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Rhode Island

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Rhode Island
Flag of Rhode Island State seal of Rhode Island
Flag of Rhode Island Seal
Julukan: The Ocean State, Little Rhody
Motto: Hope
[[Image:|center|Map of the United States with Rhode Island highlighted]]
Basa resmi none (de facto Basa Inggris)
Démonim Rhode Islander
Ibukutha Providence
Kutha paling gedhé Providence
Area  Ranking 50th ing AS
 - Total 1.545 sq mi
(4.001 km²)
 - Jembar 37 miles (60 km)
 - Dawa 48 miles (77 km)
 - % banyu 32,4
 - Garis lintang 41° 09' N to 42° 01' N
 - Garis bujur 71° 07' W to 71° 53' W
Populasi  Rangking 43rd ing AS
 - Total 1.048.319
 - Kapadhetan 691,0/sq mi 
387,35/km² (2nd in the US)
 - Titik paling dhuwur Jerimoth Hill[1]
812 ft  (247 m)
 - Mean 200 ft  (60 m)
 - Titik paling cendhèk Samodra Atlantik[1]
0 ft  (0 m)
Mlebu Union  29 Mèi 1790 (13th)
Gubernur Donald Carcieri (R)
Lètnan Gubernur Elizabeth H. Roberts (D)
Senator Jack Reed (D)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D)
Delegasi Konggrès List
Zona wektu Eastern: UTC-5/-4
Cekakan RI US-RI
Situs web
Cthetan: * Total jembar ing acres
kira-kira padha karo 776,957 acres (3,144 km2)

Rhode Island (IPA: /roʊd 'aɪlɪnd/), kanthi resmi jenengé State of Rhode Island,[2] iku praja Amérika Sarékat sing paling cilik dhéwé (jembar wewengkoné)

Sanadyan praja iki jenengé Rhode "Island" utawa pulo Rhode, nanging sapérangan gedhé tltatahé dumunung ana ing dharatan Amérika Lor. Providence Plantations tegesé tlatah dharatan, déné Rhode Island sajatiné jeneng resmi saka Pulo Aquidneck (saiki dumadi saka kutha Newport, lan Middletown lan Portsmouth).[3]


[besut | besut sumber]
  1. a b "Elevations and Distances in the United States". U.S Geological Survey. 29 April 2005. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 1 June 2008. Dibukak ing 7 November 2006.
  2. "Constitution of the State of Rhode Island". State of Rhode Island General Assembly. Dibukak ing 2021-09-09.
  3. Archived 2013-01-17 at the Wayback Machine. accessed 27 Fèbruari 2007


[besut | besut sumber]

Sumber utama

[besut | besut sumber]

Sumber sèkundhèr

[besut | besut sumber]
  • Adams, James Truslow. The Founding of New England (1921)
  • Adams, James Truslow. Revolutionary New England, 1691–1776 (1923)
  • Adams, James Truslow. New England in the Republic, 1776–1850 (1926)
  • Andrews, Charles M. The Fathers of New England: A Chronicle of the Puritan Commonwealths (1919). short survey by leading scholar.
  • Axtell, James, ed. The American People in Colonial New England (1973), new social history
  • Brewer, Daniel Chauncey. Conquest of New England by the Immigrant (1926).
  • Coleman, Peter J. The Transformation of Rhode Island, 1790–1860 (1963)
  • Conforti, Joseph A. Imagining New England: Explorations of Regional Identity from the Pilgrims to the Mid-Twentieth Century (2001)
  • Dennison, George M. The Dorr War: Republicanism on Trial, 1831–1861 (1976)
  • Hall, Donald, ed. Encyclopedia of New England (2005)
  • Karlsen, Carol F. The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England (1998)
  • Lovejoy, David S. Rhode Island Politics and the American Revolution, 1760–1776 (1969)]
  • McLaughlin, William. Rhode Island: A Bicentennial History (1976)
  • Palfrey, John Gorham. History of New England (5 vol 1859–90)
  • Slavery in the North - Slavery in Rhode Island [1]
  • Sletcher, Michael. New England. (2004).
  • Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright. Nelson W. Aldrich, a Leader in American Politics (1930).
  • WPA. Guide to Rhode Island (1939).
  • Zimmerman, Joseph F. The New England Town Meeting: Democracy in Action. (1999)

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[besut | besut sumber]