App Android
Headfone: Premium Audio Dramas
Headfone: Premium Audio Dramas Android App
Listen to Premium Audio Dramas - Romance, Self-Help, Thriller & Horror.Headfone is an audio drama application that helps you experience the world of stories. Listen to stories on love, relationships, horror, thriller, mystery, and more.
Simply plug in your headphones, close your eyes and discover a new world of unlimited possibilities.
What you'll love about Headfone:
★ Make your life productive by listening to audio dramas while going through life as usual.
★ Fill your travel with stories on love, romance and relationships
★ Challenge yourself at night with horror stories
★ Leave all the worldly stresses behind and prepare for a good night's sleep
★ Find a companion in the characters of the stories to escape the loneliness
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Il servizio di app Android è fornito da PHONEKY ed è gratuito al 100%!
Le app possono essere scaricate da Samsung, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, LG, Xiaomi, Lenovo, ZTE e altri telefoni cellulari con sistema operativo Android.