Veit Schiele
Veit Schiele is founder and CEO of the Cusy GmbH, a hosting platform for privacy-compliant development tools. For many years he is truly committed to the development and operation of software, that meet the highest standards of privacy and security.
Following (48)
volkerjaenisch Volker Jaenisch |
scy Tim Weber |
mitsuhiko Armin Ronacher |
cdw9 Chrissy Wainwright |
cmaureir Cristián Maureira-Fredes |
widerin Daniel Widerin |
robzonenet Rob Porter |
deeplook Dinu Gherman |
hynek Hynek Schlawack |
pauleveritt Paul Everitt |
Followers (32)
laetitea Laetitea Halin |
hlecyr Alex lambert |
sly0551482337 |
lorenzo_w Lorenzo Williams |
laszlomaria Sara Feher |
darrickrhine Darrick Rhine |
rbarth Valeri Marquardt |
aypumpin Ayomikun Ella |
chrisvroome |
Browse others (14)
respinha Rui Espinha Ribeiro |
yfvham Charles Todd |
michelaquino Michel Aquino |
luis_jimenez take the cannoli |
krs2vgn Kristo |
amoldovan Andras (Andrew) Moldovan |
epsilondelta Simon Meinhard |
techpeace Matt Buck |