App Android
Gestione File (File Manager)
Gestione File (File Manager) Android App
File Manager - ☁️ nuvola di file del browser ? trasferimento file app ?File Manager: The ultimate file explorer & app manager for file transfers, document management, and file storage
★ Custom Colors
Personalize your experience and make organization a breeze with new custom colors
★ Storage Analysis
Easily view what takes up the most storage on your device
★ Cloud Storage
Access Google Drive & Google Storage, Dropbox, and One Drive
★ Phone Manager
Transfer content, copy/paste, compress, unzip, delete, and move files, as well as extracting ZIP, RAR, BIN, TAR & APK files between local drive, external storage and cloud storage
★ External File Manager
Access files, storage backup and USB Flash Drive manager
★ Audio Manager
File manager for .mp3 files & ringtone manager
★ App Manager
Delete apps & manage app storage
View Storage at a Glance:
Get a visual breakdown of used storage across apps and file categories (Photos, Downloads, Music, etc.), as well as available storage and cached files
Access Files & Manage Storage:
The powerful file explorer makes it easy to access downloads, copy/paste files, delete files, transfer files, backup files, show hidden files and compress files
Storage Manager:
Save space by deleting files with our disk cleaner and extract compressed files or transfer compressed files in ZIP, RAR, APK, TAR, BIN, and TBZ formats. File Manager saves files to USB flash drive (microSD) with on the go (OTG), delete files, share files, and transfer files
File Manager and File Viewer for Cloud Storage:
Transfer and delete Google Drive, Dropbox, and One Drive (Skydrive)
File Transfer & On The Go Support:
Access files on microSD, complete a large file transfer and backup a file, folder, or directory on usb flash drive. File Manager will transfer content between internal storage, USB flash drive, and cloud storage
Audio Player:
Listen to & manage your mp3 files, music, and ringtones on File Manager
Delete Apps & Clean Storage:
Free up disk storage, monitor app usage, and delete apps in one place with App Manager
Recommended Apps for File Manager
PDF Viewer: PDF Viewer & Book Reader - Apps on Google Play
For Root Access:
Root Check: Root Check - Apps on Google Play
Root Browser File Manager: Root Browser - Apps on Google Play
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Onavo Count
7K | Files -
67K | Files
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Le app possono essere scaricate da Samsung, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, LG, Xiaomi, Lenovo, ZTE e altri telefoni cellulari con sistema operativo Android.