Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Minister of Finance
Dr. Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita *
Minister of Industry
I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati
Minister of Women Empowerment
Dr. (H.C.) Suharso Monoarfa
Minister of National Development Planning/ Head of Bappenas
Wimboh Santoso, PhD *
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority
Dr. Bambang Susantono
Vice-President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Mark Kenber
CEO of Climate Advisers UK and the Managing Director of Orbitas
Shailesh Telang *
Technical Manager-Renewable Energy, CDP
Dr. Surya Tjandra
Deputy Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/ National Land Agency
Alue Dohong, PhD
Vice Minister of Environmental and Forestry at Ministery of Environmental and Forestry
Febrio Kacaribu, PhD
Head of Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance
Dr. (H.C.) Hasto Wardoyo
Head of BKKBN
John Riady
CEO, PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk
Agus P. Sari
CEO, Landscape Indonesia
Lamon Rutten
CEO Indonesia Commodity & Derivatives Exchange
Batara Sianturi
CEO, Citi Indonesia
Debby Alishinta
Chairperson, IBCWE Board of Trustees
Arya Damar
President Director, Lintasarta
Shinta Kamdani
President, IBCSD
Edwin Syahruzad
President Director, PT SMI
Febriany Eddy
CEO & President Director, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk
Azis Armand
Vice President Director and Group CEO of PT Indika Energy Tbk
Agus Sandy Widyanto
Chief Strategy Officer, Star Energy Geothermal
Ahmad Yuniarto
President Director, Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Toto Nugroho Pranatyasto
President Director, PT Industri Baterai Indonesia
Fitrian Ardiansyah
Chairperson, Yayasan IDH (The Sustainable Trade Initiative)
Bustar Maitar
Founder and CEO, EcoNusa Foundation
Felia Salim
Ambassador of Food and Land Use Coalition
Masyita Crystallin, PhD
Special Advisor to the Minister Finance
Ali Jamil Harahap, PhD *
Director General of Plantations, Ministry of Agriculture
Dr. Medrilzam
Director for Environmental Affairs, National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)
Dr. Dhian Probhoyekti *
Director of Public Health Nutrition Ministry of Health
Dyah Roro Esti
Commission VII, DPR RI
Eri Cahyadi
Mayor of Surabaya
Hendrar Prihadi
Mayor of Semarang
Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, PhD
Deputy of Economy Bappenas
Muhammad Rifai Darus
Spokesman for the Governor of Papua
Prof Dr Charlie Danny Heatubun
Head of the Regional Research and Development Agency of West Papua Province
Coordinator of Papua Desk, Ministry of National Development Planning
Darmawan Prasodjo, PhD
Vice President Director, PT PLN (Persero)
Vera Galuh Sugijanto
Vice President General Secretary, Danone Indonesia
Kunardy Lie
Corporate Banking Director, PT. Bank DBS Indonesia
Maya Juwita
Executive Director, IBCWE
Dr. Tri Nugroho
Program Director, MFP4
Amos Wong
Senior Engineer, 3M
Tanah Sullivan
Group Head of Sustainability, GoTo
Ratih Anggraeni
Head of Climate & Water Stewardship, Danone Indonesia
Chief Operating Officer, PT. Hyundai Motors Indonesia
Agus Purnomo
Managing Director, Sustainability and Strategic Stakeholder Engagement, Sinar Mas Agribusiness & Food
Nurdiana Darus
Head of Corporate Affairs & Sustainability, PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk
Antonius Marcos
Director & Corporate Secretary PT Indocement Tbk
Brahmantya S. Poerwadi
Corporate Secretary, PT Pertamina (Persero)
Nurulloh Priyo Sembodo
VP Corporate Banking 6 Bank Mandiri
Ajar Edi *
Director of Corporate Affaris Microsoft Indonesia
Bob Saril
Director of Commerce and Customer Management, PT PLN (Persero)
Andrie Darusman
Communications & Daya Head, PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Ripy Mangkoesoebroto
P&C Director, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
Mohamad Bijaksana Junerosano
Founder dan Managing Director, Waste4Change
Alam Surya Putra
Deputy Director of Environmental Government Unit, The Asia Foundation
Khafidz Nasrullah
Founder and CEO, Nares Essential Oils
Robbi Zidna Ilman
Chief Production Officer & Co-Founder, MYCL
Jezzie Setiawan
CEO & Co-Founder GandengTangan
Etih Suryatin
Partnership Director, Sekolah Seniman Pangan
Nelson Pomalingo
Board of LTKL, Regent of Gorontalo
Sonny Mumbunan, PhD
dr. Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam
Head of Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia
Adek Media Roza
Head of Katadata Insights Center