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Games Tagged with "trading"

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Categories: android, demo, game, mobile, rating-g, roksoft, scifi, simulation, strategy, tablet, trading, turnbased

This game is rated :D for content, click through for an explanation
Space Trading Profiteer You are just one human in a race against eight aliens for monetary dominance. The Ferengi game, Tongo? Or just RokSoft's mobile game of turn-based strategy in the trading of goods (and services)? In Space Trading Profiteer, it's your job to trade and transport your way to the number one spot as you fight to earn 1 million Chings. Only the best can survive with the losers forever in debt to the nasty loan sharks.

Black Market (Beta) You'll be put in the space shoes of Vincent Wake, a greenhorn to the whole inter-planetary trading thing. Luckily, you'll both have the dubious guidance of Hardgrove, a man who lives inside Vincent's eye-patch (or rather I-Patch). Black Market's gameplay is at its most basic a resource trading simulation. You can smuggle illegal items if you want, but there's always a chance your cargo might get searched as you're docking. That's the least of your worries, though. A far bigger threat are the pirates that roam the trade routes.

Tradewinds: Odyssey As one of six mythical heroes, each with their own set of goals, sail off in search of treasure and your place in history in ancient Greece. Discover legendary cities, meet interesting people . . . and pound the snot out of them for your own financial gain. It's a thankless job, being a hero.

Tradewinds Caravans In Sandlot's newest addition to the Tradewinds series, Tradewinds Caravans, experience the excitement and derring-do of a merchant's life, without the boredom and general unpleasantness that would tend to come with the real thing. In this loose, fantastical simulation of a merchant's life circa 100 BC, you will explore the silk road, fight your way through swarms of bandits, and uncover the unique story of the character you choose.

Caravaneer What do you get when you put Global Warming, Peak Oil, Nuclear War and good old-fashioned oligarchy in a blender? You get Fallout meets Elite a browser! Caravaneer is a game by Dmitry Zheltobriukhov that has you playing a caravan leader in a post-apocalyptic desert, trading goods from town to town while fending off hungry raiders. It's got turn-based tactical fighting, strategic economic decision-making, and a political storyline! Tactics, economics and politics!


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