Life 4 Mobile
Life 4 MobileJavaゲーム
N95 s60v3Life4Mobile is a simulation game for mobile phones that is just as absorbing as it is simple. It is a version of the 'Game of Life' (or simply 'Life') developed in 1970 by the british mathematician John Horton Conway. Since then, Life has been delighting countless people and inspired them to ever new experiments and ideas. Originally it was designed to simulate life processes under simplified conditions but allows many more serious and playful possibilites.
There is no actual destination of the game; playing it is rather about creating an initial population and to observe its development over time. You can't win or lose, either - the way is the goal!
Today's mobile phones provide as much memory and CPU power as a desktop computer not too long ago. So Smart4Mobile as the expert for intelligent mobile software now has developed Life4Mobile, the first full-value Life game for mobile phones. 情報 情報
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