforehand and continue the publishing process only if the metadata is either empty or the content is correct.

    Example of how to enter metadata:
    Document title: Dissertation about example subject
    Authors: John A. Smith
    Description/subject: Summary of content
    Keywords: subject1, subject2, subject3, subjectX

Are there restrictions on file size?
The system accepts only uploading files up to 250MB. If you want to publish larger files, please skip the file upload and carry the files on CD/DVD/Blu-ray-Disc to Tauschstelle of univerity library or send them per mail. An external drive for burning optical media can be borrowed from the Central Library in Kaiserslautern or the Library in Landau.
What do I have to consider writing my text?
You can find help to create scientific texts in a lot of sources. General hints, which formats are usable to publish online, are offered by DissOnline.

The University Library of Freiburg offers a tutorial on publishing in PDF format (in german language only).

If you want to write your work with TeX or LaTeX (this may be very useful on engineering topics with many mathematical formulas!), so you can find some interesting books about that in Katalog+ of the UB.

Format exhibitions for doctoral theses are offered by the Humboldt University of Berlin on their electronic document repository edoc.
How do I publish my work here?
Please click on the publication link on the start page.
First you are requested to choose a document type. Right beneath that you can upload your document files. Read the
legal information and guidance and confirm it by activating a checkbox. Having done so you may go to the next step. What follows now is the actual form. You have to fill in data about your publication here (so called metadata), which is used to describe your work in catalouges and other bibliographic directories. Depending on the document type, some of these fields are mandatory and therefore have to be filled in.

Mandatory fields are for example:
  • the title of your publication and the language of the title
  • the abstract of the document
  • the publication date of your document (normally the day you publish it online)
  • the language of the document (must be choosen from a list)
If you are unsure what to fill in certain form fields, you can point the cursor on a field and an explaining help text will be shown.
After you have finished the form, all data will be displayed once again for a check-up and you then have two possibilities: you can correct them if necessary or simply safe it directly.

In oder to publish your work cookies have to be enabled in your web browser.
Are there any special things to know about publishing a preprint?
Preprints are papers, which are not yet published by a professional publisher, but such a publication is planned and the publisher already accepted printing the work. Depending on the publisher there are several terms to be regarded by preprinting it. Many publishers require a link on our document repository, which references the final version on the publishers page. Please tell us when your preprint is published, so that we can accomplish the requirements of the publisher!
Special procedures for publication in a series / collection
Optionally, you can assign a document to a series or collection. Both options can be selected directly in the publication process.

If the series is not yet available for selection in the drop down menu of the publication form, please contact us by email. We will then create a new publication series.

If a document should be assigned to a series (counted) a band name is required. This name may not be chosen freely, but is given by the respective faculty. At each department deanery you can get the contact information of the person who is responsible for the allocation of the band names.

To assign a document to a collection (uncounted) no band name is required.
Cumulative dissertation
Some RPTU faculties allow so-called cumulative (publication-based) dissertations. Cumulative dissertations consist of several contributions with related content that have been published or accepted for publication in relevant scientific journals or edited volumes.
Under which conditions cumulative dissertations are permitted in a subject area is specified in the respective doctoral regulations.

If you want to publish your cumulative dissertation via KLUEDO, check the legal requirements of the individual articles.

Submitted article
  • May I publish the article as part of my dissertation?
  • Which version (preprint, postprint, publisher's version) of the article may be published?
  • Do I have to observe an embargo period?
Published article
  • May I publish the article as part of my dissertation?
  • Which version (preprint, postprint, publisher's version) of the article may be published?
  • Do I have to observe an embargo period?
Images and illustrations from publisher's publications
  • May I use my own illustration from a publisher's publication for my dissertation?
License choice for the cumulative dissertation on KLUEDO
  • Under which license may I place the dissertation?
  • Does the CC license contradict the publisher's policies?

