Johannes Raggam
I do the web with Python, Plone, Pyramid, Javascript. I love Open Source / Free Software and believe in the power of collaborative work.
Graz / Austria
Following (25)
macagua Leonardo J. Caballero G. |
gebi Michael Gebetsroither |
veit Veit Schiele |
pysailor Wolfgang Thomas |
myroslav Myroslav Opyr |
loechel Alexander Loechel |
encolpe Encolpe DEGOUTE |
vangheem Nathan Van Gheem |
calvinhp Calvin Hendryx-Parker |
href Denis Krienbühl |
Followers (20)
frapell Franco Pellegrini |
magdalenkaj Magdalena Jorszczyk |
macagua Leonardo J. Caballero G. |
vangheem Nathan Van Gheem |
jaybrueder Jürgen Brüder |
gebi Michael Gebetsroither |
encolpe Encolpe DEGOUTE |
loechel Alexander Loechel |
myroslav Myroslav Opyr |
Browse others (14)
beecorrea Bianca Corrêa |
neatanaklisale Ratkov Anisiy |
hazeldame Hazel Dame |
yannisdelmas Yannis Delmas |
typinc jeremy |
aemosu mosu jumong |