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    Dr. Sylvia Asmus, Director, German Exile Archive 1933-1945, German National Library, Frankfurt am Main

    Prof. Dr. Hartmut Berghoff, Professor of Social and Economic History, University of Göttingen

    Dr. Henning Borggräfe, Director of Cologne’s National Socialism Documentation Center

    Prof. Dr. Jörg Deventer, Deputy Director, Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture - Simon Dubnow, Leipzig

    Dr. Annette Haller †, Executive Director, Germania Judaica e. V., Cologne

    Dr. Rachel Heuberger, Judaica Europeana/ Director, Hebraica- und Judaica-Sammlung in the University Library J.C. Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main

    Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hohls, Co-editor of Clio-online e.V. and H-Soz-Kult

    Jenny Kotte, Section Head, “Religious Matters”, Staatsarchiv Hamburg

    Prof. Dr. Simone Lässig, Director, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC, and Working Group, Digital History

    Harald Lordick, Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History, Essen, DARIAH-DE

    Dr. Aubrey Pomerance, Director, Archive of the Leo Baeck Instituts, Jüdisches Museum Berlin

    Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rürup †, Prof. Emeritus of Modern History, Technical University Berlin

    Prof. Dr. Angelika Schaser, Professor, Department of History, University of Hamburg

    Stefan Wilbricht, KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme, project “Documentation Center denk.mal Hannoverscher Bahnhof”

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