![MPLAB Xpress Evaluation Board](/imgt/2016/04/MPLAB-Xpress-Evaluation-Board_t.jpg)
Today’s Gadget is a development board developed by Microchip designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the MPLAB Xpress Cloud-based IDE. This board comes with an 8-bit PIC16F18855, one USB port, LEDs, one pushbutton and one potentiometer. The MCU pins …
Today I’m going to talk about a development board made by STMicroelectronics that works with the mbed development platform. In terms of features this board is part of a family of boards that STMicroelectronics has developed and that only …
Today’s Gadget is a board that was created with the aim of promoting the taste for programming among the young people and that had a campaign of Kickstarter. It is a small board called CodeBug. This board has the …
![Logic Analyser](/imgt/2015/07/Logic_Analyser_t.jpg)
A Logical Analyzer is an electronic test equipment that captures and displays the activity of digital signals over a period of time. Typically this activity is presented in the form of a voltage versus time graph and is used to …
![LCR - T3 - TransistorTester with AVR microcontroller](/imgt/2015/05/Gadget_1_lcr_t3_t.jpg)
Today the Gadget analyzed is a device that allows to recognize electronically the characteristics of some types of electronic components. Any hobbyist knows that identifying components that are retrieved from junk can be difficult. The Internet helps in locating component …
![Espruino Pico](/imgt/2015/05/Gadget_1_espruino_full_logo_t.jpg)
Today I am going to talk about Espruino Pico. Espruino Pico is the evolution of Espruino in a USB format. The Kickstarter campaign is over and I already got the gadget. Created by Gordon Williams this gadget allows one to …