NewPipe Android アプリ
A lightweight, powerful Youtube clientNewPipe is a Youtube client that doesn't use any libraries that are dependent on Google's framework or on any Youtube API. The application is limited to analyzing Youtube itself in order to obtain needed information. This basically means that you can use this app on ANY device, even the ones that don't have Google Services installed.
The best part about NewPipe, however, isn't being able to use it without Google Services: it's everything else. Like its small size (barely 2 megabytes) and other features, like the possibility of listening to videos while they play in the background, or even downloading them. In fact, you can either download the video or just the audio.
In NewPipe's configuration options, you can choose your preferred resolution (360p by default). You can also link up an external video or audio player in order to play your videos. And, of course, you can choose the directory where you want to save all of your downloaded video and audio files. Another really interesting option lets you force all the traffic through Tor.
NewPipe is an outstanding YouTube client that lets you download Youtube videos with total privacy. The best part is that it lets you stream music in the background and do practically anything you can do with the official client.
Reviewed by Andrés López
Translated by Localization Team
Android 5.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Does NewPipe have ads?
No, NewPipe doesn't have ads. The app's revenue comes from donations from its users. Even the YouTube videos are ad-free, so you can watch them without interruptions.
Is NewPipe safe?
Yes, NewPipe is a safe app. On , you scan all your files with VirusTotal and check out the report. NewPipe is also secure. It doesn't ask for or store personal data and is open source, so you can confirm this on your own.
Can I use NewPipe on my Android TV?
Yes, you can use NewPipe on your Android TV without any issues. Since can also be used on Android TV, you can download the APK directly to your TV in a snap.
How do I download a YouTube video with NewPipe?
To download a YouTube video with NewPipe, just search for the video in the app's browser, open it, tap the download button with the arrow under the player, then follow the instructions. 情報 情報
評価とレビュー (0)
Xiaomi Market
844K | ダウンローダ -
TapTap Global
8M | ダウンローダ
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