For more information on cumulative dissertations, visit the UB website.
Retention period for dissertations with pending patent application
If your dissertation is related to a patent application, you may request that the printed copies and the electronic version of your thesis will be published by the Univerity Library after a retention period of one year.
If this is the case, please use the normal publication process of KLUEDO, but do not upload a fulltext and fill in only the metadata of your dissertation. Use the field "Note" in the section "room for notices" to write down a hint, that your publication should be delayed because of a pending patent application. After completion of the publication process you give the electonic version of your dissertation on a CD, DVD or Blu-ray-Disc along with your printed copies to the Tauschstelle. When submitting the print copies required by the respective examination regulations, we ask you to refrain from ring binding. This will cause considerable problems during installation or archiving. Please deliver your work to us in classic adhesive binding. An external drive for burning optical media can be borrowed from the Central Library in Kaiserslautern or the Library in Landau. In addition please submit the completed and signed form for a retention period (the form is only available in german language) at the same place.
For further questions you can contact the Tauschstelle.
Retention period for theses due to publishing in a journal
If you want to publish your thesis in a journal and the journal requires an embargo period, you may request that the printed copies and the electronic version of your thesis will be published by the University Library after a retention period of one year.
In this case, please use the normal publication process of KLUEDO, but do not upload a fulltext and fill in only the metadata of your dissertation. Use the field "Note" in the section "room for notices" to write down a hint, that your publication should be delayed because due to publishing in a journal. After completion of the publication process you give the electonic version of your thesis on a CD, DVD or Blu-ray-Disc along with your printed copies to the Tauschstelle. When submitting the print copies required by the respective examination regulations, we ask you to refrain from ring binding. This will cause considerable problems during installation or archiving. Please deliver your work to us in classic adhesive binding. An external drive for burning optical media can be borrowed from the Central Library in Kaiserslautern or the Library in Landau. In addition please submit the completed and signed form for a retention period (the form is only available in german language) at the same place. For further questions you can contact the Tauschstelle.
Available document types
  • (Scientific) Article
    The Document type (scientific) Article includes documents that have been published as article, editorial, register, table of contents or editorial section of a scientific journal or scientific periodical (postprint).
  • Bachelor’s Thesis
    The Document type Bachelor's Thesis refers to the lowest level of a written thesis (usually after 3 years of study).
  • Book
    The Document type Book (Monograph) is intended for classic monographic publications.
  • Book (Anthology)
    The Document type Book (Anthology) is intended for works in which essays by various authors on a topic are published.
  • Conference Object
    The Document type Conference Object includes all kinds of documents connected to a conference (conference papers, conference reports, conference lectures, contributions to conference proceedings, conference contributions, abstracts, volumes of conference contributions, conference posters).
  • Contribution to a (non-scientific) Periodical
    The Document type Contribution to (non-scientific) Periodical refers to contributions in newspapers, weekly magazines or other non-scientific periodicals.
  • Course Material
    The Document type Course Material refers to teaching material in the broadest sense, e.g. lecture recordings as video or audio files, exercise material, preparation or exam material. Lecture texts as such, however, are represented by document type Lecture.
  • Doctoral Thesis
    The Document type Doctoral Thesis refers to a scientific paper leading to a doctoral degree.
  • Habilitation
    The Document type Habilitation refers to a scientific work in Habiliation to acquire a teaching license.
  • Image
    The Document type Image refers to a non-textual visual representation. Examples are pictures of photographs of objects, paintings, prints, drawings, other images and graphics, animations and moving images, films, diagrams, maps or sheet music. This document type can be used for digital and physical objects.
  • Lecture
    The Document type Lecture includes university speeches, lectures and inaugural lectures.
  • Master’s Thesis
    The Document type Master's Thesis refers to the medium level of a written thesis and also includes written theses completed before the Bologna process for academic degrees equivalent to the current master degree (‘Magister‘, ‘Uni-Diplom‘, ‘Staatsexamen‘).
  • Misc
    The Document type Misc is intended for everything that does not fit in any of the existing document types.
  • Moving Image
    The Document type Moving Image refers to a series of visual representations that convey the impression of movement when shown sequentially. Examples are animations, films, TV shows, videos, zoetropes or the visual representation of a simulation.
  • Part of a Book
    The Document type Part of a Book (Chapter) represents documents that have been prepared within the framework of a monographic publication, such as chapters or contributions to compilations.
  • Periodical
    The Document type Periodical includes magazines or periodicals, with the metadata related to the magazine or periodical as a whole.
  • Periodical Part
    The Document type Periodical Part represents documents that have been prepared within the framework of a periodical publication.
  • Preprint
    The Document type Preprint includes preliminary scientific or technical papers that are not published in a series of an institution, but are to appear in a scientific journal or as part of a book.
  • Report
    The Document type Report includes textual material that cannot be categorized as any of the other types, e.g. reports, external research reports, internal reports, memos, statistical reports, project completion reports, technical documentations and instructions.
  • Review
    The Document type Review refers to reviews of books or article and/or summaries of a publication that have not been written by the author.
  • Sound
    The Document type Sound refers to a resource whose primary aim is to be heard, e.g. music files, audio CDs, speech and sound recordings. No differentiation is made between sounds, noise and music.
  • Study Thesis
    The Document type Study Thesis refers to textual elaborations that are prepared as part of a course of study (term papers, seminar reports, investigation and project reports) and are not categorized as thesis.
  • Working Paper
    The Document type Working Paper refers to a preliminary scientific or technical paper that is published in a series of an institution (also: Research Paper, Research Memorandum, Discussion Paper).

