
I try really hard to make my content as easy as possible for you to get. I'm a firm believer that readers shouldn't have to go hunting for content; instead, bloggers like me should make the content available so you can consume it in a way that makes sense for you.

With that in mind, I publish my content in a number of places:

RSS feed

Of course this site has an RSS feed; because I think that's very important. I have a few different feeds for various post types on this site.


Every one has an email addres, right? And not everyone uses RSS, in fact, many people don't. So I thought it would be a good idea to allow you to subscribe via email too, if you wish.

This isn't a newsletter - I'm not that hip. This service literally just regurjitates any new posts from my RSS feed to an email. You won't get any spam, literally just my posts in their entirety, whenever I publish them.

All my emails contain an unsubscribe link in the footer, and like everything else on this site, there's absolutely no tracking. If you want to subscribe via email, here's a handy-dandy form:

The Fediverse (Mastodon)

Links to everything I write on this blog tend to be published on my Mastodon account too.

I will publish posts about other topics on my Mastodon account too, as it's my main social space on the Internet.

Follow me on Mastodon