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캐논볼 8000 (240x320)

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캐논볼 8000 (240x320) 자바 게임

Join the adventurous Cannonball 8000 race. Select one of the 5 characters and race through 8 levels in 4 different countries of Europe. After each day of racing, you and the other participants will check into a luxurious hotel. Here you can challenge each other in different mini games where the loser will get a time penalty and the winner will gain bonus time. All characters have different skills for each challenge. The higher your skill is compared to the opponent, the easier the challenge will be. When racing you must avoid the traffic and get through each stage as fast as possible. You must be careful not to run out of fuel. When your fuel-bar is low, drive onto a refueling zone to refuel. If you run out of fuel, your car will drive at reduced speed. The police are keeping an eye on the race, so try to avoid their attention.If they start to chase you, you must keep up your speed or they will catch you. The more times you lose the police, the harder it will be to escape them. Your opponents are taking different routes to the destination, but you can track them by their markers on the road and on the progress bar. Sabotage Challenge: This challenge is split into two phases. In the first phase, you and your opponent mess up each others car engines by scrambling the pieces. In the second phase, you compete to be the first to repair your own engines. Use your controls to move pieces into empty field. The one who finishes first wins. Navigation Challenge: You and your opponent compete to be the first to navigate your cars through the destination areas marked with flags. You are each given one arrow at the time to place on the playing field. When you have placed an arrow, you get a new one. When a car drives over an arrow, the car turns in the arrow's direction. You can either use your arrows to guide your own car or misguide your opponent's car. You control the blue car and your opponent controls the orange car. The destination you must reach next is marked with a blue flag. The one who reaches the two destinations first wins. Stamina Challenge: Drink more energy drinks than your opponent within the given time without getting the shakes. Each time, you drink an energy drink, your drink-o-meter goes up. When you drink while your drink-o-meter is above the line, there's a chance that you'll pass out. If you wait until it is below the line, you can safety drink another ebergy drink. But you may need to take some chances to keep up with your opponent. The one who drinks most energy drinks within the given time wins. If someone passes out, the other player wins. You play best out of 3. Hustle Challenge: Ten cards are placed on a board. You'll be given some time to memorize their locations. Afterwards you are challenged to pick out one card at a time. You must pick it before your opponent. Each time three cards have been picked, the blanked is lifted and you are given another chance to memorize the remaining cards. The one who picks the most cards win.

Cannonball 8000

정보 정보

등급 및 리뷰 (110)


검토 요약

100%등급 점수. 이 게임을 위해 작성된 110 리뷰.


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