The description of the types of documents were largely taken from the documentation of OPUS.
(Source: OPUS 4 Manual, Version 1.4 (21.02.2011), S. 62-64)
What happens after uploading my document(s)?
We will verify your documents on functionality and formal issues. If we need more data or we have questions we will get in contact with you. If the data is valid, we will include the document in KLUEDO. Only then it will be visible in KLUEDO. If no further queries are necessary, the processing time usually takes not longer than two business days.

If your document is a dissertation, you will also receive a written confirmation for online publication. We will send the written conformation for online-publication together with the written confirmation for delivery of printed copies by internal mail directly to your appropriate deanery when the verification-process is finished. When submitting the print copies required by the respective examination regulations, we ask you to refrain from ring binding. This will cause considerable problems during installation or archiving. Please deliver your work to us in classic adhesive binding. Please upload dissertations betimes to ensure processing within the prescribed time limits.
Is it possible to integrate a tracking pixel for the remuneration at VG Wort?

No, the integration of a pixel-code from VG Wort is unfortunately technically not possible as our software does not support this function.

We can also say that even our most frequently used KLUEDO document has, according to our statistics, achieved far less than the minimum access of 1,500 full text accesses per year required by VG Wort.

As an alternative to the METIS distribution there is also the special distribution for authors, if no counting mechanisms are available. The quota overview of the last years is available online.

What's metadata?
Metadata can be defined as
  • data describing one or more resources or as
  • data associated with an object and describing it
Basically metadata is describing documents, objects or services and contains information about their content, structure or form. More abstractly metadata is a description of data or "data about data". Bibliographic data sets and catalog entries in library catalogs can be seen as a kind of metadata.

This repository is using metadata in the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (short Dublin Core (DC)) which has fifteen basic elements. Dublin Core is the result of international efforts to reach a collective consensus in describing electronic objects (in the broadest sense). The Library of Congress (LoC), the Online Cataloging Library Center (OCLC) and several national libraries are dealing with Dublin Core in many projects and are close to introduce the system respectively.

Basic help about the publication form
Describe the document you want to upload using the categories and fields on our publication form. The marked elements (sign: *) are mandatory (you have to type something there). Please describe your document as clear as possible.
If you need help with some certain elements, move the mouse pointer over the field name.
Thank you for supporting us.
If you need german umlauts and cannot find them on your keyboard, here they are to copy and paste:
ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß
Form element Document Type
This element is mandatory for every publication! It contains the type of publication, for example thesis, preprint, study paper etc. You can select a type from a list.
Use of formulas in titles and abstracts
KLUEDO uses the opensource-project MathJax to display formulas in titles and abstracts. For input of formulas use the syntax of LaTeX and escape them with \[ and \], otherwise the formula will not be displayed correctly. The formula will be displayed in a seperate paragraph. If formulas should be displayed inline with the normal text, please use \( and \) to escape the formulas. Please use inline formulas in titles.

You have disabled JavaScript in your browser. It is not possible to use MathJax for displaying formulas without the use of JavaScript. The formulas will be shown in the syntax of LaTeX.
You can test the formula output here. Change the text in the input field and then click "generate formula-output".

test environment for formula representation on KLUEDO Formula-input (text to input in the publish form):

