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Sunday, May 13, 2012



One has to go through a period of fasting from sunrise to sunset for numerous days. Upon breaking the fast, you are allowed only to eat vegetarian prepared meals that have been prepared by yourself. No food that had a soul may be eaten. This rule needs to be followed for a successful evocation. The reason why a vegetarian diet is required is because the body needs to be de-toxified of any spiritual impurities. This also helps in meditation and the invocation of Angelic assistance. Without the invocation of Angelic
assistance, the operator's life is exposed to great danger without question. If you look at various medieval grimoires, you will see a similar fasting regime which attributes to the same principle.

Retreat (Chilla)

The operator has to retreat into isolation. This basically means you need to shut yourself into a room where no one is allowed. This can range from a few days to a full 40 day retreat for complex Jinn evocations. The room is thoroughly cleaned with no furniture etc.
Constantly incense is burned and rose water is sprinkled in the four corners. This room becomes the operator's temple where he/she prays and meditates. Ultimately it is here in this room that the Jinn is called. The operator can open a window for ventilation. Once into the spiritual retreat there is minimal sleep. Around the clock various mantras are recited and constant forgiveness is asked from the Divine. If one has to sleep then this has to be done while in a
sitting position. Clothing must be clean always while in retreat and Holy washes are performed numerous times during the day. Again various incense attributes to various types of evocation. To summon a normal Jinn you would use a particular type of incense but for a Jinn King it would be completely different.

Lunar Calender

Jinn evocation is done on selected months of the Arabic lunar calender. Certain months are not suitable for evocation especially the month of Ramadan which is the Holy Month of Muslims. To try and summon a Jinn in the Holy Month of Ramadan is sucidal. Muslim Jinns
like Muslim humans also fast and pray, and to be summoned at this time leads to grave danger with even the possibility of loss of life. Also, an evocation is prohibited on a Thursday night as again for Muslim Jinns and humans, Thursday night is a special night for prayers leading upto to the Friday Prayer. I can speak from experience as I was present in a similar situation and I am just about here to tell my tale.

The Actual Night of The Ritual

All Jinn evocation is done a night and in complete darkness. Jinn as a rule do not like any light and thus the room needs to be in pitch black with curtains closed. No light should enter the room what so ever. The operator must erect a circle of protection. The circle can be drawn with chalk on the ground but due to modern day carpeting
the circle may also be sketched on canvas and then placed on the ground. Selected Koranic Verses are written around the circle perimiter. Various amulets of protection are also written within the circle. The amulets are in the form of Kameas (squares with numbers in Arabic). Magical diagrams and Angelic scripts are also written in various positions within the circle. Incense is burnt within the
circle of protection, the censor is positioned towards the east.

The operator enters the circle of protection and using a dagger, recites various mantras and closes the circle by tracing the outer perimeter. The outter perimiter is sprinkled with iron fillings as Jinn fear iron. The operator inscribes various symbols on his/her forehead and arms for added protection. For the final protection phase, the operator wears a protective vest inscribed with Koranic
Verses. The only weapon that is needed if the circle is broken is the dagger. Operator may utilise the dagger in defense if attacked.

A prayer mat is placed on a chair and in turn the chair is
positioned in the eastern side of the room outside the circle. The chair is placed there for the Jinn to sit on if the Jinn wishes.
Fresh flowers, specially roses of various colours are placed next to the chair in a vase. Rose petals are also thrown outside the circle in vast quantities. The operator starts reciting the mantras in complete darkness. The mantras are repeated in 1000s of cycles again and again. A piece of small cloth soaked in mustard oil with Kamea inscriptions is burnt on the censor. Without question, the room will
be filled with various presences. Although it is completely dark, the operator will be able to see these as most of them will be crowded around the circle, howling and shouting to the operator to stop the ritual. They will try and break into the circle but the will, faith and courage of the operator needs to be strong and he/she must not stop the recitation of the mantras until the full cycle is completed. This is the ultimate test of courage. The dagger at this point is clutched in the hands incase there is a breach. The whole room will be in complete pandemonium. If the circle is broken then be prepared to have a physical fight.

Once the cycle of repetition is completed, the howling stops and a tall bodily figure can be seen either standing or sitting on the chair. The figure glows in brilliant yellow/red light and it is recommended not to look directly at it as severe damage can be done to the eyes because of the intensity of the light. The Jinn will not be a happy one as it has been forced to come against its wishes. Be prepared to face an angry Jinn at this point. After making peace usually the Jinn calms down for you to have a conversation etc.
Sometimes if you are unlucky you might find a Jinn which is
extremely stubborn and violent natured that won't give up without a struggle. Again in this situation, one recites various mantras for constraints. This can take minutes to several hours depending upon the resistance. A conversation takes place and finally the Jinn is asked for a secret name which it reluctantly gives to the operator so when this name is whispered it arrives instantaneously for future evocations. Once the objective is met, the Jinn is released and thanked for its arrival. It is then asked to depart peacfully. The Jinn may not want to leave thus poweful mantras for banishing is performed. Once the Jinn leaves the room comes back to its normal state. The operator does not leave the circle until a closing ritual
is performed for his/her safety. The entire ritual from start to finish can last upto several hours and is extremely energy draining. The mental and physical stress is so demanding, for days afterwards the operator feels he/she is sufferring from severe bodily aches and pains. Before retiring to bed and whilst leaving the house for the next 21 days, various mantras are recited for the operator's protection. If the operator forgets to do this then they may be open for a Jinn attack whick can lead to ultimate death in worst scenarios. People that involve themselves in Jinn evocation have their lives changed completely. There is no turning back. You have to follow strict rules as a slight deviation and you are subject to serious injuries.   


