Etruscan mythology facts for kids
Etruscan god Typhon.
The Etruscans were people in Central Italy who became part of Rome. Many of the Gods below became part of the Roman pantheon.
Very little Etruscan writing has survived: Only two short, incomplete texts, and some grave inscriptions (writing on stone). No-one can read or write the Etruscan language very well now. Roman people wrote about the Etruscans but what they wrote is now lost.
The main three gods were Tinia, Uni and Menrva.
List of Etruscan mythological figures
Name | Information | |
Achle | in legend he is a hero of the Trojan War, from the Greek Achilles. | |
Aita | Also Eita. God of the underworld and ruler of the dead, like the Greek Hades and Greco-Roman Pluto. | |
Aivas | Also Eivas or Evas. Etruscan name for the Greek heroes Ajax, son of Telamon and Ajax, son of Oileus. | |
Alpan | Also Apanu. A goddess of love and one of the Lasas, and a ruler of the underworld. maybe the same as the Greek goddess Persephone. | |
Ani | God of the sky who lived in the highest level of the heavens. He name may be linked to the Roman god Janus. His female counterpart (similar person) was Ana. | |
Aplu | Also Apulu. Thunder and lightning god, often painted in art with a staff and laurel branches. He came from the Greek god Apollo. | ' |
Artume | Also Aritimi, Artumes or Artames. Goddess of the night, the moon, and death, as well as nature, forests, and fertility. She was similar to the Greek goddess Artemis. | ' |
Atunis | Also Atuns. The Etruscan name for the life-death-rebirth deity Adonis and Turan's partner. | |
Cautha | Also Cath or Catha. A sun goddess, and the daughter of the sun. She was also a goddess of beginnings and the dawn, and was also shown rising from the ocean. | ' |
Cel | Also Cilens or Celens. Earth god, same as the Greek Gaia. named either Ati Cel ("Father Earth") or Apa Cel ("Mother Earth"). | |
Charontes | A type of demon, mabye his name is linked to Charon. | |
Charun | Also Karun. A demon who tortured dead souls in the underworld, as well as the guardian of the entrance to the underworld. He was often painted as a blue monster with a vulture's nose, pointed ears, red hair, and feathered wings, and killed people with a hammer, or sometimes an axe. He was also sometimes painted as a man with red hair and a beard. He was the same as the Greek God Charon. | |
Culsans | God of doors and doorways, same as the two-faced Roman god Janus. | |
Culsu | Also Cul. A female underworld demon who liked gateways. Her often had a torch and scissors. She was often painted next to Culsans. | |
Easun | same as the Greek legendary hero Jason. | |
Evan | God of personal immortality and one of the Lasas. Not the same as to the common Celtic and Hebrew names Evan. | |
Februus | God of the dead and purification. He was also worshipped by the Romans in the Februalia festival, which was held at the same time as the Lupercalia in honor of Faun. As a result, Faun and Februus were often thought of as the same god by the Romans. The month of February was also named after him by the Romans, and the Roman god of malaria, Febris, may have come from Februus. | |
Feronia | A little known rural goddess mainly known from Roman cults who worshipped her. | |
Fufluns | Also Puphluns. God of plant life, happiness, health, and growth in all things. He was the son of Semia and was worshipped in the Fufluna or Pupluna, which the Romans called the Populonia. He was worshipped by the Romans, but soon replaced by other Italian fertility gods. He may have been the same as Bacchus (Dionysus) under the name Pacha. | |
Hercle | Also Herc or Horacle. same as the legendary Greek hero Heracles and the Romans hero Hercules. Strength and water. The difference between the Greek and Roman names for this figure is because of the Etruscan power over the Romans. | ' |
Horta | Goddess of farming and agriculture. | |
Laran | God of war. In art, he was usually painted as a young man with a helmet and spear. Laran's partner was the love goddess Turan, same as the relationship of Ares, the deity from the Greek pantheon who Laran would later be the same as, and Aphrodite, the person who tarun was the same as. Laran also became the same as his companion, Veive | |
Lasa | Plural Lasas. The gods and goddesses who were with Turan, goddess of love, and were guardians of graves. | |
Lasa Vecu | Goddess of prophecy, liked the nymph Vegoia. | |
Leinth | Faceless goddess who waited at the gates of the underworld with Aita. | |
Lethans | Also Letham. Protector goddess of the underworld. | |
Losna | Also Lusna. Moon goddess, liked the ocean and tides. She is probably similar to the Greek goddess Leucothea. | |
Mania | Goddess of the dead in Etruscan and Roman mythology. not the same as the Greek goddess of insanity, Mania. She ruled with Mantus and was the mother of the Lares, Manes, ghosts, and other spirits of the night. | |