This input generates the following output

Formula-output (representation of the formula in the published document):
You can display formulas like \( c^2 = a^2 + b^2 \) inline with the normal text or multiline formulas in a seperate paragraph: \[ F_\alpha(x) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(2n-1)^n} {n \Phi(n + 2\alpha - 1)}{\left({\frac{2x}{3}}\right)}^{2(n + 1) + \alpha} \] Your abstract will then be continued below the formula.
The ORCID-ID is absolutely not mandatory for publishing in KLUEDO and it is not necessary to create one especially for this purpose. But if you have one you are invited to type it in the appropriate field. Please enter the ORCID-ID as follows: NNNN-NNNN-NNNN-NNNN (example: 0000-0002-8793-7925). It will be displayed in KLUEDO as a link and will lead directly to ORCID.
In most cases this is no problem. Please ensure in any case, if your publisher allows a parallel publication! To do that you can use the SHERPA/ROMEO list.
For this repository the multiple publication on different webservers is no problem. But you have to verify, if your publisher authorizes parallel publishing. Some publishers have special requirements like setting a link to the publishers fulltext on the open access server.
You can find information about the publisher's handling of online-publications in the Sherpa/Romeo-list.
Please tell us in any case if your work is published by a third person or publisher and that the publication on this repository is a parallel publication. Then we will add a link and/or a reference to the (printed or anywhere else published) ressource.
Information on the appropriate use and citation of electronic documents
Copyright law allows you to use citations in scientific papers (§ 51 Copyright Act). The source of the citation must however in all cases be clearly acknowledged (§ 63 Copyright Act). This rule applies to both printed and electronic publications. The citation guide of the Technical University of Munich provides information about how to cite references correctly, citation styles and the elements of good academic writing. It also offers examples for various types of electronic documents. For further information on copyright please refer to the publication "Urheberrecht in der Wissenschaft".
8 facts you should know about open access
The information about open access is only available in german:
  1. Alle fachrelevanten Open Access-Zeitschriften finden Sie im DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals.
  2. Sie können nicht nur in Open Access-Zeitschriften, sondern auch in Open Access-Archiven und -Repositorien publizieren. Diese Archive, darunter auch der Kaiserslauterner und Landauer Dokumentenserver KLUEDO, sind gelistet im ROAR - Registry of Open Access Repositories und im DOAR - Directory of Open Access Repositories.
  3. Das Einspielen eines Artikels in ein solches Archiv dauert in der Regel nur einige wenige Minuten, testen Sie dies auf dem Kaiserslauterner und Landauer Dokumentenserver KLUEDO.
  4. Die meisten Verlage gestatten ihren Autorinnen und Autoren inzwischen paralleles Open Access-Publizieren auf Hochschulservern. Prüfen Sie, ob auch Ihr Verlag diese Form des "self archiving" erlaubt. Informationen darüber, wie die Verlage zu einer parallelen Online-Publikation stehen, finden sich im Sherpa/Romeo-Verzeichnis.
  5. Auch wenn die Autorin bzw. der Autor bereits das ausschließliche Nutzungsrecht an einen Verlag abgegeben hat, kann sie/er unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen von ihrem/seinem Zweitveröffentlichungsrecht (Urheberrechtsgesetz § 38 (4)) Gebrauch machen.
  6. Immer weniger Verlage lehnen einen Artikel zur Veröffentlichung ab ("Ingelfinger Rule"), nur weil dieser bereits auf einem Hochschulserver publiziert wurde.
  7. Open Access publizierte Artikel erreichen ein größeres Publikum als in teueren Fachzeitschriften publizierte Artikel und steigern damit den begehrten Impact Factor Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit.
  8. Open Access schützt Urheberrecht, denn wer die eigene Arbeit frühzeitig Open Access publiziert, dokumentiert wesentlich rascher seine geistige Urheberschaft als dies im Falle herkömmlicher Publikationsprozesse möglich ist, die sich oft monate-, wenn nicht jahrelang hinziehen.
Setzen auch Sie das Open Access-Prinzip um und publizieren Sie (parallel) auf dem Dokumentenserver Ihrer Hochschule - KLUEDO!
This document server is based on the repository software OPUS 4.8. OPUS is documented here:
The information published here is collected with care, but does not guarantee to be current, absolutely correct or complete. All services free of charge are non-binding. The maintainer reserves the right to change, add or terminate certain services or parts of them without explicit notification. The maintainer of this service is not liable for contents of foreign pages, which are accessible via a hyperlink. The hyperlinks used in this service are collected with reasonable care. The maintainer cannot influence the current or future contents for foreign pages. So the maintainer is not liable for the contents of those pages and does not usurp it. Only the maintainer of the external pages is liable for illegal, deficient or non-complete contents as for damages, which may occur by using or not-using his information. The liability of the person who makes a hyperlink to that page is excluded. The copyright for the documents on this server always remain with the authors. The University Library endevours to use self-made or licence-free texts and graphics designing their web services. All trademarks and material copyrighted by third parties mentioned in our texts are under the laws and rules of the corresponding current property rights of the owner.
Terms and conditions
The bibliographic data (Metadata) on KLUEDO are freely accessible. In terms of Open Access copyright owners may authorize third parties to use their documents for additional purposes. The specifically indicated rights of use for each document (as denoted under "Licence") and the German copyright law (UrhG) apply. The users of the repository are obligated to comply with them.