  1. Salamu Aleykum, i have to talk to you, this is my email:

    1. Contact them at their Facebook page! They reply there!

    2. WHATS IS their Facebook page NAME

  2. Thanks i did it... really hard..

  3. 7 Days Kashf (Clairvoyance) Ring

    The ring will allow you to become fully clairvoyant after 7 days. You will see ghosts, jinns, hamzaad, muwakkils, other parts of the world. Whatever you want to see will appear in front of you. Like you are sitting in one part of the world and want to see another part, you will be able to do that.

    Now this is a powerful ability and is rare. There are probably fake sellers out there. But with our products you will not be disappointed.

    If you are interested in purchasing or have any questions, please dont hesitate and contact me anytime.



    1. Can't reach you... This is my email

    2. I want to purchase a jinn item but a lot of the items are fake

  4. People that are looking for a spirit/Khodam/Muwakil/djinn companion I would recommend this website as many of my friends and myself have purchased from the website after many months of research I have found are real Genuine Person But I must warn you he's very picky to who his entities go to you must email him and ask about purchasing a entity as he does not advertise this as mostly private clients purchase from him entities I hope everyone can benefit from this.

  5. Angels cannot be summoned and if an entity depicts such scenario; then you are being fooled by that entity, because it is jinn in disguise. No believer of God should attempt to summon jinns, or practice the occult because it leads to associating partners with God. You cannot summon a jinn king, I believe only few selected powerful elite individuals are in receipt of that knowledge; however I am sure you can summon less powerful jinns to mid powerful jinns; remember there are 3 kinds:

    1. Less powerful is the the one that depicts a snake which roams about and cannot fly

    2. Mid powerful is the one that depicts a dog which roams freely around the earth on the ground and air

    3. Top Powerful is the one that depicts a bird which can roam around the earth on the ground and flying AND it can roam up to a certain point in the universe; these are aware of specific star constellations and have appeared as gods to our ancient civilizations

    all 3 can shapeshift into any form they desire, and it is dangerous to voluntarily summon jinns, because they will betray you always.

    It is not too late to repent to God, but once death reaches you it will be too late; may Allah bless you and guide you to the right path

  6. What is your final advice for me? Am highly indebted can I try summoning the jinn or better let it go? Thanks.

  7. this is not HARM brothers and sisters here my proof the proof is form the holy qur"an

    here the some extra proof for muslims who fallow allah and the holy qur"an ameen we are allowed to use the jinn

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is playing Allah. astagfirullah you are getting guided to Shaytan. May Allah guide you to the right path

  9. This is playing Allah. astagfirullah you are getting guided to Shaytan. May Allah guide you to the right path

  10. This is not a total guide to summoning Jinn. The diet/fast lasts 41 days and it is forbidden to eat onions, garlic and anything of spice. The diet is called a light fast and it is a tough & bland 41 days.

    Also the prayer circle is not covered in this quick guide either. I do not recommend summoning Jinn unless you know exactly what you are doing. This information is family based and few outsiders have the proper techniques for safety. In fact many experienced conjurers have been attacked.

    1. hello can you please guide me i am struggling with summoning Jinn.can you give your email-id.

  11. Please what are the Magical diagrams and Angelic scripts

  12. How do i know if this jinn is good or bad?

  13. I would like to learn more...I believe I have one with me when it has been protecting me.It has kept me safe is a shapeshifter. It has never allowed me to come to harm....I have been trying to talk to it ...can anyone advise me as to how to communicate with it.

    1. i'm here bcus i want to know how to talk to that entity too, i can only felt it but couldn't hear or see it at all... it hurts me bcus i wanted to communicate with it.

  14. I would like too talk with you befor i call my jinn for it's service

    1. I have a physical problem... I see a cure in my dreams.... But I cant reach it... I cant use my jin, can u please help me with your... Immeadiate help please... Email????

  15. Enter your comment...hey... Can you help me get what I need with your jinn? Any WhatsApp number???

  16. What are the mantras can you please tell me. Can you give me more informationa in detail?

  17. contact me on anything you need

  18. If you are interested in any sirru or invoking روقياءيل. He is a sheikh, he will teach you so many things.

  19. Replies
    1. Its all lies you lot are so dam gullible and clueless aha

  20. People actually believe this garbage hahahaha

  21. Please how do i summon a muslim jinni