Mantus | God of the underworld and husband of Mania in both Etruscan and Roman mythology. They liked the city of Mantua, which may have got its name from Mantus. | ' |
Maris | God of farming and fertility, and a savior God. | |
Menrva | Also Menarva. Goddess of wisdom, war, art, schools, and commerce (trade and money). Same as the Greek Athena and Roman Minerva. Like Athena, Menrva was born from the head of her father, Tinia. Menrva, Tinia and Uni were the three ruling gods. Menrva did not like men; she thought that a man was a woman inside and should not be allowed to be a "man". | |
Nethuns | God of wells, was later the god of all water, including the sea. He was the same as the Greek Poseidon and Roman Neptune. The name Nethuns is likely be similar to Celtic god Nechtan and the Persian and Vedic gods sharing the name Apam Napat. | |
Nortia | Goddess of fate and chance. she liked a nail to be put into a wall in her temple during the Etruscan new year festival as a fertility rite. | |
Persipnei | Also Ferspnai. Queen of the underworld, esame as the Greek Persephone and Roman Proserpina. | |
Satres | God of time and necessity. painted as an old man carrying a sickle and an hourglass. same as the Roman god Saturn. | |
Selvans | Also Selva. Woodlands god same as the Roman god Silvanus and similar to the Greek Silenus. | |
Semla | Earth goddess and mother of Fufluns. maybe similar to the Greek goddess Semele. | |
Sethlans | Also Velchans. God of fire and the forge, often carrying an axe. Same as the Greek Hephaestus and Roman Vulcan. | |
Tages | Also Tarchies. God of wisdom. He was often at ploughing-time and taught the Etruscans divination. He is either the son or grandson of Jove, or he was born from freshly-plowed earth. He was painted as having two snakes for legs, and some people said that he was a daemon. | |
Taitle | Etruscan equivalent of the Greek Daedalus. | |
Tarchon | An Etruscan hero who, with his brother, Tyrrhenus, founded the Etruscan Federation of twelve cities. | |
Tecum | God of the lucomenes, or rulers. | |
Thalna | Goddess of childbirth and wife of Tinia. She was painted in art as a young woman. | |
Thesan | Goddess of the dawn. She was similar to the Roman Aurora and Greek Eos. | |
Thethlumth | God of fate and the underworld. | |
Thufltha | Or Thuflthas. A fury, She punished people for Tinia. | |
Tinia | Shortened to Tins. Main Etruscan god, the ruler of the skies, husband of Uni, and father of Hercle. similar to the Greek Zeus and Roman Jupiter. | |
Tiv | Or Tivr. Moon God, Mabye similar to German Tyr. | |
Tluscva | The two earth deities Tellus and Tellumo. | |
Tuchulcha | Female demon of the underworld. She was part human and part donkey and had hair made of snakes and a vulture's beak. | |
Turan | Goddess of love and healthy life and protector of the Etruscan city of Vulci. She was usually painted as a young winged girl in art. Pigeons and black swans were her sacred animals, and the Lasas looked after her. She was also the wife of Maris. She was similar to the Greek Aphrodite and Roman Venus. | |
Turms | God of trade and merchandise, and messenger of the gods. One form of him, Turns Aitas, was the leader of the dead. often painted with winged shoes and a herald's hat, very similar to Hermes and Mercury. | |
Tvath | Goddess of resurrection and love for the dead, similar to the Greek Demeter. | |
Tyrrhenus | An Etruscan hero and twin brother of Tarchon. | |
Uni | Main goddess of the Etruscan pantheon, wife of Tinia, mother of Hercle, and protector of Perugia. With Tinia and Menrva, she was one of the three main Gods. Uni was the same as the Roman Juno, whose name Uni may be derived from, and the Greek Hera. | |
Usil | Sun god, equivalent of the Greek Helios. | |
Vanth | Underworld demoness with eyed wings. She was the all-knowing messenger of death. She helped ill people who were dying, and breathed in good demons. In later times, she ws like justice. In art, she was painted with snakes, torches and keys. | ' |
Veive | God of revenge and a friend of Maris. In art, he was painted as a young man holding a laurel wreath and some arrows, standing next to a goat. | |
Veltha | Also Voltumna. The earth god, who later became the main Etruscan god. He was the protector of the Etruscans. His cult was mainly in Volsini. He was the same as the Roman seasonal god Vertumnus. | |
Vetis | Underworld god of death and destruction. | |
Vicare | Son of Taitle, came from the Greek Icarus. |
Images for kids
Rare Etruscan fanu located at Orvieto.
The Mars of Todi, a life-sized Etruscan bronze sculpture of a soldier making a votive offering, most likely to Laran, the Etruscan god of war, late 5th to early 4th century BC
Funerary home at Banditaccia with couches
Sarcophagus from Siena
See also
In Spanish: Mitología etrusca para niños
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Etruscan mythology Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia.